- In the grid overleaf are the subjects that may be available to students entering Year12 in September 2017.There have been some changes since the first consultation with students; some subjects have been added to the options and some have been removed
- They have been arranged in 4 blocks that will allow students to access popular combinations of subjects and a broad range of subject areas. The choices that students indicated in the first expressions of interest have been taken into account
- It may be that some of these subjects will not eventually be on offer in September if insufficient students opt for them
To complete the form (on the reverse of this sheet)
- Fill in your personal details in the space provided
- Select the 3subjects you wish to study from the 4 blocks of choices
- It is expected that most students will take 3 subjects in the 6th form. We are happy to discuss the possibility of taking 4 subjects if students are interested in this option; please indicate on your form what your 4th subject would be and your reasons for studying it
- You should only pick one subject from any subject block
- If you have difficulty in fitting your choice of subjects into the blocks, please use the space at the bottom of the page to give details of your problem
- Indicate your preferred choice of Enrichment option. If choosing Core Maths, state which specialism you would be most interested in
The deadline for this provisional choice form isFriday 3rd March 2017
All students who have expressed an interest in joining the 6th form will be invited to an interview in the next few weeks to discuss their options.
Forms should be returned by hand or by post (FAO Head of 6th Form) to the main office of either Beverley Grammar School or Beverley High Schoolby Friday 3rd March 2017
NAME:………………………………………FORM (if at BGS/BHS): ………………….. SCHOOL (if not at BGS/BHS)………………………
Is the Joint Sixth your first choice for September 2017?Yes / No
If not where do you hope to attend?______
All courses will be taught at the Joint Sixth unless stated otherwise.
L indicates that the course may be delivered in collaborationwith Longcroft. If you select one of these courses, you cannot select a course in block B.
BLOCK A / BLOCK B / BLOCK C / BLOCK DComputing (L) / Business Studies / Art / Biology
French (L) / Chemistry / Biology / Business Studies
Geography / Environmental Science / Further Mathematics / Chemistry
Music (L) / Government & Politics / German / History
Mathematics / History / History / English Literature
Religious Studies / Media Studies / English Language / Mathematics
Spanish (L) / Physical Education / Law / Photography
Physics / Psychology
Enrichment choice – all Year 12 students must select an enrichment. It may be possible to choose both Extended Project and Core Maths – please indicate if you are interested in doing both.
Extended project / Core MathsStatistical techniques
Useful for Biology, Geography and Psychology / Critical path and risk analysis
Useful for Business Studies / Graphical techniques
Useful for Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Problems or concerns: