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Regular Meeting

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Webb Building Room 4.F.6


1.  Welcome, Introductions (5:30-5:35)

2.  Approve September 4 Minutes – (5:35)

·  Approved

3.  Public Comment/Announcements: (5:35 – 5:45)
The public may address the Committee on any matter within the jurisdiction of the Committee. Should not relate to any item on this agenda since the Committee will take public comment after it discusses and/or before voting on each agenda item. Limit to three minutes. Longer discussion may be slated for following month.

·  Bike Denver – Tour de Fat was a huge success, from 14,000 to 18,000 visitors and $75,000 to $100,000+ raised this year over last year

·  Matt Haynes, from the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing, still working on strategies to improve public health and get people on bikes, collaborating with multiple communities, and working on report for executive director

Parry questioned relationship between this office and Colorado Department of Health & Environment – the CDEH is a sister agency, the Dept of Finance oversees Medicaid pop

May be able to provide funds for strategies that fit their mission

·  REI, next Tues, 10/7, 5:30-7:30, is Denver Moves enhanced bikeways open house to present the vision for the future and results of public involvement to date

4.  Presentation: Dan Raine: Mayor Hancock’s 2015 Budget and DPW’s 2015 Workplan (5:45-6:15)

·  Dan’s been the new bike planner w/ PW for 3 months and presented Public Works’ Annual Work Program

·  Mill Levy Funding

$3.15M for improving infrastructure such as faded signs and pavement markings

Bike lane installations include W. 29th Ave, E. 11th Ave, Tamarac, and the Raleigh St and Cole-Whittier Connection, among others; working w/ MBAC Infra to id more corridors

·  Denver Moves 2015 Budget

$900k for capital projects, including $150k for construction of Morrison Rd crossing improvements, $150k for neighborhood bikeways, $100k for final design of Broadway protected bike lane, $100k for design of additional corridors, and $350k for studies

Barney questioned the relationship between Denver Moves and CIP and the process for documenting annual vs. long-term improvements – Dan said Denver Moves is constantly evolving and integrating with other elements of mobility in city and should identify long-term improvements; Jay said Parks Dept is also working on prioritizing improvements long-term rather than annually

·  Other Implementation Projects

$600k for Inca St multi-use path, $900k for Colfax/Lipan intersection, $750k for general trails – Jay stressed that this budget is still high level and specific projects have yet to be identified

·  2015 Bikeways Work Plan

Will consider bike pkg, Broadway/Lincoln corridor study, wrapping up enhanced bikeways study, bike signal detection, bike to work day, PW ROW – pkg in bike lanes, and updating Denver bike map, which will tie into adjacent jurisdictions

·  TIP Submittals - submitted 6 projects and hoping to hear which get funding in January

38th/Marion/Walnut multimodal improvements, which cost $2.7M, scored highest (76.7) for strong connectivity, use and benefits, and proximity to 38th/Blake light rail station

35th St. multimodal improvements from Wazee to South Platte Greenway Trail, which cost $4.8M, scored lowest (61.9) for a lack of environmental justice despite strong connectivity and support of Metro Vision

·  You can reach Dan at

·  Antonia would like to get results of recent bike counts

·  Resurfacing prioritization – are bikeways prioritized over other corridors? Dan wasn’t sure

5.  MBAC Business (6:15-6:25)

  1. 2015 MBAC Appointments
  2. 6-7 vacancies

·  If you want to be reappointed, just let Parry know; Mayor wants to limit to 2 terms, but Parry would like to keep Shelley

  1. recruit nominating committee (1 from each subcommittee)

·  1 member from each subcommittee should be identified for the nominating and review committee

  1. quick conversation about skills needed

·  Consider what skills you need on your committee and let Parry know

Infra needs more people, particularly from SW Denver in Councilman Lopez’s district

As Education Committee has been meeting with neighborhood organizations, Julio has been telling people interested to apply

Need to get word out via council members’ newsletters and Bike Denver’s facebook

·  Ideas for Raising $$ for January Retreat – would like to raise $500-$1,000 to hire a facilitator again, so let Parry know of small grants available

6.  POLICY COMMITTEE (6:25-6:6:35)

  1. Updates

·  Looking at potential changes in zoning code related to bike pkg

·  Considering changes to MBAC authority to allow us to have broader policy discussions with other organizations

·  Looking at bike master plans around country to id best practices that could be applied to Denver Moves and old bike master plan, which arose from mtg w/ Planning Director Brad Buchanan

o  Meg asked if the master plan best practices could be coordinated with education best practices documentation and Barney said collaboration would be good

·  Thinking about financing and how to get bike projects into next bond initiative

  1. Economic Impact Analysis

·  Trying to gather list of bike related businesses in Denver to inform them of MBAC and get info about # of employees, etc

·  Also in touch w/ Steven Rijo, a graduate student who’s studying economic impacts of 15th street bikeway and bike use along Gold Corridor

  1. Next meeting: ?, Room 450, City/County Building


  1. Updates

·  Went to variance hearing for new hotel at 245 Columbine in Cherry Creek

o  Zoning requires 64 pkg spaces inside and 16 outside but developer wanted reduction to 30 spaces, which would only be for hotel patrons

o  MBAC said they want zoning enforced and would prefer developers to get input from MBAC before seeking variance

o  Variance was approved for 40 spaces; Antonia said the inside spaces will be inconveniently located in basement of building

o  155 rooms required 104 car pkg spaces

·  Parry mentioned bike report card, which could be led by MBAC or citizens; we will probably be asked whether we want to support the card

·  Dan mentioned it’s not too early to start thinking about budget requests for 2016

  1. Next meeting: Every 3rd Thursday, Denver Bicycle Café, 1308 E.17th, 5:30-7

8.  EDUCATION COMMITTEE: (6:45-6:55)

  1. Updates

·  Julio met with Overland Park Neighborhood Group to id cycling barriers

·  Still trying to launch MBAC website

o  Julio wants to meet with Josh, Tangier and Parry to discuss assuming the role of webmaster

o  Josh said the website is ready to go, but needs people to write some content such as MBAC history; the tabs represent the table of contents and it should be clear what’s missing; Julio will send out request for writers to fill holes

o  Planning to use GoogleDocs to host documents rather than Dropbox or the website itself; document migration should be complete by November meeting

o  All MBAC members have access to the site’s backend at – if you have problems logging in, contact Josh

o  will be the email address for the public to contact MBAC; we have yet to determine who is responsible for responding to emails from the public

  1. Next meeting: 4th Wednesday, Coffee at the Point (27th St and Welton at Five Points) at 6:00pm

9.  NOVEMBER AGENDA (6:55-7:00)

  1. Parks & Rec Update

·  Let Jay know what you want to hear about; several suggestions included Ruby Hill, speed limit signs on trails, South Platte River Vision, Wash Park, Cherry Creek, Westerly Creek/Sand Creek, City Park improvements (gates, surface), connections to Rocky Mtn Arsenal and Rocky Flats

  1. DRCOG Report on Bike to Work Day & interpretation of 2013 ACS Data
  2. Committee updates – include report of progress compared to January planning goals

10. Adjourn – 7pm