Response to Q3 Report on Programme Validation

Programme TitleBA (Hons) in International Business and Languages

Nature and duration of programme4 years full-time

DIT awards soughtBA (Hons) in International Business and Languages

Classification of awardsBA(Hons): with classifications of First Class Honours,; Second Class, Upper Division; Second Class Lower Division;Pass


  1. Clarification of compensation and re-assessment rules

Compensation rules for BA (Hons) International Business and Languages to be in line with DIT General Assessment Regulations.

In relation to Re-assessment, students in the BA (Hons) International Business and Languages will be given 4 attempts to sit a module. A further 5th attempt may be granted in special circumstances. Student must apply to Head of School of Languages in writing.

  1. Documentation for DT558 BA (Hons) International Business and English as a second language

Documentation for DT558 has been included in the programme document. Modules in years 1, 2, 3 and 4 have been included as well as the entry requirements in relation to English language competence. Information in relation to Year 3 of DT558 has been included in the Annex.


  • Business syllabi are being amended to include additional learning outcomes and in particular analytical skills. In addition to the rational decision making unit within the Business Communications & Research module specialist decision making units will be introduced within all Business modules.
  • Modules have been reviewed and there is an appropriate workload to ECTS ratio for each module of the programme
  • The equality of student experience across the language streams will be monitored and we will endeavour to provide all students with equal opportunities in their learning experience
  • The issue of compulsory attendance for language module was considered in the past and a pilot project was carried out two years ago. The agreed process was punitive to students and it was discontinued as the overall outcome would have brought about higher failure rate and attrition. Students’ attendance is closely monitored in all language classes. Students with low attendance receive a letter warning them of the implications of not attending class. They are also required to meet the head of department to explain themselves. This measure has worked well.
  • Tutorial support has been introduced in Year 1 business modules and in quantitative subjects.The Year 1 Communications module is based entirely on a tutorial structure to develop practical skills in business communication.
  • In relation to the recommendation of research skills, the recommendation will be taken on board and research skills will be reinforced in Business Communication and Research Methods (year 1) and it will also be given expression in Consumer Behaviour and International Trade and Globalisation (year 2) and in International Marketing (year 4)
  • In relation to specifying the business modules in Year 3, students will be asked to complete modules in International Business ( for example ,Supply Chain Management, Logistics), Marketing and Management. However, students in DT565 (Chinese and International Business) may be given some flexibility in this regard.
  • The Country Notebook will require clear evidence of self directed learning, and the development of a PEST analysis (political, economic ,social and technological) . It must go beyond the mere descriptive and must show analytical content. . It must be prepared to the highest professional standards e.g. Harvard Referencing System and must be evidential of the student’s competence.
  • Students will be encouraged and facilitated to undertake national language proficiency exams.
  • Professional Communication and Preparation of the year abroad and Professional Communication (Year 2 language modules) will further emphasise business vocabulary in the target language.
  • The recommendation to include Work experience as part of the programme will be reviewed when resources are available and a better economic climate emerges.
  • The programme committee will continue to work with student representatives and meetings between student representatives, heads of department and year tutors will be re-introduced organised in each semester.
  • The issue of high attrition rate has been addressed by the introduction of the following changes: fewer business modules in Year 1, introduction of tutorials on a rotational basis for some business modules in Year 1, the accounting module is more oriented to non-accounting students. The programme committee will continue to monitor Year 1 students and liaise with the retention office at DIT. Also a Peer Assisted Learning Project has been put in place in an effort to encourage students to engage with the programme.
  • In relation to formative assessment business and languages year tutors will meet to agree on a schedule of assessments for both business and language modules and in particular for assessments to take place after the Christmas break.
  • The programme committee welcomes the Panel’s support in relation to improving the learning environment on the Kevin Street Campus.
  • Students in the final year of the programme are facilitated and encouraged to attend the DIT Career Services Workshops. This practice will continue as we see it as beneficial to students.