TO: Staff

FROM: Roger Mace, Superintendent

RE: Report of July 17, 2013 Regular Board Meeting

1. The board recognized area Law Enforcement Officers.

2.  The board approved the financial report for the month of June.

3.  The board accepted the bid of $126,972.00 from Musco Sports Lighting to install lighting on the soccer field at the Eastman Athletic Complex (contingent on receiving donated funds to cover the project.

4.  The board removed the resolution concerning land conveyance for property no longer needed for school purposes.

5.  The board approved the request for an extended long-term leave of absence from Kristine Geiser for the period August 16, 2013 through October 31, 2013.

6.  The board approved amending Jared Denney’s contract from 202 workdays per year to 212 workdays per year.

7.  The board approved paying And Hout for 9½ days of unused vacation for the 2012-2013 school year and approved changes to his contract pertaining to 10 vacation days.

8.  The board employed Rick Stout as a Bus Driver for the 2013-2014 school year, effective August 19, 2013.

9.  The board approved all teachers and substitute teachers as tutors, after-school program instructors, and summer school instructors for the 2013-2014 school year, to be paid at the hourly tutorial rate.

10.  The board approved Tyler Phillips for the supplemental contract for Asst. Marching Band Director for the 2013-2014 school year.

11.  The board approved the following lists for substitute personnel for the 2013-2014 school year:

a.  Certified Personnel

b.  Classified Personnel

12.  The board approved Jordan Deel as a volunteer football coach for the 2013-2014 school year.

13.  The board approved paying teachers stipends for professional development for the period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 at the tutorial rate, to be paid through Race to the Top, Title I, Title II, IDEA, PSE, and/or ECE funding.

14.  The board authorized the superintendent to employ personnel as necessary between now and the September regular board meeting.

15.  The board approved transportation reimbursement ($.65. per mile) for Mary Workman to provide transportation services for a special needs student for the 2013-2014 school year.

16.  The board approved the contract with the Gallia County Board of DD to provide physical therapy services for handicapped pupils for the 2013-2014 school year, not to exceed $20,000.00.

17.  The board approved the following contracts with Marietta Memorial Hospital for the 2013-2014 school year:

a.  Occupational therapy services

b.  Speech therapy services

18.  The board approved the agreement with McGraw Physical Therapy, Inc. to provide services for the 2013-2014 school year at the rate of $65.00 per service/visit.

19.  The board approved the agreement with Woodland Centers to provide Social Workers for the 2013-2014 school year at a cost of $50,700.00, to be paid through Rural and Low Income Title VIB; costs that exceed grant allocation will be paid through the General Fund.

20.  The board approved the agreement with Strategic Management Solutions to provide E-Rate consultation and services for the funding year 2013.

21.  The board removed the purchase agreement for property to be used for school purposes.

22.  The board approved change order 23-007R.

23.  The board approved the Field Trip request for the 9-12 Symphonic Band to travel to Washington D.C. from March 22, 2014 - March 25, 2014.

24.  Roger Mace gave an update on the Race to the Top Grant.

25.  The board set a date of August 8, 2013 for a special meeting.