Global Screening of CK2 Kinase Substrates byan Integrated Phosphoproteomics Workflow
Yangyang Bian1, 2, Mingliang Ye1*, Chunli Wang1, 2,Kai Cheng1, 2,Chunxia Song1,2,Mingming Dong1, 2, Yanbo Pan1, 2, Hongqiang Qin1, 2,Hanfa Zou1*
1Key Laboratory of Separation Sciences for Analytical Chemistry, National Chromatographic R&A Center, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian 116023, China;
2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed:
Prof. Dr. Mingliang Ye,Prof. Dr. Hanfa Zou
Key Laboratory of Separation Sciences for Analytical Chemistry, National Chromatographic R&A Center, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian 116023, China, Fax: (+) 86-411-84379620
E-mail: ;
Materials and Chemicals
Dithiothreitol (DTT), iodoacetamide (IAA), Triethylammonium bicarbonate buffer (TEAB), trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), adenosine triphosphate (ATP), protease cocktail and trypsin were all obtained from Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). EDTA, EGTA and PMSF were purchased from Amresco (Solon, Ohio, USA). Formic acid (FA) was bought from Fluka (Buches, Germany) and acetonitrile (ACN, HPLC grade) was purchased from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). The CNBr-activated sepharose was obtained from GE Health. All the water used in the experiments was purified using a Mili-Q system from Millipore Company (Bedford, MA).Casein kinase 2 was also obtained from Millipore. Magic C18AQ (5 μm, 20 nm pore) was purchased from Michrom BioResources (Auburn, CA). Fused silica capillaries with 75 μm i.d. were purchased from Yongnian Optical Fiber Factory (Hebei, China).
Cell Culture and Protein Extraction
The HeLa cells and Jurkat cells were grown separately in RPMI-1640, supplemented with 10% bovine serum, 100 U/mL of streptomycin and penicillin in humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2 at 37℃. The cells were sonicated in buffer containing 50 mM HEPES (pH=7.5), 65 mM DTT, 2% protease cocktail (v/v), 1% Triton X-100 (v/v), 1 mM PMSF. The solution was thencentrifuged at 25000 g under 4℃ and the concentration of protein in the supernatant was measured by Bradford’s method.
Protein Immobilization and Dephosphorylation
The CNBr-activated sepharose (GE Health) were activated and washed with 1mM HCl solution.For immobilization of protein, 2mg Hela or jurkat cell proteins weremixed with 80mg CNBr-activated sepharose at 4 ℃ overnight in a cool-heat-shake (Multi-Therm). Then, thesepharose were blocked with 1M glycine solution for 3 h at 25℃, andwashedwith 50 mM HEPES buffer (pH=7.5). To reduce the interference of the endogenous phosphorylation, the sepharose were added into the dephosphorylation buffer containing 1mM MgCl2, 1mM ZnCl2, 50mM HEPES (pH=7.5).75Ualkaline phosphatase (Sigma) was added and the reaction was proceededfor 5 h at 37 ℃. After that, another 25 U alkaline phosphatase was added and left to react for another 12 h at 37℃.Finally, the solution was heated at 95 ℃ for 15 min to inactivate the alkaline phosphatase and endogenous kinases.
Online 2D-LC-MS/MS Analysis
A 14 cm RP-SCX biphasic column (200 μm i.d.) was prepared as previously described1.The column was used as the trapping column and the first dimensional separation column in the 2D-RPLC-MS/MS. Phosphopeptides were redissolved in 0.1% FA in water and automatically loaded onto the biphasic trapping column.The phosphopeptides retained on the RP segment were eluted by aRP gradient nanoflow LC-MS/MS (0 mM) onto the SCX monolithic column. Then a series of stepwise elution with salt concentrations of25, 50, 100, 1000 mM NH4AC were applied to elute phosphopeptides from the SCX monolithic column to the second dimensional analytical column. Each elution lasted10 min and followed by equilibrium by 0.1% FAin water for additional 10 min. Each elution step was followed by a subsequent RP-LC-MS/MS analysis with a 97 min gradient from 5-25% ACN.For the RPLCseparation, 0.1% FA in water and in acetonitrile were used asmobile phases A and B, and the separationcapillary column with a 75 μm i.d. was in-house packed with C18particles (3 μm, 120 Å) to 14 cm length.The MS analysis was performed on LTQ-Orbitrap Velos (Thermo, San Jose,CA) at a resolution of 60 000. The temperature of the ion transfercapillary was set at 250 ℃. The parameters were set as: ion spray voltage, 2.0 kV; MS range, 400-2000 m/z at a resolution of 60 000; normalized collision energy, 35%; the 20 most intense precursors were selected for subsequent fragmentation (CID) using a data-dependent acquisition mode, andthe multistage activation was enabled. The dynamic exclusion settings: repeat count 1, repeat duration 30 s, exclusion duration 60 s.
Database Search and Data Analysis
The raw data files generated by the LTQ-Orbitrap Velos were analyzed with softwareMaxQuant version,which were developed by Matthias Mann’s lab. The MS/MS spectras were searched against the human International Protein Index sequence database version 3.80 (63,012 sequences) supplemented by frequently observed contaminants, concatenated with reversed versions of all sequences.Enzyme specificity was set as trypsin (KR/P), up to two missed cleavage sites were allowed.Phospho (STY),loss of ammonia and water was chosen for variable modifications; carbamidomethyl was chosen for fixed modifications.Dimethyl (heavy or light) atN-terminal and lysine werealso set as variable modifications, and a maximum of three labeled amino acids were allowed.The required FDR was set to 0.01 at the peptide, proteinand site level respectively, andthe minimum required peptide length was six amino acids. The least modified peptides were chosen for the quantification of the phosphorylation sites.Sequence logos were automatically generated by theWebLogo program (
In VitroPhosphorylationof SyntheticPeptides by CK2
Syntheticpeptides were dissolved with a final concentration of 4 mg/mL. The reaction was performed in the kinase buffer described above, 4 μg peptides were added into 20 μL kinase buffer containing 500 μM ATP. For kinase reaction, 20 ng CK2 was added for each sample, and the control experiment was performed without addition of CK2. The reaction was incubated at 30℃ for 30 min and stopped by putting the sample on ice. The resultant solution was diluted and analyzed by ABI 5800 MALDI TOF/TOF with a reflectionmode.
SupplementaryFigure S1. Distribution of the H/L ratioof p-sites quantified by the quantitativephosphoproteomics approach for experiments 1 and 2.
SupplementaryFigure S2. Distribution of the RSD of the p-sites quantified by the quantitativephosphoproteomics approach for Hela cell and jurkat cell, respectively.
SupplementaryFigure S3. MALDI-TOF mass spectra of the peptide AALACCSEDEEDD incubated with A) ATP, B) ATP and CK2.
SupplementaryFigure S4.MALDI-TOF mass spectra of the peptide EDKLQNSDDDEKM incubated with A) ATP, B) ATP and CK2.
SupplementaryFigure S5.MALDI-TOF mass spectra of the peptide YEDDGISDDEIEG incubated with A) ATP, B) ATP and CK2.
SupplementaryFigure S6.MALDI-TOF mass spectra of the peptide AEDEGDSEPEAVG incubated with A) ATP, B) ATP and CK2.
SupplementaryFigure S7.MALDI-TOF mass spectra of the peptide NRPDYVSEEEEDD incubated with A) ATP, B) ATP and CK2.
SupplementaryFigure S8.MALDI-TOF mass spectra of the peptide EESLEDSDVDADF incubated with A) ATP, B) ATP and CK2.
SupplementaryFigure S9.MALDI-TOF mass spectra of the peptide EDICEDSDIDGDY incubated with A) ATP, B) ATP and CK2.
SupplementaryFigure S10.MALDI-TOF mass spectra of the peptide GGAGFGTDGDDQE incubated with A) ATP, B) ATP and CK2.
SupplementaryFigure S11.The extracted ion chromatograms for the peptides labeled with light (CH3, black line) and heavy (CHD2, red line) dimethyl labels. No significant retention time shifts between the peptide pairs were observed, indicating the deuterated and non-deuterated peptides do not compromise the quantification performance.
Supplementary Table S4. List of the known CK2 substrates with sites identified in this study. Class H dataset: CK2 substrate sites that had been identified in vivo by large scale phosphoproteomics. Class L dataset: CK2 substrate sites that had not been identified in vivo by large scale phosphoproteomics.
Number / Protein Names / Class H/L* / Accession / Identified CK2p-sites / Organisms / Reference1 / HMGA1 / Class H / P17096 / EGISQESpSpEEEQ_ / Human / 4
2 / ANP32B / Class H / Q92688 / EKRKRETpDDEGED / Human / 5
3 / HDGF / Class H / P51858 / GNAEGSSpDEEGKL / Human / 6, 7
4 / MYH9 / Class H / P35579 / KGAGDGSpDEEVDG / Human / 8
5 / DEK / Class H / P35659 / SKKESpESpEDSpSDD
6 / TOP2A / Class H / P11388 / PQKSVVSpDLEADD
NENTEGSpPQEDGV / Human / 10, 11
7 / eEF1D / Class H / P29692 / DIDLFGSpDNEEED / Human / 12
8 / MCM2 / Class H / P49736 / RGLLYDSpDEEDEE / Human / 13
9 / CANX / Class H / P27824 / EDGGTVSpQEEEDR / Human / 14
10 / HSP90B / Class H / P08238 / KIEDVGSpDEEDDS
11 / HSP90A / Class H / P07900 / ERDKEVSpDDEAEE
12 / SSB / Class H / P05455 / KKTKFASpDDEHDE / Human / 16
13 / HDAC1 / Class H / Q13547 / EEEFSpDSpEEEGEG / Human / 17
14 / HDAC2 / Class H / Q92769 / DAVHEDSpGDEDGE / Human / 18, 19
15 / SMC3 / Class H / Q9UQE7 / DVEGSQSpQDEGEG / Human / 20
16 / RAD9A / Class H / Q99638 / PVLAEDSpEGEG__ / Human / 21
17 / CTNNA1 / Class H / P35221 / PEELDDSpDFETED / Human / 22
18 / LIG1 / Class H / P18858 / AARVLGSpEGEEED / Human / 23
19 / HNRNPC / Class H / P07910 / EGGADDSpAEEGDL / Human / 24
20 / YY1 / Class H / P25490 / VVGGDDSpDGLRAE / Human / 25
21 / SPTAN1 / Class L / Q13813 / AERLIQSpHPESAE / Human / 26
22 / USP7 / Class H / Q93009 / AGEQQLSpEPEDME / Human / 27
23 / HDAC3 / Class H / O15379 / HDNDKESpDVEI / Human / 28
24 / MDC1 / Class H / Q14676 / PGEDSpDTpDVDDDS
TERDSpDTpDVEEEE / Human / 29
25 / MRE11A / Class H / P49959 / VIEVDESpDVEEDI / Human / 30
26 / LEF1 / Class H / Q9UJU2 / KIFAEISpHPEEEG / Human / 31
27 / HMGN1 / Class H / P05114 / TEESPASpDEAGEK / Human / 32
28 / IPP2 / Class H / P41236 / RIQEQESpSGEEDS / Human / 33
29 / MYH10 / Class H / P35580 / GASLELSpDDDTES / Human / 34
30 / PDIA6 / Class H / Q15084 / EDDIDLSpDVELDD / Cow / 35
31 / PSMA3 / Class H / P25788 / LKEEDESpDDDNM_ / Rat / 36
32 / eEF1B / Class H / P24534 / DIDLFGSpDDEEES
SDDEEESpEEAKRL / Rabbit / 37
33 / HP1A / Class L / P45973 / KSNFSNSpADDIKS / Mouse / 38
34 / MPR46 / Class H / P20645 / DQLGEESpEERDDH / Mouse / 39, 40
35 / PKR2 / Class H / P13861 / ADAKGDSpESpEEDE / Mouse / 41
36 / IGF2R / Class H / P11717 / VSFHDDSpDEDLLH
37 / PML / Class H / P29590 / VVVISSSpEDSpDAE / Yeast/Human / 43, 44
38 / MRLC2 / Class L / O14950 / TMGDRFTpDEEVDE / Chicken / 45
39 / PDAP1 / Class H / Q62785 / KSLDSpDESpEDEE / Rat / 46
Supplementary Table S5.List of known CK2 substrates identified in this study, while the phosphorylation sites have not been identified as CK2 substrate sites in the literatures. Class H dataset: CK2 substrate sites that had been identified in vivo by large scale phosphoproteomics. Class L dataset: CK2 substrate sites that had not been identified in vivo by large scale phosphoproteomics.
Number / Protein name / Class H/L* / Accession / Identified site / Organisms / Reference1 / NPM / Class L / P06748 / KTPKGPSpSVEDIK / Human / 47, 48
2 / eIF2B / Class H / P20042 / KIESpDVQEPTpEPE / Human / 49
3 / HIRIP3 / Class H / Q9BW71 / SKAVEESpSpDEERQ
4 / SIRT1 / Class H / Q96EB6 / GGAGFGTpDGDDQE / Human / 51, 52
5 / SSRP1 / Class H/L / Q08945 / GMNPSpYDEYpADSDE / Human / 53
6 / ABC50 / Class H / Q8NE71 / KKAEQGSpEEEGEG
7 / PRPF3 / Class H / O43395 / GDDDEESpDEEAVK / Human / 55
8 / WASP / Class L / P42768 / ISEAQLTpDAETSK / Human / 56
9 / CBX1 / Class H / P83916 / GKRKADSpDSEDKG / Human / 57
10 / hnRNPA1 / Class H / P09651 / ___MSKSpESPKEP / Human / 58
11 / KIF1C / Class H / O43896 / LYADSpDSpGDDSDK / Human / 59
12 / PC4 / Class H/L / P53999 / SSSGSDSpDSEVDK
13 / MAP1B / Class H / P46821 / KGEAEQSpEEEADE / Human / 61
14 / BTF3 / Class L / P20290 / GKAPLATpGEDDDD / Human / 62
15 / APEX / Class L / P27695 / DGDELRTpEPEAKK / Human / 63
16 / C1QBP / Class L / Q07021 / REVSFQSpTGESEW
17 / LEDGF / Class H/L / O75475 / VKQPCPSpESDIIT
18 / NAP2 / Class H / A8CGI3 / TDAESpEWHSpENEE / Human / 66
19 / DHPS / Class H / P49366 / KKLEPLSpDEDQH / Human / 67
20 / SRPK1 / Class L / A8K8B2 / SAPHSESpDLPEQE / Human / 68
21 / DDX54 / Class H/L / Q8TDD1 / PTSECTSpDVEPDT
22 / PDCD4 / Class H / Q53EL6 / GRGDSVSpDSpGSDA / Human / 69
24 / NUCKS / Class H / Q9H1E3 / DSHSpAEDSpEDEKE
25 / NCL / Class H/L / P19338 / KGLSEDTpTEETLK
GYVDFESpAEDLE / Mouse / 71
26 / RIOK1 / Class H / Q9BRS2 / FDDADSSpDSENRD / Yeast / 72
27 / EXOSC9 / Class H / Q06265 / KAPIDTSpDVEEKA / Yeast / 73
28 / SEC63 / Class L / Q9UGP8 / EVSDKGSpDSEEEE / Yeast / 74
29 / SURF6 / Class H / O75683 / FNKVEVSpEDEPAS / Drosophila / 75
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