UCD – Lyons Research FarmRevised September2011

Application for use of resources1

University College Dublin – Lyons Research Farm

Application for use of Resources

Section 1: Applicant Details;

Name of applicant: Date:

(Academic staff member responsible)


Other project team members;(1)


Project Title;

New Project; Additional phase of existing project;

Original Project Code Number;

Proposed Start Date; Proposed End Date;

Purpose of Project;

Signature of Applicant; Date:

Section 2: Brief Project Summary (max 200 words);

Send an electronic copy of this application (Chairman Lyons Mgt Committee) (Named Vet Surgeon)ons farm manger.

Office use only;Date received;______Project No.;______


UCD – Lyons Research FarmRevised September2011

Application for use of resources1

Section 3 Licensing and UCD Research Ethics Committee Requirements;

  • Experimental license (Cruelty to Animals Act, 1876)

Do you require a license under the Cruelty to Animals Act, 1876;

Do you have such a license;

  • Animal Remedies Regulation (1996)

Does your protocol include the use of a pharmaceutical substance;

Identify Substance;

Is this substance licensed in Ireland for the species in which it is to be used;

Product authorisation number; Legal category;

If the product is not registered do you have a clinical trials licence;

  • Genetically Modified Organisms Regulations (1994)

Does your protocol involve the use of Genetically Modified Organisms;

If yes have you notified the College Biosafety Officer;

Do you have a licence to use Genetically Modified Organisms from the Environmental Protection Agency of Ireland;

  • UCD Research Ethics Committee approval;

Does your protocol involve the use of live animals;

Do you have such approval from the UCD Research Ethics Committee;

(attach (i) copy of request form or (ii) letter of approval)

Section 4 Land Requirements



Condition at beginning;

Condition at end;

Other inputs beyond those required for a commercial crop;

Section 5 Building Requirements

Section 6 Animal Requirements

Animal numbers; Type;


Other inputs beyond those required for a commercial enterprise;

Section 7 Machinery Requirements

Section 8 Labour Requirements

Farm worker;



Section 9 Projected Financial Costings (consult with the Farm Manager)

Number of hours
Labour: / Ordinary time / Overtime
Farm Worker
Tractor Hours

Other inputs and services: Any and all costs incurred that are greater than the difference between sale and purchase price will be covered by the research grant.

Revenue foregone

Percentage shortfall on commercial performance;

Total extra costs;

Total revenue lost;

Cost of project;

Section 10 Project Funding

  • Research Project

Do you have any funding available to support the cost of this project;

If yes give details;

Net cost to Lyons;

  • Teaching project

Has the cost of the class been agreed with the Head of School;

Section 11 Publications

Relevant publications (list maximum of 3)

Do you propose publishing the results from this project;

If yes indicate likely publication;

Section 12 Details of Project