Regular Meeting

City Council

October 12, 2015

5:30 PM – City Hall

Mayor Thorpe called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM with Council members Belmore, Ulmer, Reis, Fuher, and Maunu present.

Absent: Schilling.

City Employees present were: Police Chief Knutson, Attorney Kelly, and Public Works Director Todd Flynn.

Also present: R. Johnson, Representing Dickey County Leader, Herman and Girard, Representing EPS, S. Erlacher, Mr. and Mrs. Hinton, Mr. and Mrs. Cloutier, Mr. and Mrs. K. Molan, Mr. Molan, Willis Blumhardt, Tyler Reisenauer, Sue Erlacher, J. Bixby and M. Meyers.

Agenda additions: Discuss water fill at Fire Hall. Discuss ditch cleaning 5th St S.

Minutes: Motion by Fuher, second by Ulmer, to approve the minutes of the September 14. 2015 Regular Council meeting. All members present, aye. Motion approved. Motion by Ulmer, second by Belmore, to approve the minutes of the September 28th Special meeting. All members present, aye. Motion approved.

Operating statement: Motion by Reis, second by Fuher, to approve operating statement as presented. All members present, aye. Motion approved.

Bills: Motion by Fuher, second by Ulmer, to approve the bills as presented. All members present, aye. Motion approved.

Delinquent accounts: B. Huber.

Raffle Permits: Motion by Reis, second by Fuher, to approve raffle permit for Christ the King Lutheran Church. All members present, aye. Motion approved.

Public Works Report: Flynn discussed the monthly jobs completed in September. Flynn mentioned the mosquito fogger and the street sander will be needed to be replaced within the next 12 months.

City Assessor Appointment: Motion by Reis, second by Ulmer, to approve Dickey County as the 2016 City Assessor. All members present, aye. Motion approved.

Police Chief Knutson reported on the police activity for the month of September.

Principals for the Ellendale Public School, Mr. Herman and Mr. Girard, were present to discuss traffic control at the EPS campus. Disregarding stop signs has been observed numerous times, as well as several near misses as children exit on the Northside to their ride. Several ideas were discussed: more Police enforcement present during prime times, more signage, speed bump, lower speed limit and flashing stop signs. The City will check into more signs and more discussion will be held at the November meeting.

Transient Merchant Discussion: Attorney Kelly described the four ordinances that pertained to the complaints received at City Hall. 1) City Zoning; 2) Transient Merchant Licenses; 3) Smoke-nuisances; 4) ND State Dept of Health requirement. Due to the property zoned residential the food wagon will need to relocate.

Main St Properties: A letter was received from Mr. Gackle stating his intentions to not accept the City of Ellendale’s counter proposal for the property at 82 Main St. - Lot 4, Block 7, Original Plat. Due to the Council’s continued desire to have this property developed, at this time the negotiations will cease, Attorney Kelly will write a letter to confirm and Council member Reis will schedule a phone conversation with Mr. Gackle.

Tyler Reisenauer was present to discuss his desire to develop 95 Main Street - Lots 18 & 19, Block 6, Original Plat. As plans become more definite further discussion will be held.

Building Inspector Report: No report this month. In the future BI report will be scheduled at 6:00 PM.

Building Permits: Sue Erlacher was present to request BP for a fence and a variance to allow the fence without a survey of the property. Motion by Fuher, second by Maunu, to approve Erlacher’s fence permit; and variance to the fence ordinance with stipulation neighbors’ letters are notarized. All members present, aye. Motion approved. Motion by Fuher, second by Reis, to approve D. Thompson building permit to replace windows, siding, soffit, and fascia. All members present, aye. Motion approved. Motion by Fuher, second by Reis, to approve the building permits for J. Thorpe for addition to house; L. Hoffman for shingles; K. Grimm for privacy fence, with stipulation neighbors’ letters are notarized. All members present, aye. Motion approved.

Ellendale Acres: Continued discussion.

Fire Hall Roof: No new information.

Discuss Rate Increase: Meeting will be set up with R. Pope Interstate Engineering to discuss the future plan to increase rates.

Discuss Employee Evaluations: Mayor Thorpe will set up a schedule to discuss evaluations with supervisors within the next 2 weeks.

Received a quote of $5,300 for clean out of the ditches along 5th St S. Will table until November.

Ordinance update will reconvene October 26th at DRN starting at 5:30 PM.

Fuher explained the request to place a 4” water fill at the Fire Hall to help fill trucks. More information will be gathered for November meeting.

Mayor motioned to adjourn meeting at 9:28 PM.

Next meeting will be November 9th at 5:30 PM. Special meeting October 26th at DRN at 5:30 PM to discuss ordinance review.

Approved Bills:

Postmaster - MV / 51.30 / Starion / 56.25 / Postmaster / 5.95
Academy Trophy / 56.00 / Todd Flynn / 289.40 / Candace Middlestead / 415.80
Pheasant Lanes / 200.00 / Mertz Lumber / 169.05 / NDWPCC / 175.00
NDSU Extension / 30.00 / Todd Flynn / 48.80 / Brad Knutson / 28.00
Charles Deyo / 45.00 / City Council / 415.56 / City Employees / 20,702.08
Amb Employees / 9,645.59 / Thorpe Excavation / 5,533.77 / Lloyd Trautmann / 859.64
Sandra Ulmer / 125.00 / Service Maid / 100.00 / M.D.U. / 425.78
Midwest Radar / 80.00 / Rekow's Yard Care / 600.00 / Kyle Laabs / 330.00
James River Soil Dist. / 178.08 / BCBS / 7,236.10 / ND Surplus / 30.00
Library Store / 80.50 / Southside Tesoro / 19.26 / Avenet, LLC / 450.00
281 Repair / 208.53 / Van Diest Supply / 7,205.00 / Thorpe Excavating / 6,717.50
Interstate Engineering / 2,176.10 / Michelle Schilling / 468.00 / Waste Management / 1,520.98
Thorpe Excavating / 1,414.83 / Keith Loewen / 216.00 / M.D.U. / 2,970.80
Postmaster / 49.00 / Postmaster / 180.25 / Postmaster / 39.18
Crossroads Advisors / 3,000.00 / Kim Radermacher / 800.00 / Lucas VanZee / 32.00
I.R.S. Payroll Taxes / 9,510.27 / Walt Swatfager / 360.00 / Caro Child Care / 10,000.00
Mahler's Variety / 8,280.00 / Ross Merkel / 204.00 / Rekow's Yard Care / 792.00
Rick Hack / 432.00 / Peterson Septic / 50.00 / SE Water Users / 13,000.00
Ellendale Concrete /
636.00 / Ellendale True Value /
291.56 / Computer Express /
A & B Business / 6.29 / Dickey Co Highway / 100.00 / Verizon Wireless / 318.38
State Tax Commission / 892.27 / ND PERS / 4,225.27 / Todd Flynn / 180.55
NDSU Extension / 55.00 / Gerald Gulke / 7.16


Matt Thorpe, Candace Middlestead,

Mayor City Auditor

(Minutes subject to corrections and approval at next regular meeting)