Pre-AP Chemistry


Mrs. Fox

Scott County High School

Classroom Policies and Procedures

The following topics were covered with your child during class:

Attendance/Make-Up Procedure

Class Materials

Extra Help/Tutoring Opportunities

Classroom Expectations


Additional Information

Please review the attached information with your child, sign the top sheet and return it to the teacher.

You will be able to access your child’s grade online anytime on the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.

Parent Signature______

Student Signature______


Please list any health concerns ______

Welcome to Pre-AP Chemistry with Mrs. Fox

Pre AP Chemistry

Scott County High School

863-4131, ext. 1471


Course Description: Pre-APChemistry is a first year chemistry course designed to meet the needs of the student who plans on continuing on in AP Chemistry or eventually taking a college chemistry class.Students must be willing to take notes, work cooperatively as well as independently, think critically, and participate regularly and actively. You will be challenged this year. Prepare to work hard and give your best effort, and you will succeed!

Classroom Rules:

1) Be respectful – to the teacher, yourself, and others.

2)Be responsible – collectively and individually in classroom

3)Be prepared – calculator, pen, pencil, paper, and notebook

4)Be punctual – to class everyday

5)Be cooperative – with classmates, group members, teacher, etc.

Course Content: The following units will be covered in each course. Objectives for each unit will be provided at the start of each unit. Units may be combined into one exam.

Unit 1: Math and MeasurementUnit 10: Chemical Equations

Unit 2: Matter Classification & Graphing Calculator TechniquesUnit 11: Stoichiometry

Unit 3: Atomic StructureUnit 12: Gas Laws

Unit 4: The Modern AtomUnit 13: Solutions

Unit 5: PeriodicityUnit 14: Electrochemistry

Unit 6: BondingUnit 15: General Equilibrium

Unit 7: Molecular StructureUnit 16: Acid/Base Equilibrium

Unit 8: Chemical NomenclatureUnit 17: Thermochemistry

Unit 9: Chemical CalculationsUnit 18: Kinetics and Nuclear

Textbook: Prentice Hall, Chemistry

Required Materials: 1) A 1-inch 3-ring binder 2) Paper 3) Pens / pencils (Pencils are to be used for all mathematical calculations) 4) Calculator (graphing preferred, but scientific is acceptable) 5) $10.00 lab fee 6) Other Materials: Guys – box of tissue, Girls – 2 rolls paper towels

Grading: Your grade will be determined on the scale:

Major Grades (Tests, Major Projects, etc.)------40%

Daily Work (Daily Assignments, Quizzes)------30%



Homework: Homework will not be graded individually in this course although it will be assigned regularly. The day homework is due a key will be posted. The homework will be checked for completion and weekly credit will be given. Extra credit points can be earned on a quiz by completing all homework assignments. If homework is not done, the quizzes and tests will be impossible!!!!

Assignments: A tentative calendar will be issued every unit with all assignments, quizzes, and tests listed. It is the students’ responsibility to keep up with the calendar and anything listed on it. Any changes that need to be made to the calendar will be announced in class.

Make-up Work: Make-up assignments must be turned in within 48 hours of absence and labs must be made up within 1 week. Any incomplete work will at that point result in a zero. If there are extenuating circumstances, the student must individually approach the instructor and make other arrangements. Ultimately, it is the students’ responsibility to get the make-up work completed quickly.

Students will also be responsible to take any quiz or test scheduled on the day they return from an absence if no new material was covered in regards to that quiz/test. Students who actually miss quizzes and tests need to expect to make them up the day they return either before school, in class, or after school.

Tardiness: You will be counted tardy if you are not in the room when the bell rings. I am an instructor who takes tardiness seriously and makes no exceptions. If you are tardy you will need an admit slip from the tardy station or a note from the teacher that kept you.

Lab Discipline: This is covered on a separate sheet of rules. Any repeated violation will result in removal from lab with no make-up possibility. Safety in lab is most important.

Website: Assignments will be posted during 6th hour daily to my online classroom. I expect you to use the online classroom to get missed assignments and notes when absent. You need to print off what you missed, hole punch, and place in your folder with the appropriate date.

Hall Passes: I will permit students to use hall passes at my convenience. Excess use of hall passes will cause your privileges to be revoked. You must sign out before you leave the room in order that I know where you have gone in case of a fire drill or other emergency.

Cheating/Plagiarism: Cheating is a serious violation. Copying homework, plagiarizing published work, and copying from another student’s quiz or test are all examples of cheating. Any student who engages in any of these behaviors will receive a zero for the assignment in which he/she cheated. I will also call home and possibly pursue disciplinary action in these situations.