WSC Bible Unit V-Aprinted from Page 1 of 6
Winona Christian School: High School Bible Education
Unit V-A: The Law of God: Respect for Authority, Life, and Marriage
Scripture Memory (due Friday): Romans 13:1-2, Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.
Essay Question (due Friday): Some people argue the Sabbath day is simply about what we “can’t” do. In what way is that view of the Sabbath faulty and what is the proper way to understand the Sabbath day and command?
- Introduction
- Three Uses of God’s Law
- Decalogue Review
- The Commands So Far (Positively and Negatively)
- Sin in the Garden: breaking all the commandments
- The Second Table: Love for Neighbor
- The Fifth Commandment: Honor for Authority
- The Command itself (Exod 20:12)
- The Scope of the Fifth Command
- Catechism (Cf. WSC 64-66)
- PBC70, The fifth commandment requires that we preserve the honor and perform the duties which belong to every one in their various roles as authorities, subordinates or equals.
- PBC71,The fifth commandment forbids neglecting or offending the honor and duty which belongs to every one in their various places and relations.
- PBC72, The reason added to the fifth commandment is a promise of long life and prosperity (as far as it shall serve God’s glory and their own good), to all who keep this commandment.
- Governs All Human Relationships
- Superiors (authorities), Inferiors (subordinates), and Equals
- All people are owed dignity and have duties to those above and below them
- God is the source of all authority: our obedience to this command shows love to God
- What Does “Honor” Mean?
- Honor is not the same as Obey
- cf. Nuremberg
- Paul’s qualification in Eph. 6:1
- Honor and significance of an office
- Dignity of Authority
- Who are “Fathers” and “Mothers” in this Command
- Parents
- Elders/Elderly
- Political (Civil Magistrate)
- Spiritual Fathers (Church Officers)
- Industrial Fathers (Employers)
- School (Teachers, etc.)
- What are the Respective Duties Required of Superiors and Inferiors?
- Parents and Children
- Elderly and Youth
- Magistrates and Subjects/Citizens
- Church Officers and Members
- Employers and Employees
- Teachers and Students
- What about a Failure of a Superior in His Duty?
- E.g. King Saul?
- As a King?
- As a Father?
- Was Saul’s Authority Legitimate?
- E.g. The Apostles Before the Sanhedrin? (Acts 5)
- Lawful Command?
- Legitimate Authority?
- E.g. Paul in Philippi (Acts 16)
- Illegal Arrest and Detention
- Paul’s Response
- Legitimate Authority?
- Three Reasons We Honor Legitimate Authority
- God Commands It:
- God Establishes Legitimate Authority:
- Authorities are for Our Good:
- Conclusions
- The Sixth Command: Respect for Life
- Decalogue Review
- The Commands So Far (Positively and Negatively)
- Sin in the Garden: breaking all the commandments
- Is this the “least controversial” command?
- Few Objections?
- Or the Most Difficult Command?
- The Scope of the Sixth Command
- Catechism (cf. WSC 69-69)
- PBC74, The sixth commandment requires all lawful efforts to preserve our own life and the life of others.
- PBC75, The sixth commandment forbids the taking of our own life, or the life of our neighbor unjustly, including whatever acts tend to this loss.
- The Scope of the Sixth Command
- The Meaning of Kill
- Often Translated Unhelpfully
- Geneva Bible (1599), King James Version (1611): Thou shalt not kill.
- New International Version (2011), English Standard (2017): You shall not murder.
- Revised Standard Version (1946): You shall not kill.
- Contemporary English Version (1995): Do not murder.
- Prohibition on Unlawful Death: forbids anything that leads to the unjust taking of innocent, human life
- Murder in cold blood
- Crimes of Passion and Neglect
- Unintentional killings
- Why Does God Permit and Require Some Killing?
- “Killing is killing, and killing is wrong”
- It is possible to start with the Bible and arrive at an unbiblical position
- Gen 9:5-6, And for your lifeblood I will require a reckoning: from every beast I will require it and from man. From his fellow man I will require a reckoning for the life of man.“Whoever sheds the blood of man,by man shall his blood be shed,for God made man in his own image.”
- Goal of the Command is to Preserve Life
- Nationally and Individually
- The command is a terror to evil-doers
- Self-Defense (cf. Exod. 22:2-3)
- Duty of the Civil Magistrate
- To Restrain Evil (Cf. Rom. 13); “A magistrate ought not to let the sword of justice rust in the scabbard”
- Waging Just War(s)
- By taking a life, ironically, other lives may be saved
- Jesus’ Interpretation of the Command
- Matt 5:21-22, “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.’ But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire.
- More than Merely Murder!
- What is the Root of Murder?
- Hatred, Wrath, Envy, Revenge
- Slander, Gossip, Evil Looks
- Murder is not Always Physical
- Leading Others to Sin
- What Does the Sixth Commandment Require of Us?
- Both Positive and Negative Duties: more than simply “do no harm”
- Learn to Value Life
- Care for Neighbors
- Care for Self
- Why Do We Keep This Command?
- God Commands It
- God Alone is Judge of Life and Death
- The Image of God in Mankind (Imago Dei)
- Family of Murderers
- Blood of the Murdered Cries Out for Justice
- Conclusions
- The Seventh Command: Respect for Marriage
- Introduction
- Three Uses of the Law
- The Commands So Far…
- The First Sin: Breaking all the Ten Commandments in the Garden
- American Society and the Seventh Command
- Is this command simply about love? Is Christianity simply about love?
- What is Love?
1)Modern ’Merica
2)Biblical Love
- The Scope of the Sixth Commandment
- Catechism (cf. WSC 71-72)
- PBC77, The seventh commandment requires that we preserve our own and our neighbor’s chastity, in heart, speech, and behavior.
- PBC78,The seventh commandment forbids all unchaste thoughts, words and actions.
- Positive and Negative Force of the Sixth Command
- Biblical View of Sex and Sexuality
- Medieval Western European Sexuality
- Erotic Literature in the Bible
- E.g. Song of Solomon
- Why Did God Institute Marriage?
- God Commands Married Couples to What? (cf. I Cor 7:1-5)
- Requirements
- Chastity Outside of Marriage
- Delight in One’s Spouse
- Guard Your Heart
- Guard Your Eyes
- Modesty
- Hold Marriage in Honor!
- Prohibitions
- Lust (cf Matt. 5:27ff)
- Gossip
- Grudges
- Forgiveness and Redemption of Sexual Sins
- Conclusions