Parish of Dunboyne and Kilbride.

Saturday 14th – Sunday 22nd May, 2011.

Priest on Duty: Monsignor Dermot Farrell P.P. Telephone: 01-8255342

Parish Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9.30 am – 1.00 pm; 1.30 – 5.00 pm

Email: | Temporary Webpage:

Mass Intentions: Dunboyne.

Saturday / 7 pm / Marcella and Seamus Wallace | John and Kathleen Garry.
Sunday / 9 am / Catherine Watters (1st Anniversary).
11.30 am / Brigid (Betty) Reilly (Month’s Mind) | Michael O’Leary | Laurence & Charlotte Brennan.
Monday / 9 am / Harry Hobbs and Eddie Walsh.
Tuesday / 9 am / Julia Smyth.
Wednesday / 9 am / Brigid and Elizabeth O’Callaghan.
Thursday / 9 am / Jackie Dowdall and James and Ann Minch.
Friday / 9 am / Thomas and Anne Hughes.
Saturday / 10 am / First Holy Communion.
12.30 pm / First Holy Communion.
7 pm / Michael Corbett | Elizabeth and Felix McCrory.
Sunday / 8.30 am
10 am / Margaret Hand Daly (Month’s Mind) | Sean McGuirk | Bernard Smyth.

Mass Intentions: Kilbride.

Saturday. / 6 pm / Brendan Barker.
Sunday / 10 am
Saturday / 6 pm / David and Kathleen Traynor.
Sunday. / 10 am

Note change of Mass times in Dunboyne, on Sunday 22nd May to facilitate the Rás Cycle Race.
Vocations Sunday Collection will take place today.
Pope Benedict encourages us by saying that “The Lord makes use of the witness of priests who are faithful to their mission in order to awaken new priestly and religious vocations for the service of the People of God”. Do not be afraid to encourage people in our parish to consider being a priest or religious. It is an important responsibility that we all share to promote vocations to priesthood and religious life. We thank the Eucharistic Adoration Apostolate for their prayers for vocations and the St. Joseph’s Young Priest’s Society for their support in assisting the seminarians at home and abroad.
May Offering Day: Today, Sunday 15th May is an Offering Day for the Priests of the Parish. Please send in the blue envelope in your box of envelopes, or any envelope. Thank you.
First Holy Communion: During the coming weeks, children in our parish will receive their First Holy Communion. We assure them of our prayers, and thank their teachers for all the work in preparation for these ceremonies. (Dunboyne 21st May and Gaelscoil 28th May). We congratulate the children of Kilbride who celebrated yesterday.
Parish Radio: The Annual subscription for the Radio Service is now due. The €60 fee, can be sent to the parochial house.
Dunboyne Cemetery Sunday is on Sunday, 26th June. Mass in Rooske Cemetery at 7 pm, Blessing of the graves in Loughsallagh at 5 pm, and in Old St. Peter’s at 6 pm.
Kilbride Cemetery Sunday is on Sunday 14th August. Just a gentle reminder to tidy plots and have them looking well.

Altar Servers (21st - 29th May): Paul Gethin, Michael Murphy, Sean Ryan, Oisin Fitzmaurice, Fergal Watters, Jamie Long.
Eucharistic Adoration takes place on Tuesday and Friday from after 9 am Mass until 8 pm in the Adoration Chapel. We pray for vocations to the priesthood in our Diocese.
The Children’s Liturgy on Sunday in the Old School at 11.30 sharp. All school going children are welcome. Pre and post Communion split into separate groups.
The Parish Shop: In stock at the moment, all small items for First Holy Communion, such as Prayer Books, Rosary Beads, Medals, Rosettes, Bibles, and other small gifts. Shop open at weekend Mass times.
Legion of Mary: Tuesdays 8 pm in the Church Meeting Room. Ph: Una Ennis on 087-6325699.
Dunboyne St Vincent de Paul: Contact 086-0246170.
Community Games: Best of luck to our swimmers in the Meath swimming finals this Sunday. Dunboyne Athletics trials will be held at the track (Rooske Rd) on Monday 23rd May 6.45pm to qualify for Meath Finals on 12th June. Age groups are U6/8/10/12/14/16 on 31/7/11. Help will be needed to run the various events. So come along and give a hand.
Looking for a young person with special interest in “Sporting Activities” to work for a few hours each week with a 16 year old boy, who has special needs. The person would have a keen interest in motivating the boy towards achieving a more active lifestyle & activities would include swimming, basketball, walking and help with exercise. Must be over 16. References required. Please call 086 6016545.
Dunboyne ‘No Name Club’ Fundraiser: Table Quiz in Slevin’s, on Friday 27th May at 8.30 pm. €40 per table of 4. Please support us.
Dunboyne A.F.C. - Annual Kick-A-Thon this Sunday 15th May, 10 am - 6 pm. All the Kids can earn for themselves Tracksuit, Rain Jacket, Nicks/Socks, **Star Prize** for individual with most collected and Team Prize, for "Team" that collects the most. Plus lots more on the day, i.e. Great Football, Games & Goodies etc., Your support is much appreciated. Congrats to Maria Murphy, who became the club’s 2nd Car Winner in this year’s MLD Car Draw. Seniors play St Francis today (Sunday) in their final league game, at home with an 11 am ko. Well done to u10B side who won their cup last Saturday, to make it a cup and league double. Tonight’s Lotto jackpot is €8,000. Numbers last Sunday were 05,11,17,19. Website
The Adult Literacy Centre run courses in Family Literacy, Maths, Spelling Techniques, Computers, Introduction to the Internet, Communications, Consumer Awareness, Food and Nutrition as well as offering Fetac level 1,2 & 3 minor & major awards. Family Literacy is a 6 week course on how to introduce maths & reading in a fun way to your child. Spell Well is a 6 week course on how to improve your spellings, by simple learning a few spelling techniques. If you have difficulty remembering maths to help your child with their homework why not avail of a maths class, to update your” homework helping skills”. Or maybe you would just like to improve your own reading, writing, basic computer or maths skills. All courses are free & local, evening & day classes. We are taking names to start in September. Ph: 8011787, & leave your name & number.
A musical comedy called "Honk" (based on the story of the ugly duckling) will be staged in Trim Town Hall this Saturday & Sunday 14th & 15th May at 3 pm & 7.30 pm, from the younger members (over 100 in all) of Trim Musical Society Stage School. Tickets €8 for Children, €10 Adults, available from Ph: 086-0870713 or at the door.