Finals and Awards Ceremony:
Talent and Innovation Competition in the Americas and Eco-Challenge 2014
June 1-2, 2014–Asuncion, Paraguay
Convention Hall in the Central Bank of Paraguay
Sunday, June 1
09:00 – 09:30Registration
09:30 - 10:00Openning of TIC Americas and TIC Paraguay (speakers)
• Roberto Urbieta, President, Fundacion Amcham Paraguay*
• Ana Luba Yakusik, Director, Incubadora de Empresas de la Universidad Nacional de Asuncion*
• Lorena Mendez, Vice-Minister, Industry and Trade Ministry of Paraguay
• Valerie Lorena, Executive Director, Young Americas Business Trust
10:00 - 10:30Inaugural Visit to the Expo
Judges, local and international authorities, special guests and the media will attend to TIC Americas Expo
The Expo will remain open to the public for the rest of the day
10:30 - 12:30Evaluations: Talent and Innovation Category (Economic and Social Innovation)
12:30 - 14:00Lunch break
14:00 - 15:00Evaluations: Category TIC Paraguay
15:00 - 16:00 Plenary Session: Social Innovation and Sustainability
Moderated by:Luis Viguria, Chief Executive Director, Young Americas Business Trust
• Roberto Urbieta, President, Fundacion Amcham Paraguay*
• Juan Pablo Gutierrez, Make it Work, Argentina*
• Cesar Parga, Director, Secretariat for Integral Development
16:00 - 17:00 Elevator Pitch – Presentacion de Proyectos a expertos e inversionistas
Moderated by: Ana Maria Torres, TIC Americas Coordinator, Young Americas Business Trust
17:00-18:00Official Visit of the OAS Assistant Secretary General to TIC Americas Expo
18:00-19:00Official Opening Ceremony
• Ambassador Albert Ramdin, Assistant Secretary General, OAS*
• H.E. Elisa Ruiz Diaz Barreiro, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Paraguay to the OAS*
• Marcelo Soto, Ministry of Youth, National Secretary for the Youth in Paraguay *
• Luis Viguria, Chief Executive Director, Young Americas Business Trust
• PepsiCo Representative*
Monday, June 2
09:00-09:45Formal Openning of Eco-Challenge Category for TIC Americas(speakers)
• Gabriela de la Garza, Sustainability Manager, PepsiCo
• Rosa Maria de Frade, Corporate Affairs Director, CBC*
- Sherry Tross, ExecutiveSecretary, Executive Secretariat for Integral Development, SEDI/OAS
- Luis Viguria, Chief Executive Officer, Young Americas Business Trust
09:45-10:45Youth Dialogue
Moderated by:Valerie Lorena,Executive Director, Young Americas Business Trust
Marcelo Soto, Ministry of Youth, National Secretary for the Youth in Paraguay
10:45-11:00Visit to the Expo
Judges, local and international authorities, special guests and the media will attend to TIC Americas Expo
The Expo will remain open to the public for the rest of the day
11:00 -13:00Evaluations: Category Eco-Challenge
12:45-14:00Lunch Break
12:00-13:30Private Lunch – Eco-Challenge finalists with Pepsico and CBC representatives
14:00 -15:00Evaluations: Category Eco-Challenge
15:00 -16:00Round-table: “Entrepreneurship, Youth, and Economic Development”
Moderated by: Valerie Lorena,Executive Director, Young Americas Business Trust
• Ana Luba Yakusik, Director, Business Incubator of Universidad Nacional de Asuncion*
• Eliav Benjamin, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Israel*
• Juan Carlos Franco, Bogota Emprende, Chamber of Commerce of Bogota*
16:00 -17:00Round-table: “Volunteering as a tool for Development”
Moderated by: Valerie Lorena,Executive Director, Young Americas Business Trust
• Marcelo Soto, Ministerof Youth, National Youth Secretariat of Paraguay*
17:00-17:30Official Visit of the OASSecretary General to TIC Americas Expo
17:30-18:30 Closing Ceremony and TIC Americas 2014 Awards: Talent and Innovation and Eco-Challenge
• H.E. José Miguel Insulza, Secretary General, OAS*
• Eladio Loizaga, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Paraguay*
• Luis Montoya, President, Pepsico Latin America*
• Roy Thomasson, Founder and Chair of Board of Directors, Young Americas Business Trust
Awards TIC Americas, Eco-Challenge and TIC Paraguay 2014
• TIC Paraguay ( 1 award)
• Eco-Challenge 2014 ( 3awards- PepsiCo)
• Eco-Challenge Central America 2014 (1 award- CBC)*
• Talent and Innovation 2014
- Social Innovation – OAS SEDI (1 award)
- Economic Innovation – OAS SRE (1 award)
Closing remarks
• Luis Viguria, Chief Executive Officer, Young Americas Business Trust
18:30-21:00Reception and Celebration of YABT’s XV Anniversary
*to be confirmed.