Fr. Paul O’ Driscoll 059 9144164 Mobile 087 2564076
Parish Office 059 9144888, Sr. Pauline & Sr. Caitriona 059 9144152
Email or see
24thApril 2016
Weekend Masses
Sat 7.00p.m. Joe Byrne (A), Thomas Moran (A), Tom O’Sullivan (A).
Sun 9.30a.m. Michael & Elizabeth Kirwan (A), Seamus & Thomas Dunne (A).
Sun 11.00a.m. Michael Waldron (R.D), Patrick & Arthur Lawler (A),
Castledermot: John & Mary Cummins (A), Patrick & Mary Hennessy (A),
Christopher & Kathleen Quinn (A), Margaret Quinn (A).
Prayers requested for: Sr. Madeline Ryan (R.D), Sr. Gregory Delaney (R.D).
Mass & Services Schedule:
Mon: 7.00pm Evening Mass Sr. Madeline Ryan S.M.G. (R.D).
Tues: 8.45am Morning Prayer 8.45
Wed: 7.00pm Evening Mass Sr. Elizabeth Morris (A).
Thurs: 9.00am Morning Mass
Fri: 7.00pm Evening Mass
Eucharistic Adoration: Monday at 6.30p.m. Followed by Mass at 7.00p.m.
Ministers of the Eucharist (Castledermot)
Sat 23rd April: E. Osborne & M. Lyng. Sun 24th April: Sr. Catriona & C. Doyle.
Sat 30th April: A. Shaughnessy & A. Flood . Sun 1st May: S. O’Briain & A. Wall.
Ministers of the Word (Castledermot)
Sat 23rd April: J. Osborne. Sun 24th April: Sr. Pauline.
Sat 30th April: T. Connolly. Sun 1st May: P. Courtney.
Ministers of the Word (Levitstown)
Sun 24th April: O. Hayden & N. O’Brien. Sun 1st May: C. Hayden.
Collectors (Levitstown)
April: P. Murphy & S. Dowling. May: M. Fennelly & W. Byrne.
Altar Servers
Sat 23rdApril: N. Lococo S. Horan G. Kelly H. Doyle
Sun 24th April: A. Chatten A. Keatley S. McConomy S. Scully
v Special Appeal for Ukraine: A special collection will be taken up at all Catholic Churches in Europe this Saturday and Sunday. The Archbishop has instructed Parishes that 50% of the ordinary Share collection this weekend will be donated to the Pope’s Appeal. Leaflets are available from the reading table which outlines the current situation in the Ukraine. If you wish to make a separate donation to this appeal, please call in to The Parish Office during the coming week. Thank you for your generosity.
v Very Needy Fundraising: This Sunday April 24th at Teach Diarmada Car Boot Sale, Parish Sister, Sr. Pauline (Poor Servant of the Mother of God) and her team will be manning a table from 9.00am to 2.00pm in aid of their 5 mission houses in Africa, Mwingi, Mulutu, Kiambu, and Kitale in Kenya. There will be lots to interest you. First prize, a beautiful dolls house, and five hampers. Don’t miss the opportunity of purchasing some tickets. Tickets priced at €2 each or 3 for €5. Your generous support would be much appreciated. Looking forward to seeing you all there.
v Service of Commemoration: Due to unforeseen circumstances, the service to commemorate those who died in World War 1 and the 1916 rising will be held on Friday, May 20th at 8pm, and not May 27th as previously announced.
v Pre-Marriage Courses: Accord Carlow have only a few places remaining on the following courses, May 6th and 7th and June 10th and 11th. There are no courses in July and August. Bookings can be made on or phone Mary on 0599138738.
v Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Knock Shrine: Takes place on Sunday 22nd May. Bus leaves Castledermot Church Car Park at 7.00am sharp. Bus fare €20. Four course meal in Cleggan Court Hotel €20. Deposit of €10 please by Wednesday 18th May. For further information contact: Kathleen Moran on 0599144278 or Adrian Lawler on 087-6482896.
v The Castledermot Historical Society: A talk by Jackie Green on The Kildare ANZACs and their contribution to the First World War will take place on Tuesday 26th April 2016 in Teach Diarmada, Castledermot at 8.00pm. The story of Kildare men who, after migrating to Australia, joined the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps and subsequently fought in Gallipoli and Palestine.
v The Alzheimer Café: The Alzheimer’s Cafe Evening takes place on the last Wednesday of every Month from 7pm to 9pm in Convent Tea Rooms, Sallins rd. Naas. (Beside Parish Church). Talk for Wed 27th April will be “Dealing with behaviours that challenge” Dr Anne O’Driscoll Geriatrician, Naas Hospital. Those with Dementia, Carers, and professionals in this area are all welcome.
v Mental Health: When we go through tough times, little things like talking about our problems, getting regular exercise, drinking less alcohol and being involved in activities we enjoy can make a big difference to how we feel. Find the little things that work for you at
v Rathvilly & Castledermot Garden & Flower Club: Will meet on Thurs 28th April 2016 at 7.30pm in Teach Diarmada, Castledermot. This will be the annual Alpine Show with Paul Cutler head gardener at Altamont Gardens giving a talk on Alpine Plants and judging the entries in the show followed by the presentation of prizes, cup of tea, raffle and chat, all very welcome. Admission €5 and raffle tickets €5.
v Mabs: Money Advice & Budgeting Service, 72d Tullow St, Carlow, Tel: 076 1072070.
Assisting people in dealing with their existing debts and helping them to begin to manage their own resources. Free and Confidential.