InstitutionalAssessment and Program Review Committee

September 17, 2015, 12:30 p.m.

SJC Boardroom #200/MVC LRC #805



Administration (8):
Brandon Moore(Co-chair)
Carlos Tovares X
Jeannine Stokes X
Jeremy Brown X
Joyce Johnson X
Julie Venable X
Rebecca Teague
Tom Spillman / Faculty (9):
Alex Cuatok
Crystal Anthony X
Dee Oliveri
Dominick Scaletta X
Elias Escamilla X
Gloria Sanchez
Janice Levasseur X
Paul Hert (Co-chair) X
Raelene Brooks / Classified (10):
Debbie Grace X
Fred Frontino
Hal Edghill
Jennifer Marrs X
Jessica Rodriguez
Raymond Shaw X
Regina Howard (non-voting)
Stacy Kimbrough X
Vacant (3) / Student Government (2):
Danielle Pegan
Vacant (1)
Lorraine Slattery-Farrell
Stacey Searl-Chapin X

Guests: Jennifer Burleson, Michael Caputo

Paul Hert started the meeting about 1:40 pm leading off with discussion items first with action items being covered after all the CPR presentations.

Action Items:

  1. Approval of minutes–May 5, 2015

M: Carlos Tovares, SC: Jennifer Marrs all approved with three abstentions

Discussion Items:

  1. CPR Presentations
  2. Instruction: GEOG

Carlos gave the review for GEOG on SJC. He explained that SJC has one full time instructor that teaches both Geography and Geology courses with high fill rates. He explained that there is also a part time instructor at Banning but the fill rates are not as high. Options for Banning have been discussed and it was suggested that a cultural geography course may do well in Banning.

  1. Instruction: ENGR

Paul explained that Michael Caputo is new to the district and a CPR was not completed last year but that he and Michael met and went over what would have been included in the CPR if he was to complete it. Michael introduced himself to the committee and explained that he had done the research to present to the committee. The program needs to grow, over the past 5 years 9 students have graduated with their degree and three with a certificate, all in drafting, the only engineering degree offered. The issues are that classes are not available so students are taking longer to get their degrees. There’s been changes with the degrees and some classes are not necessary. He would like to develop the transfer degree, there are 25+ students in his introduction course that he knows want to transfer. But many students are unable to achieve the junior status as a transfer because we do not have/offer the courses that they need. Two major tracks - transfer with standardized schedule and a certificate program recognized by local industry.

MSJC has a TAACCCT grant which has been helpful in the quest. He would like to see three different certifications: Civil/Architectural Engineering; Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, with Mechanical Engineering having the highest need and he would like to see the first one up and running next year. He wants to develop more regional cooperation with the community industry that students can take advantage of the access. Project Lead the Way needs to be adapted to be more applicable to the college level. And we must make the courses more available to the students so they can complete and move on.

He explained that facilities are needed. Hemet has lab facilities with two rooms but there are no classes as the facility is in need of upgrades such as HVAC, lighting, wiring, computer lab, etc., and it is estimated to adequately prepare the facility approximately $100,000 is needed. There is regional interest in developing the goal, Chaffey College is interested in coming to the facility to see how the manual machines actually work. The plane surveying class would also be able to use the isolated area without safety concerns. Currently they are now in a shed and are holding classes on Saturday’s in fields where safety is questionable. MVC Engineering classes are currently confined to one classroom, 969, as computers are needed for all of their classes. There needs to be development of or location of another classroom with computers that is available for engineering classes. Jeremy asked the number of computers needed. Michael said about 25-30. Jeremy said that there may be some classrooms available in the same building. Michael clarified that engineering software would need to be installed onto the computers.

Michael also explained to the committee that currently the Full Time instructor is being covered by the TAACCCT grant and that when the grant ends the FT instructor is still needed, so funding for the salary is needed. He asked what is the purpose of the grant to grow the program if you are not going to continue after the grant ends? There is need for an additional two to three PT instructors especially with developing the Project Lead the Way which requires training over the summer. An administrative assistant is also needed to just track everything with the TAACCCT grant. Jeannine suggested that Michael work with HR to develop and publish something on the NEOGOV site to draw the interest for PT Engineering faculty.

Additional needs are for equipment, $75,000 had been allocated through TAACCCT which was enough for current but if we want to develop new courses for transfer purposes funds are not available and will be needed. Michael explained further that the Hemet facility has requested $250,000 for equipment and there is no way to purchase it. Project Lead the Way requires training over the summer of the two part time instructors that are needed however the Professional Development funds are insufficient to cover these costs.

Jeremy asked about curriculum and Michael explained that he has reviewed and he needs to develop some engineering courses and sees that there are some other courses that are attached to the degree which may need to be removed (photography). Project Lead the Way has already been established and will need a little work but transfer is where curriculum is needed the most. Elias asked if he had met Janet McCurdy the Articulation Officer yet, he explained that he had and is making sure he is looking at articulation also.

  1. Student Services: Athletics

Jennifer Burleson, SJC Athletics Counselor, introduced herself and walked the committee through their program review. They feel they have made several strides in terms of development of their goals and objectives.

She informed the committee that 98% of the student athletes assess into basic skills level. They started the Athlete Scholars program about 6 years ago and were able to show the data to support the program and it was institutionalized in 2013 but only with a PT coordinator and then this year the position became a permanent part time classified position but still only at 20 hours per week.

Their research shows that one of the problems facing student athletes is access to books. Students are unable to work to supplement their income due to their schedules or they do not qualify for financial aid as they are from out of state so they completed a RAP for a proposed a book lending program. This is the first year of the program and they have 29 books in 15 disciplines.

Jennifer reviewed their 5 goals with the committee; 1.) Need to have the program increased to FT instead of only 20 hours, with 20 hours they are extremely limited. They are looking to move forward to FT as there is a great need. 2.) Educational plans for all student athletes who are held to a higher standard due to mandates imposed. 3.) She has been working with Financial Aid and EOPS directors to market and increase the awareness of the programs to the students. 4.) CLASS – LCOM to get student athletes through college level English. Success rates are phenomenal, last fall 89% and spring 75%, they are trying to expand to MVC but are meeting resistance for additional guidance courses at the Menifee campus. 5.) Increase participation in the Student Athlete Summer Bridge Program, with the program students are able to have their writing prompts assessed and are able to challenge their assessment and move up a level. This is a huge benefit and the students are very grateful of the different form of assessment.

Improvements and Needs - Greatest need is to increase the program from part time 20 hours to full time 40 hours. Struggle also in terms of faculty needed, know that in 3/4/5 years down the road when the facilities are built from the bond, they need to have a plan of attack for the amount of growth that is going to happen.

Paul asked Stacey if joint hiring will tie in the facility bond into the rubric, Stacey responded that joint hiring will discuss.

Jennifer continued her presentation with Institutional needs and explained that our facilities are not the best and they are in definite need. Some funding has already been earmarked for the facilities due to the state that they are in and the safety concerns that were raised. An athletics counselor is also needed at MVC, which they will resubmit for that. The problem they have found is associate counselors are trained but then leave for full time positions at other institutions, which this problem is college wide, not just Athletics. She explained that currently there is a student with possible learning disabilities who needs to be assessed and see the counselor but cannot be seen until November! Raymond inquired as to the percentage of student athletes with learning disabilities. Jennifer explained that she did not have a number/percentage but it is probably very high and also explained that it does need to be documented as an exception can be made for transfer by NAACP with this information. But numbers are not complete as students don’t feel that they cannot ask for help or are ashamed to do so.

Carlos asked Jennifer if the problem with coaches is a money problem. Jennifer explained that we need more coaches that they can pay FT. Currently they have 4 full time coaches and 3 of those are head coaches so the remaining coaches are all working part time and coaches that come on board are giving a minimal stipend of $500.00.

  1. Committee Charge
  2. Committee Goals and Objectives

Paul explained to the committee during one of the first meetings of each year we review our committee charge and our goals and objectives for the upcoming year. The 2014-15 items were emailed to you along with a recommendation for adding a third goal. We ask that you review these items, forward any comments and suggestion to us and be ready to vote on them at our next meeting in October. Stacey reminded the committee to email anyone not in attendance so they are also able to voice their comments and suggestions.

Information Items:

  1. Next Meeting Date –Thursday, October15, 2015 12:30 – 2:00 pm

SJC Boardroom Room 200 linked MVC Room 805

Stacey Searl-Chapin requested that the committee send Tamara Smith an updated member listing and also informed the committee that there may be a conflict in the meeting times with another committee, thus we may have trouble meeting quorum each month.


M: D. Grace; SC: J. Brown, meeting adjourned 1:30 pm.

Mt. San Jacinto College, a California Community College, offers accessible, innovative, comprehensive and quality educational programs and services to diverse, dynamic and growing communities both within and beyond traditional geographic boundaries. We support life-long learning and student success by utilizing proven educational methodologies as determined by collaborative institutional planning and assessment. To meet economic and workforce development needs, MSJC provides students with basic skills, general and career education that lead to transfer, associate degrees and certificates. Our commitment to student learning empowers students with the skills and knowledge needed to effect positive change and enhance the world in which we live.