Instructions for Principal Investigators Renewing Authorized Access to NIAGADS Datasets
Last revised 8/19/16
Principalinvestigators(PIs)seekingrenewal for accesstoNIAGADS datasetsareurged toreviewthefollowinginformationbeforeinitiatinga data accessrequest.
By signing and appending the Data Use Certification Document,it is understood that the Principal Investigator and the Institution will abide by the policies and standards set forth in that document.
All documents including the Data Use Certification Document and those listed below should upload to the Data Access Request section of the NIAGADS website, found at
1.Renewal Application-Specific Documents:NIAGADS-Renewal-Template.doc
Research Summary: Describe major findings as a result of using data obtained from NIAGADS over the past year. Describe any secondary data resulting from use of NIAGADS data. These data must be returned back to NIAGADS in accord with the NIA Genomics Sharing Policy, the NIAGADS Data Distribution Agreementand the NIH Genomic Sharing Policy NIH Genomic Data Sharing Policy.
Publications: List publications resulting from analysis of data obtained from NIAGADS over the past year. Please include manuscripts accepted for publication or in press. List any accepted publications including the PubMed Central Identification Number (PMCID).
Scientific Presentations: List scientific presentations resulting from use of data obtained from NIAGADS.
2.SupplementalDocumentation.The following four (4) REQUIRED documents must be uploaded toNIAGADS applicationsystem in order for the Data Access Request to be considered complete.
- IRB approval in compliance with the NIH Genomics Data Sharing Policy (GDS).The Investigatormust submit a current IRB approval for the proposed project that will use NIAGADS data.
- Derived/Secondary Data Return Plan. The Investigator must describe the derived/secondary data that will be returned to the NIA Genetics of Alzheimer’s Disease Data Storage Site (NIAGADS): see Sample-Data-Return-NIAGADS (WORD).
- National Institute of Aging (NIA) Genomic Data Sharing Plan. This document must be signed by the Investigator and his/herInstitutional Signing Official: see NIA Genomics Sharing Policy (WORD).
- TheNIAGADS DataDistributionAgreement. This document must be signedbytheInvestigator andhis/her Institutional Signing Official: seeNIAGADS-DDA (PDF).
3.AccessingAdditionalDatasetsAfterInitialApproval. Investigatorswhowouldliketoaccessadditionaldataset(s)forusein anexistingapprovedprojectshould(1)revisetheexistingapprovedproject requesttoincludethenew datasetsand(2)updatethe ResearchUseStatementas appropriate.Investigatorsdo notneed tosubmitanewprojectrequestunlessthedatasetwillbe usedforresearch outsideof thescopeoftheapprovedResearchUseStatement.
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