At the time of registration, the student shall make a down payment of € 200,00 towards the academic fees for the appropriate semester. Should the registration be cancelled, this initial payment shall not be refunded.

Payment may be made in cash, by cheque, credit card, or bank card in the Administration Office or through a bank draft to the Angelicum bank account. For bank drafts please indicate the following information in the REASON FOR PAYMENT: the student family name + name + enrollment n° + faculty. Below are the Angelicum bank details:

Beneficiary: Pontificia Università San Tommaso d'Aquino

Largo Angelicum, 1 - 00184 Rome


Piazza Della Libertà, 13

00192 Roma

IBAN: IT94K0335901600100000144112


Important: In order to ensure that the academic fees are paid in full, it is necessary that the student make the payments in euro, including the necessary additional bank commissions on drafts and international payments.


Academic fees give the right to enroll in classes, to take the annual examinations and to use the University library.

Ordinary and extraordinary students:
Baccalaureate1 / 1.550,00 euro
Licentiate 1 / 1.950,00 euro
Doctorate1 / 2.600,00 euro
Philosophy Doctorate / 3.250,00 euro
1° year / 1.150,00 euro
2° year / 1.100,00 euro
3° year / 1.000,00 euro
Institute of Spirituality / 1.950,00 euro
St. Thomas Institute / 1.950,00 euro
Interreligious Studies / 1.950,00 euro
RussellBerrie courses / 200,00 euro
Faculty of Social Sciences Program Tutor:
Baccalaureate1 / 1.850,00 euro
Licentiate1 / 2.050,00 euro
Doctorate1 / 2.600,00 euro
Istituto Scienze Religiose – Mater Ecclesiae
Baccalaureate / 1.400,00 euro
Licentiate / 1.600,00 euro
Course for Formators / 1.200,00 euro
Fuori Corso (for each year)2 / 650,00 euro
Guest students:3
registration and eventual exams / 80,00 euro
per ECTS credit / 60,00 euro
Auditing Student (for each course) / 100,00 euro
Changes in the plan of studies after the due date / 100,00 euro
Affiliated Institutes / 250,00 euro
Baccalaureate / 260,00 euro
Licentiate / 480,00 euro
Doctorate5 / 1.380,00 euro
FINE for unjustified absence for an examination / 50,00 euro
Baccalaureate / 200,00 euro
Licentiate / 230,00 euro
Doctorate / 540,00 euro
Re-evaluation thesis results
1stinstance (Dean) / 300,00 euro
2ndinstance (Rector) / 500,00 euro
  1. The fees for the Baccalaureate, the Licentiate, the Doctorate and the Fuori Corso maybe paid in two installments. For the Doctorate, the first installment must be paid at the beginningof the first year, and the second installment must be paid at the beginning of thesecond year before the end of the enrolment period. The payment of the relative fees forthe doctorate, therefore, is to be made annually.
  2. All students, including even those Fuori Corso, must pay the required penalty if the paymentis made after the due date. After the fifth year, the students Fuori Corso, must undergo an examination with reference to the course/seminar before beingpermitted to continue their studies.
  3. Guest students, regardless of whether taking examinations or not, shall pay the full feesfor the courses attended. The registration will be officially completed in the GeneralSecretariat only if the student has paid all the academic fees. Guest students registeringin September for courses of the first and of the second semester, are required to pay the fees forall the courses at the beginning of the first semester, otherwise the student is not regardedas registered.
  4. Examination fees must be paid within and not later than 15 days prior to the date of the examination.
  5. For the Faculty of Philosophy, a first installment (490,00 euro) must be paid when the request is made for admission to the first examination (Lectio Coram) of the doctorate. A second installment (890,00 euro), established according to the fees in force, is paid when the dissertation is submitted. For the other Faculties, the fees are paid in full when the dissertation is submitted.

Pastoral Theology and Spirituality
Diploma in Interreligious Studies / 85,00 euro
85,00 euro
85,00 euro
Doctorate / 100,00 euro
180,00 euro
Diploma supplement / 75,00 euro
100,00 euro
Simple certificate of enrollment
Certificate of payment / 5,00 euro
5,00 euro
Complete Certificate of Studies:
1 year
2 years
3 years / 25,00 euro
30,00 euro
35,00 euro
Academic degrees obtained
Urgent Requests / 30,00 euro
20,00 euro
Prior to 1990:
1 year
2 years
3 years / 35,00 euro
40,00 euro
45,00 euro
Fee for late payment:
1 to 15 days
16 to 30 days
31 to 45 days
over 45 days / 50,00 euro
100,00 euro
150,00 euro
200,00 euro
Renewal of University ID card / 30,00 euro
Pre-Admission with endorsement for Visa purposes / 80,00 euro


Please note that all the students (even those Fuori Corso) must pay the required penalty, if the due payment for the academic fees is made after the deadline. The penalty fee for late payments is calculated according to the number of days that is late (see above table).

is calculated by according to each additional day depends on how many days later the payment is made

  • All fees are non-refundable.
  • At the time of enrollment a student may ask, after making a down payment of € 200,00 towards the academic fees, for a deferment of academic fees in the Administration Office.
  • Fuori Corsostudents besides completing the examinations remaining, may follow, at no extra cost, a maximum of two courses in order to obtain the necessary credits for obtaining the academic grade.
  • Ordinary and Extraordinary students may follow a maximum of two courses per year in other Faculties at no extra cost. This, however, does not apply to the course in Latin. All studentswishing to follow a course in Latin, except for those for whom it is obligatory, should register themselves as an auditing student with the concerned Faculty offering such a course, either Canon Law or Philosophy, and pay the respective fees.
  • Guest students do not have the right to a certificate of enrolment. Ordinary and Extraordinary students may receive this certificate only if they have paid all the fees due.
  • Students who are admitted to the successive Cycle or who register themselves in another Faculty without having completed the previous course, shall be obliged to pay also the Fuori Corso fees until they complete the course.
  • Please note that in all Italian banks it is mandatory to present an Identity Card/ document and the Codice Fiscale, failing which one cannot effect any bank transaction in any Italian bank.