AHS Girls’ Basketball Program Policies
-Be on time and ready for practice and games - jersey tucked in, hair up, no jewelry on (no exceptions), bathroom already used, and all equipment ready
-Must be respectful to all faculty members, coaches and teammates
-Must be responsible and respectful to team and equipment
-You MAY NOT post anything inappropriate about your teammates, coaches, Arleta Basketball or yourself in Arleta Basketball gear on the internet (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, You Tube, Snapchat)
-Hazing and Bullying other teammates as well as any form of harassment will not be tolerated and will be reported to the deans for further consequences
-No use of profanity on or off the court
-Do not leave gym (home or away sites) without asking a coach for permission
-All behavior must be appropriate and follow Arleta High School and district policies. This includes and is not limited to personal non- basketball related relationships, dress code violations, profanity, and behavior.
-No food or drinks in the gym (exceptions water bottles with water only)
-All Players are responsible for keeping the gyms (home and away) clean. All players must assist in set-up of the gym and clean-up of the gym for both practices and after the conclusion of each varsity game
-Must maintain a 2.0 year around- NO F’s or U’s will be tolerated and are grounds for removal from the team regardless of overall GPA
-In order to be eligible to participate on the Arleta Basketball team, you must pass every mester of advisory
-Must represent the program and school in a positive manner at all times
-Must be dressed in proper attire at all practices and games or you will be considered a nonsuit
-Must dress professionally on Tuesdays (will reflect in your participation grade)
-Absences will reflect in your participation and attendance at games
-Absences will result in mandatory consequences to be completed before or after practice immediately upon return to school- (Absence with written notification= 1 mile per missed practice, Absence without written notification = 1 mile and 20 laps on the stairs per missed practice or game)
-Coach Guijarro MUST be notified prior to practice or game of any absence from 4th period, morning, after school (including KYDS) practices or game in writing (email, text message, Sport Up App or written note from parent)
-Absences that are not reported to the coach the day before a game will result in non participation in that game.
-Injuries do not exempt you from practice or dressing. If you have an injury, you must still attend practice, dress and participate as much as possible
-Practice is not a time to do your homework or classwork from another class. All homework is to be completed outside of practice. If you need assistance or need extra time to work on your homework, Coach’s office is available at 7AM and during lunch to work on your assignments.
-Weekly Grade checks are required from all players. Failure to turn in a grade check on time will result in lowering of their grade in addition to other consequences.
-No consumption of alcohol, tobacco, or any other illegal substance (violations are subject to immediate removal from the team)-CIF Article 10 pursuing victory with honor principle 14
-If you are not allowed to travel to a game for any reason (absence, consequence, etc) you are not allowed to attend the game on your own
-No cell phone or electronic use during practice
-Work hard and give it your all!!!
Playing basketball for Arleta High School is a privilege and not a right. You may be removed from the team at any time if you do not follow the rules and guidelines stated above.
I have read and understand the Arleta High School Basketball Rules/ Policies
Student Name: ______
Student Signature______
Student Email: ______
Parent Name: ______
Parent Signature: ______
Parent Email: ______
Parent Phone Number: ( ) -
Date: ______