3For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
2a time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
3a time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to break down, and a time to build up;
4a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
5a time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
6a time to seek, and a time to lose;
a time to keep, and a time to throw away;
7a time to tear, and a time to sew;
a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
8a time to love, and a time to hate;
a time for war, and a time for peace. –Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Indeed, there is a time for everything, and May seems to be a month that truly has everything happening. There are confirmations, graduations, the end to Sunday school, the end of the school year, the beginning of summer, planting of gardens and crops, beginning summer jobs/ending school year jobs, dance recitals, concerts, remembering those who have died in war or have served our country, along with remembering loved ones in general, mother’s day, and the gamut of emotions running through people’s lives. With that said, let us not forget the one who is the giver of all the precious times, celebrations, and toil that we have been given, our God.
We remember and honor God when we take time to pray before meals, at bedtime, and all the other times we find ourselves in need of thanking or calling upon God for his strength and presence in our chaotic lives. We also can do this when we strive to keep up our daily devotions with the Lord alone, and perhaps even with our spouse or kids each day. We can do this by coming to worship where we are reminded of a God who is with us, knows us, and is still willing to love and forgive us every time we mess up.
As a community united together in Christ, it is our duty and our joy to walk through all of these times with one another. One of the best ways we can do this is by calling/visiting and checking in with one another, sending cards of support, praying for one another (and not just those who are listed in our prayers), and being children of God supporting one another and loving one another just as Jesus has loved us.
In John, 13:34-35, Jesus said to his disciples (who I hope you consider yourself called to be), “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have love you, so you must love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” This my friends, was Jesus’ command to his disciples before he went to the cross to die for them and for us, and it is still an important one for all who believe and appreciate the love Jesus has poured out for them on the cross.
So no matter what single statements might be made that we disagree about or get hurt over, or what songs we sing in church, or even how tired we might be physically or emotionally, when we take the time to come dwell with God, or spend time loving one another as Jesus loved us, we will find meaning in the chaos, peace in the struggle, and companionship, mercy, and love waiting for us…all because we took the time to open our hearts to see and do what our Creator and Savior has given to us. Even though May is busy, may we continue to seek out the one who holds all of time together and promises to be with us forever, and even prepare a place for us to dwell in his presence forever when our time as we count it on earth is over. Amen.
Peace and Blessings to you,
Pastor Becky <
1 – 6 Easter / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
8:30am Worship w/ Holy Communion
Confirmation Sunday
9:30am Fellowship & Sunday School / Pastors’ Sabbath
7pm NA Meeting / 7am Men’s B. Study
10:30am Text Study
1:30pm WELCA Bible Study @ St. John’s
2-5:30pm Office Hrs.
7pm Women’s Vid. Study @ First / 6:45pm Intro. to Small Catechism for 6th Graders @ PoP
7pm Baccalaureate @ UCC / Planning Day for Pastors / 9am-Noon Office Hrs. / Fillmore Central Graduation
8 – 7 Easter / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14
8:30am Worship
Mother’s Day
Focal Point Program
9:30am Fellowship & Sunday School / Pastors’ Sabbath
7pm NA Meeting / 7am Men’s B. Study
10:30am Text Study
2-5:30pm Office Hrs.
7pm Women’s Vid. Study @ First / 6:45pm Intro. to Small Catechism for 6th Graders @ PoP
7pm Council meeting (Exec. only) / 9am-Noon Office Hrs. / 9am-Noon Office Hrs.
2pm Hymn Sing @ Heritage Crossings
Joseph on Vacation – No Parish Office Hours
15 – Pentecost / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21
8:30am Worship w/ Holy Communion
9:30am Fellowship / Pastors’ Sabbath
7pm NA Meeting / 7am Men’s B. Study
10:30am Text Study
2-5:30pm Office Hrs.
7pm Women’s Vid. Study @ First / Planning Day for Pastors / 9am-Noon Office Hrs.
Noon 60+ Meal @ Senior Center / 9am-Noon Office Hrs.
Joseph on Vacation – No Parish Office Hours
22 –Holy Trinity / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28
8:30am Worship w/
Holy Communion
9:30am Fellowship / Pastors’ Sabbath
7pm NA Meeting / 7am Men’s B. Study
10:30am Text Study
2-5:30pm Office Hrs.
7pm Women’s Vid. Study @ First / Careletter deadline
11am WELL Outing / 9am-Noon Office Hrs. / 9am-Noon Office Hrs.
29 –2 Pentecost / 30 / 31 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
8:30am Worship
9:30am Fellowship / Pastors’ Sabbath
7pm NA Meeting
7pm TPLP Mothers’ Group @ St. John’s / 7am Men’s B. Study
10:30am Text Study
2-5:30pm Office Hrs.
7pm Women’s Vid. Study @ First
Regular Parish Office Hours / 8:30-11:30am / 8:30-11:30am / 8:30-11:30am / 8:30-11:30am
Servers for May 2016
Counters for May:Jodi Fintel & Jim Whitehead
Bread Baker for May: Teresa Kapperman
Worship Date / May 1 / May 8 / May 15 / May 22 / May 29
Greeters / Stan Meyer Family / Loontjer Family / Moses Family / Mohlman Family / Miller Family
Ushers / Jividen Family / Toodie Biegert &
Elmer Hessheimer / Max Lichti Family / Loontjer Family / Stan Meyer Family
Reader / Ryan Poppert / Lori Loontjer / Sylvia Jividen / Shaunna O’Brien / Nancy Meyer
Acolytes / Alexia Dittmer &
Trenton Srajhans / Kelsi Gaston &
Trevor Meyer / Bella Lichti &
Halle Theis / Dawson Coon &
Travis Meyer / Sadie Birky
Lexi Theis
Video / Marissa Nun / Aaron Poppert / Kalisha Gergen / Jayda Gaston / Matt Hogue
Communion Prep. / Nancy Meyer / Sylvia Jividen / Dorothy Smith
Communion Asst. / Jim Whitehead / LaDonna Pendleton / Sandy Lichti
Sound Board / Chad Gaston / Teresa Kapperman / Jason Bespalec / Max Lichti / Jim Donovan
Fellowship / Gibson Family / S. Hafer Family / Jan Hogue &
Teresa Kapperman / Jividen Family / Loontjer Family
Sunday School Snack / Miller Family / Theis Family / - No Sunday School until Autumn 2016 -
/ Prince of Peace News /
Prince of Peace Council Meeting
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
7:00 pm
Members present: Sandy Lichti, Mark O’Brien, Chris Coash, Jennifer Trowbridge, LaDonna Pendleton, Clark Poppert, Wanda Moses, Pastor Becky
Clark called the meeting to order. Pastor Becky led us in prayer. Jennifer made a motion to approve the minutes from the February meeting, Wanda 2nd. Motion carried.
New Business:
The candle lighter wands and wicks were discussed and it was agreed to have Joseph order two new ones.
Max Lichti would like to buy the railroad ties. Ope is the one who purchased them originally, so he said Max could just have them.
Courtney Pendleton is going to be an assistant program director at ELCA camp in Harper, TX this summer. It was decided to give Courtney Pendleton $350 for her trip to and from Texas for gas and motel accommodations. The money will come out of the special appeals account.
Committee reports:
Treasurer: the treasurer’s report was reviewed and Ope made a motion to approve the report, LaDonna 2nd. Motion carried.
Evangelism: They will be having a meeting next week. Will discuss having a fishing tournament in May @ Boys Pond.
Fellowship: Submitted earlier. The graduation/confirmation dinner will be April 27 @ 6:30 p.m.
Parish Ed: Submitted earlier. They are working on getting ready for VBS. There is $600 in an account set aside for VBS. The UCC and Methodist Church will pay $250 each to the account, and our $250 will be paid from the church account set aside specifically for Bible School. Graduation gifts were ordered.
Property: Submitted earlier. Furnace filters were changed and Critel will do their annual AC maintenance at the church and the parsonage. Thrasher Basement will be here on April 25 to do their annual inspection. Chad is waiting on 3 bids to fix the leaks on the west side. Dawgs Lawn will be picking up leaves and doing the first grass cutting. Noel Lawn will do the fertilizing. Mowing schedules are being finalized. Jim and Clark have lined up the playground rubber matting.
Stewardship: More information will follow on the Blue Valley Can Care-A-Van.
Worship: They met on February 23 and chose hymns for March and April. Palm branches and Easter lilies were ordered from Barbur’s. There was discussion on possibly having a western or polka service sometime.
Youth: Discussion was held on how the walking taco stand went this year.
Pastors’ report: Submitted earlier and reviewed. Ope made a motion that Halle Theis and Trevor Meyer be approved for confirmation on May 1. Wanda 2nd. Motion carried.
Old Business:
Fundraising: Paula Kitt from Mission Investment Fund will be meeting with the fundraising committee on Sunday, April 17 to discuss a capital campaign program for funding the renovation and addition of the church.
Janitorial: An old list was found of custodial responsibilities at Prince of Peace. Joyce will review it and Wanda, Jennifer and LaDonna will revise it as needed.
Meeting adjourned.
Wanda Moses
1– 6 Easter / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
10:30am Worship w/ Holy Communion / Pastors’ Sabbath / 10:30am Text Study
7pm Women’s Vid. Study @ First / 3-5pm Office Hrs.
6:45pm Intro. to Small Catechism for 6th Graders @ PoP / Planning Day for Pastors / 7am Men’s B. Study @ UMC
8 – 7 Easter / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14
10:30am Worship / Pastors’ Sabbath / 10:30am Text Study
6:30pm Hospitality
Team meeting
7pm Women’s Vid. Study @ First / 3-5pm Office Hrs.
6:45pm Intro. to Small Catechism for 6th Graders @ PoP / 3-5pm Office Hrs. / 7am Men’s B. Study @ UMC
McCool Junction Graduation
Joseph on Vacation – No Parish Office Hours
15 – Pentecost / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21
10:30am Worship w/ Holy Communion / Pastors’ Sabbath / 10:30am Text Study
7pm Women’s Vid. Study @ First / Planning Day for Pastors
7pm Council meeting / 3-5pm Office Hrs. / 7am Men’s B. Study @ UMC
Joseph on Vacation – No Parish Office Hours
22 –Holy Trinity / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28
10:30am Worship w/ Holy Communion / Pastors’ Sabbath / 10:30am Text Study
7pm Women’s Vid. Study @ First / 3-5pm Office Hrs.
Careletter deadline / 3-5pm Office Hrs. / 7am Men’s B. Study @ UMC
29 –2 Pentecost / 30 / 31 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
10:30am Worship / Pastors’ Sabbath / 10:30am Text Study
7pm Women’s Vid. Study @ First
Regular Parish Office Hours / 8:30-11:30am / 8:30-11:30am / 8:30-11:30am / 8:30-11:30am
Servers for May 2016
Worship Date / May 1 / May 8 / May 15 / May 22 / May 29
Reader / Marge Norquest / Tim Stacy / Curtis Cogswell / Pattie Bailey / Dona Kaliff
Organist / Joan Suddarth / Denise Pfeifer / Joan Suddarth / Robin Galusha
Ushers / Marv Weber &
Jim Norquest / Marv Weber &
Jim Norquest / Mike Vorderstrasse & Jim Green / Mike Vorderstrasse & Jim Green / Roger Mertz &
Tim Stacy
Communion Asst. / Terry Chrisman / Al Mack / Pattie Bailey
May 2016 – St. John’s
1 – 6 Easter / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
9am Worship w/ Holy Communion
10am Sunday School / Pastors’ Sabbath / 10:30am Text Study
1:30pm WELCA Bible Study @ St. John’s7pm Women’s Vid. Study @ First / 9-11am Office Hrs.
6:45pm Intro. to Small Catechism for 6th Graders @ PoP / Planning Day for Pastors / 9-11am Office Hrs.
8 – 7 Easter / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14
9am Worship
10am Fellowship Coffee / Pastors’ Sabbath / 10:30am Text Study
7pm Women’s Vid. Study @ First / 9-11am Office Hrs.
6:45pm Intro. to Small Catechism for 6th Graders @ PoP / 9-11am Office Hrs.
Joseph on Vacation – No Parish Office Hours
15 – Pentecost / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21
9am Worship w/ Holy Communion
10am Councilmeeting / Pastors’ Sabbath / 10:30am Text Study
7pm Women’s Vid. Study @ First / Planning Day for Pastors / 9:30am Birthday Coffee @ the Café / 9-11am Office Hrs.
Joseph on Vacation – No Parish Office Hours
22 –Holy Trinity / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28
9am Worship w/ Holy Communion / Pastors’ Sabbath / 10:30am Text Study
7pm Women’s Vid. Study @ First / 9-11am Office Hrs.
Careletter deadline / 9-11am Office Hrs.
29 –2 Pentecost / 30 / 31 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
9am Worship / Pastors’ Sabbath
7pm TPLP Mothers’ Group @ St. John’s / 10:30am Text Study
7pm Women’s Vid. Study @ First
Regular Parish Office Hours / 8:30-11:30am / 8:30-11:30am / 8:30-11:30am / 8:30-11:30am
Servers for May 2016
Organist: Nancy Cradduck
Ushers for May:Robert & Chris Schropfer, Galen & Sharon Kuska
Flowers for May:Betty Remter
Communion Assistant for May:Gaylord Cradduck
Worship Date / May 1 / May 8 / May 15 / May 22 / May 29
Acolyte / Conner Nun / KayLynn Sieber / Kala Most / Kimberly Schropfer / Conner Nun
Lay Reader / Larry Nun / Sharon Kuska / Jan Wolfteich / Vicki Ozenbaugh / Deb Rohr
/ St. John’s News /
St. John’s Council Minutes
St. John’s Council met on April 17, 2016. Present were Pastor James, Chris, Darcy, Gaylord, Scott & Barb. Luther was absent.
Gaylord called the meeting to order. Since there was no March meeting, Barb read the minutes of the February meeting.
The treasurer’s report was given Pastor James gave their report. Barb made a motion to accept all reports, seconded by Scott. Motion carried.
Old Business:
The surveys were reviewed.
Darcy will call the company again about the copier.
New Business:
Peggy Roit will be our voting member at Synod Assembly, June 2-4th in Kearney.
Darcy made a motion not to have a prayer chain, but do the one-call as we are doing now. Scott seconded the motion. Carried.
Gaylord is communion assistant for May.
May meeting is May 15th.
There being no further business Darcy made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Scott. Motion carried. We closed with the Lord’s prayer.
Secretary Barb Dunse.
Young Adults in Global Mission - ELCA
Please join in our celebration for these 88 young adults who received country placement matches to serve in Argentina, Uruguay, Australia, Cambodia, Jerusalem/West Bank, Central Europe, Madagascar, Mexico, Rwanda, Senegal, Southern Africa, and the United Kingdom.
Jessica Roit, Ohiowa, has signed her letter of intent to serve in Senegal. Please PRAY for these incredible young adults who have begun their commitment of service to the countries which they are being called. May God grant them peace, and all of us wisdom.
Birthdays / Anniversaries
Prince of Peace
May02Aidan Trowbridge03Kelsi Gaston
06Lonnie Kennel
09Cathy EberhardtJayda Gaston
13Nathan Graham
Eric KamlerKristina Klipp
Matt Loseke
Sue Loseke
Sam Pendleton
Jerry Stratman / 15Janet Donovan
17Lydia Birky
21Paul Hubert
22KateLynn Petersen
25Dakota CoonJoe Knoche
28Carlene Whitehead
30Kimberly Gaston
31LaVon Parde / May20Kevin & LaVon Parde
27Lonnie & Marsha Kennel
31Roger & Sandra Coon
First Evangelical
May01Dan Aude
07Kathy Chrisman
08Ryah Chrisman
10Rachel Mertz
15Vanee Holtmeier
16Becky Weber / 22Christopher Holtmeier
24Griffin Bailey
Madalyn Smith
26Margery Norquest
27Conner Cogswell
30Theron Smith / May01Jerry & Sue Volkmer
09Jesse & Jackie Reed
22Doug & Kelly Smith
30Curtis & Lisa Cogswell
St. John’s
May06Melissa Mussman
12Madeleine Most
20John Schropfer
21Russell Ozenbaugh
22Nick Mussman
Dylan Brown / 24Tanner Nun
26Ron Schropfer
27Terry Backstrom
BJ Mussman
Jess Schropfer
31Julie Dunker / May24Jim & Sherri Reinsch
26Dick & Phyllis Schoenholz
31Gaylen & Barb Dunse
Intro to Small Catechism
for 6th Graders
May 4th & 11th, 6:45 p.m.
Prince of Peace Fellowship Hall
2016 Confirmands Ready for Affirmation of Baptism Service on May 1 at Prince of Peace
Halle Logan Theis
daughter of Jeff and Jenna Theis from Prince of Peace in Geneva
Trevor Meyer
son of Nathan and Jodi Meyer from Prince of Peace in Geneva
2016 High School Graduates from the Parish
Paige Barnell
daughter of Ryan and Lynda Barnell from St. John’s in Ohiowa (Meridian)
Matthew Hogue
son of Bill and Jan Hogue from Prince of Peace in Geneva (Fillmore Central)
Leyton Hopken
son of Larry and Lisa Hopken from Prince of Peace in Geneva (Fillmore Central)
Cole Jividen
son of Don and Sylvia Jividen from Prince of Peace in Geneva (Fillmore Central)
Anna Most
daughter of Scott and Kristi Most from St. John’s in Ohiowa (Meridian)
Ashton O’Brien
daughter of Mark and Shaunna O’Brien from Prince of Peace in Geneva (Fillmore Central)
Wesley Rippe
son of Wesley and Colleen Rippe from Prince of Peace in Geneva
(Fillmore Central)
Christian Stacy
son of Tim and Paige Stacy from First in McCool Junction (McCool Junction)
Congratulations and God’s blessings to our confirmands and graduates!
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