This is a transcript of a diary that Lizzie Mae Davis wrote during a visit from Ottawa, Kansas to Bellmore, Indiana. She departed on this trip May 10, 1894. On the inside cover is listed 1. Sat—Uncle Qame (this doesn’t match anything that I know of), 2. Ditto marks under Sat and Uncle then Hobert, and then 3. Ditto marks under Sat and no name, then $25, then Davis – Lizzie Mae, Matilda Jane. Elizabeth – Bitsy Bit.

The next page is headed May 10 – 1894, Lizzie Davis, (Ottawa, Kansas) and then Bellmore Ind.

Left Ottawa Thurs May 10 at 2:40 P.M. arrived in Kansas City at 5:05 – left K.C. at 8:25 – on the Chicago and Alton RR and arrived in St Louis at (about)7 AM. Left St Louis at 8:10 – arrived in Terra Haute at 12:42 – Left Terra Haute at 4 and arrived in Rockville at 5:05 May 11th.

May 11 –1894

Arrived in Rockville at 5 o’clock and found Aunt Phebe and Uncle Ike, Uncle Sam and Liz. Branson there to meet ma. I surprised them as they were not expecting me and Uncle Sam said he would be even with me before I went home. Liz and Ma rode in the buggy and Uncle, Aunt, myself & trunk in the back.

Grandma was at Uncles and after a jubilant time and good supper we retired.

Sat May 12.

I’m still bewildered. North seems like West etc. Cousin Linda and Ellis and their neighbors came before dinner. Heard Ma was there before they arrived. They praised my work of “art.” I gave Linda one of the spools from silkirlle. Aunt Cin came in the evening and afterwards she and Ollie took us to Uncle Willard Jerome’s. We there saw Bert, lately married and Ed. I was feeling very badly so didn’t sleep much until 1 o’clock.

Sun May 13.

Ed came to Uncles also his brother in law Mr Call and Mr Tom Mater. Later Ollie came and I went to Otterbein with her. Met Squire Crooks, Rose and Hamilton Jeffires, Bertha & Hamilin and several others. Went back to Uncle Ikes for dinner. Uncle Hob, Aunt Sarah, Laura, Bardie Uncle Willard Aunt Ellen, Will & Florence Smith Geo & Clo Branson were there for dinner. Later Uncle Sam & Aunt Mary came and Lawrence Blake. I wrote home and retired early.

Mon May 14

I did our washing in connection with Aunts and ironed before dinner. It was looking like rain so after dinner while Uncle took us to Aunt Cin Hamiltons. There met Dr Peare at supper, said he didn’t usually look so tough but he’d been faint. Said he saw me four years ago at Pisga Church. I helped Aunt with the dishes and talked to Uncle Sam a short time.

Tues May 15

Aunt Phebe came soon after breakfast and we went to Uncle Sam’s. Looked like rain so Aunt went back home soon after dinner and Squire and I went to Yellow Springs got a lot of ferns and rocks and after our return I curled his hair and my own then we went to Bellmore. I paid Dr Peare for Ma’s medicine. He was trying to keep cool. I think said he looked tougher than he did the night before that he had been working in the garden that day.

Squire plays the guitar real well had a fine time

Wed May 16

Aunt Mary & Uncle Sam bro’t us to Uncle Hobs but as they had taken their wool to Rockville. Bardie came with us to Uncle Thomps. Had a lively time as usual. Mr Frank Thomas is working for Uncle Thomp and keeps company with Amy Blake. Uncle Perry Wimmer, Bert and Uncle Thomp were grading the road or lane.

Thurs May 17

Uncle Thomp and Aunt Cin went to Uncle Hobs for dinner. We girls did up the work. Bardie & I sent a letter to Charlie. Aunt & Uncle went home we went to the barn. Had some views from the hay mow window went to Sulpher Spring. All thru Mr Harlens old house, and to Uncle Hob’s sugar camp. Drove home the cows had supper and a heavy rain.

Fri May 18

Ma went to Aunt Lila’s, Aunt Mary & Sarah, Laura, Bardie and I went to Bridgeton. Aunt got a new hat. All took dinner with John Crooks. Has just been married three weeks ago. Went to Elmer Welch’s store. Got weighed – 122 ½. Had a little talk with John and some fun with Elmer. I just had my thin Waisle on & cape and nearly froze coming home. We sang told stories etc to keep warm. Composed a sequal to “the cat came back” Went to Aunt Lila’s all night. There was Mrs Holbert Davis. She had girls of her own. She had a niece from Kans. Who would never play at home. She tried every thing she knew to keep the girls away Even took em down to Bridgeton and she told me for to stay. But the girls came back. The very same day the girls came back. Tho’s they were all goners But the girls came back for they couldn’t stay away

Frost tonight.

Sat May 19 –

Bert bro’t us to Uncle Thomps in their new buggy. After dinner I drove to Uncle Ike’s after our heavy dresses. Ollie came back with me. Mailed a letter to Emma, Willie & Nellie & Myra. Rained nearly all day. Uncle took us to Dunkard meeting at night. The text “Come and follow Me.” Very cold and raining.

Sun May 20

Rained nearly all day. The dunkard preacher from Ladoga preached again in the morning and evening. Saw lots of people at church. Uncle Jim and Aunt India, Mary Ritchison Thurman and Husband and the minister came to dinner. Hamlin was coming but had company. Uncle Thomp and I went to meeting at night. When O went in sat down with Ollie & Hamlin. Lawrence & Mort were there. Mary Crooks and Mr Rill. The minister’s wife Mrs Birley invited me there all night.

May 21 – Monday

Cloudy and cold. Washed in the forenoon and after dinner Bardie came after me. Commenced piecing a “necktie quilt.” L. B. & I all slept together and after a big romp we went to sleep.

Tues May 22

We got ready to go to Ida Mitchells but was too rainy so B. L and I went to Mary Blake’s. Ma and Aunt Cin were there. After dinner Aunt Mary gave me some scraps like her dresses. Willie or Pete gave me his picture. We came back to Uncle Thomps early so I could drive to Uncle Ike’s. I stopped for Bertha J and as she was not ready I waited for her. We then went to Uncle Ike’s. Hamlin came later in the evening. We sang, talked and had a very good time. Had a little talk with him, said he answered my letter but I failed to receive it. Bertha and I slept in the front room.

Wed May 23

Ollie, Bertha and I drove to Rockville today. It rained a little on us. Ollie got a new hat and dress. I bo’t two crumb trays one for Aunt Phebe and one for Aunt Sarah, each 35 cts and two glass dishes 50 cts for Aunt Cin H & Lila an umbrella $2. Canton flannel calico & oranges. Waited at Uncle Ike’s awhile after our return then came on home. Had a letter from Barbara all were well.

Thurs May 24

Aunt Cin and I went to Mary Thoronghiman’s & Ma to Aunt Lila’s. Had a fine time. Mary gave me some boards from their house. Some scraps and their pictures. Ms Thoroughiman hid Mary’s Mother Hubbard and said she would never see it again. We went to the store (Ferndale) Mary treated to candy. We got home at 4 o’clock. Helped with the work and expected H but did not come.

Friday May 25

Ironed some for Aunt Cin and myself. After dinner we went to Dan Strange’s Della & Anna were at home. Dan came in before we started home. Tried to charm my warts off. Grandma and Aunt Cin rode. Ma Aunt Lila and I walked. I went on to Uncle Hobs. The girls wanted me to be sure and come back with them Sat so as to go to Jeffres. Girls went to Uncle Thomps & stayed all night. We sang and Frank Thompson played on violin and sang some. We girls all slept together.

Sat May 26

Uncle Thomp and Grandma Aunt Cin and May Laura Bardie and I started for Uncle Jims. Before we got there overtook Uncle Ike, Aunt Phebe and Ollie. Hadn’t been there long until Uncle Sam & Aunt Mary came. Had a big dinner. Washed dishes had music and started home. Uncle Sam wanted to know if I was going to my chums that night. Said he was not that he wouldn’t have time for the medicine --- which he took night before. After supper 8 o’clock Laura Bardie & I went to Jeffries. I never wished so much that I had stayed away from anywhere before. Three of Akers girls were there. Ella Blake, Tenny Goss, Alta McClain, Ollie W. L.B. & I. Amy Blake, Frank Blake, Frank Thomas, Squire Crooks, Emery Fullinder, Lawrence Blake, Ora Jeffries and wife. Hamlin, Bertha. There were three guitars. We sang had instrumental music etc. Came home 11-30.

Sunday May 27

Came to Bridgeton with Uncle Hob & Aunt Sarah. There were about 50 old soldiers there. Went to John Crook’s for dinner after the decoration. After dinner it rained but John held up and we went to Pleasant Valley to decoration. Came to Uncle Jim’s with Elmer Welch. Had some frost. (some scribbling with note “some of Pearl’s writing”)

Mon May 28

Wrote 4 letters. Helped Dora some with the washing, stole Aunt Indies bread and after dinner Dora Pearl Uncle Jim & I went to see two steers one cow and colt killed by lightning Sun night out in the pasture. Practiced on organ.

Tue May 29

Practiced some, made beds, swept and ironed. Aunt India’s mother Mrs. Martin and sister & brother John came before dinner. After dinner Aunt India’s aunt (Aunt Cinda Day) and Uncle Tom came. Dora went with me to her Uncle Rob Martin’s to hear Rob Crooks play but as he had gone on to Tom Wolverton’s Mrs Martin, Alice and niece went with us there. Rob C. played a great deal but said he couldn’t play much hadn’t practiced etc.

Wed May 30

Practiced all forenoon and copied songs. After dinner went to Bridgeton by way of Crooks. After Music, Elmer treated and we then went by way of five different Ames’ and invited them in to spend the evening after supper, Alice Martin, Mr & Mrs Tom Wolverton, Geo Ames, Emma Ames, Edith Ames, Lizzie Ames, Ollie Ames, Anna Ames, several boys, Charlie Thompson were all here until 11-30. Charlie played violin. Lizzie A. played the harp and guitar. Elmer Righter works for Uncle and tries to play on the violin. Slept with Dora.

Thurs May 31

Got up a little late just in time for breakfast. After breakfast Uncle Jim, Grandma, Aunt India, Ma & Pearl went in one rig to Bridgeton and Elmer came out after Dora & I. We first went to Aunt Barkin Crab and later went to John Crooks for dinner. Went to Aunt Barbara C. After dinner awhile then to the store. Dora’s Aunt Elin Davis was there. Dora & I bo’t each a 10 ct. can of baking powder and drew a spoon as prize. Practiced on organ Learned how to play Clayloris Mah,

Friday June 1

Practiced all forenoon. Went to Bridgeton with Uncle Jim after dinner John Crooks was one of the clerks as it was primary election. Lucy and I played “parcheesie” until 9 then retired. John came home about 12-30 came to my room thinking Lucy was there. He rustled out of there when he learned his mistake.

Sat Jun 2

Read and called on Aunt Barbara & Roda Crab. Had a splendid visit with them. John Lucy & I started for Uncle Sam’s about 4 Jennie & Nelson were there for supper. We then went to hear them practice at Otterbein. Had a jolly time. Saw Charlie – wanted me to go home with him.

Sunday Jun 3

Came to SS with Squire. Practiced singing with the rest afterwards Rode home with Chas. Dora & Elmer – Mary Crooks and Mr John Hill were there for dinner.

Ms Chaffy and Miss Jones from Greencastle came. Miss Jones uses Southern brogue and didn’t sound the “r” in her words. She saw some potatoes on the way over and said she tho’t they were strawberry bushes. After Margt & John left I went with Dora & Aunt Cin. Elmer & I tried to crack some

(got a letter from home & one from Hamlin written long before I came here.)

Hickory nuts and each smached our thumbs. Got to Otterbein a little late. House was running over full. Uncle Hob came down the aisle after me & said Ollie wanted me sit there. Did my best at singing. Mrs Birley was glad I helped with singing. Lawrence B said was glad I helped. L. & B. didn’t say or ask me at all. Piled the chairs in the hall for Frank & Chas to stumble over. Frank came first & stumbled, fixed the chairs for Chas, later he came & also stumbled. H was with El.

Mon June 4

Chas bro’t me to Uncle Willard’s this morning did our washing and Mrs Williams & Mrs Oder came- We looked over goose berries until after supper and Filo :& I went to the P.O. came back & stopped at Florences. Ferdie played on the organ and plays splendid. Got home at dusk and worked then went to bed.

Tues June 5

Ironed our things & helped Flo. After dinner all went to Florence’s . Aunt Ellen & Flo stayed until after supper. Effie & I went to Curgs and invited Aunt Cin to Mat Maters next day. About 8 o’clock Cin and Crug came. Had lots of music. Went to bed about 11 o’clock.

Wed June 6

Aunt Ellen, Florence, Effie, Ma & I got ready to go to Mant Maters. Just as we started Mant and Lina came so all went. Aunt Sarah was there and Cin H came after dinner. Uncle Jack also was there. Had a big dinner. Aunt Sarah wanted to get my cape on for me to go home with her so as I had no special place to go I went. Saw Ida and Perry & baby a few minutes. After supper had taffy. Then Chas and Frank Came Barda Chas & I went to prayer meeting. Frank walked with the other boys. Charlie acted “monkey” all the way over. Drew rein at the corner to read an advertisement and “got sold” B & I tied and pinned the lap robe around him. Had preaching before testimonial meeting. Mary Crooks, Barda, Elle B, Tenny Goss & myself all sat in one seat. Hamlin looked X X at me for some cause. Went home.

Thurs June 7

Laura bro’t me up to Bellmore – Ma & I stopped at Florences awhile and Effie went with us to Eds. Sarah her & mother were friendly. After dinner we went to store and bo’t bedspread and doz napkings $2 – after the mail was distributed we went to Uncle Ikes. Started to walk but Harry Sheb overtook us so we rode. When they first saw us coming they tho’t Bert & wife had come on ahead but I told them I wasn’t the bride.