Holly Park School – Learning & Teaching Committee Meeting MinutesDate09/05/16

Present:-A.Pelham, M.Michael, F.Vettiankal, L.Pearson, C.Wischhusen, J.Owen, M. Crooks

Apologies:-A.Balham-Davis, B.Vandyk, F.Quinton, G.Birtill

1.Learning walks - feedback
2. Review of SIP - Teaching & Learning section
3. National Assessment update
4. Y6 Booster Groups
5. Professional development update:
- CPD courses
- Inset for teachers
- TA training
- School partnerships
- Moderation
6. Policies
  • PPA
  • Global Dimension
  • Drugs, smoking & alcohol
7. Annual reports
8. Feedback from governor learning walks
9. Feedback on quality of teaching & learning spring term
10. Monitoring summer term
11. A.O.B / Recent school learning walks – PE and Computing.
Issue with current level of complexity in the learning journeys with regards to the new curriculum and computing –the key leader, RS, is aware that learning journals need to be simplified.
A governor asked if RS has the skills and knowledge to lead staff in this subject given the many changes in the new curriculum?
Teacher governor, J.Owens, shared her view that some HP teachers are struggling to deliver certain elements of the new computing curriculum due to the highly technical nature of it.
AP suggested that we ask the PTA to focus on raising money to support the development of computing from Sep 2016.
Positive feedback from the PE learning walk. The high calibre and expertise of the Non Stop Action coaches was noted.
It was observed that teachers need additional training on using the apparatus in gymnastics so CPD for all teachers has been arranged with an external provider for 20th and 27th June.
A governor asked why ‘Take Ten’ was not happening every day in all classes as is current school policy?This will be followed up by SLT.
Good improvement across the school in all teachers setting learning objectives as lesson titles – evident in book looks. This is having a positive impact on learning outcomes and success criteria.
A governor asked whether there is an in-house preferred style for the way teachers set success criteria?
Both KS2 and KS1 Key Leaders recently attended CPD on Progressing Writing – shared feedback will have a direct result on how HP carry out book scrutinies in the future.
AP explained that this involves fine-tuning the specific writing objectives for each year group which are currently too open and vague.
AP informed governors about Ofsted’s new approach to finding evidence of progression in students’ books. Some lengthy discussion ensued about how schools can best reflect this if the written feedback in books etc.
A governor asked whether the school intended to provide some CPD for staff on this issue? Another governor suggested ensuring students are made aware of the need to talk about how their own books show they are making progress.
Early years will release final data at the end of June. Currently engaged in lots of very helpful moderation with other schools, led by S.Walton, who is also a Barnet moderator. Early indicators show we expect to achieve at around 74% GLD. A governor asked if the primary academies in Barnet can link into the moderation process too?
Y1 phonics check takes place in June.
Y2 KS1 Assessments are being carried out throughout May in small groups with the class teachers. A governor commented that feedback from Y2 parents about the way HP has handled these assessments has been very positive.
AP confirmed that the test results are not reported, just the teacher assessments, however, HP will report both sets of results to parents in school reports at the end of the year.
HP was also selected to take part in a pre-test.
Y6 test results are available at the beginning of July. A governor expressed real concerns about the marking of the Reading Paper in particular by computers.
23 Booster groups have been run by various staff – before school, lunchtimes and after school. A governor asked about the students’ attitudes towards the Booster Groups. It was agreed that students were extremely positive about them and clearly valued the additional targeted support. Another governor asked AP to convey the governors’ real appreciation of this additional work to all staff involved.
HP has had to withdraw 5 SEN students from the KS2 exams. AP has written to the parents of the 5 students to inform them about this decision and the Chair of governors.
Governors were angry to note that HP KS2 reported test results must be based on 58 students even though only 53 students will actually sit the tests.
CPD provided for teachers on Mondays after school. A governor asked whether TAs attend these sessions. TAs are welcome to but it is not directed time for them. They are offered CPD during assembly time on Monday mornings.
MM and AP commented on the move to tailor all CPD to SIP priorities for the year.
Budget cuts this year have of course impacted on the scope for CPD courses. The school is also responsible for funding CPD for any NQTs.
Governors present passed on comments and suggestions about possible amendments to the policies to AP.
HP annual school reports will go out to parents by Friday 8th July. On 14th July teachers will be available to meet with any parents who have queries or concerns to discuss after receiving the report(s).
Parents will receive a covering letter, the school report, their child’s feedback and any test results and summative teacher assessments.
A governor suggested that in the letter parents are directed to the school website for full details about the learning criteria for the particular year group.
This half term governors have been in school for open mornings and learning walks looking at early years writing, monitoring, lunchtimes and use of TAs.
A governor commented on the usefulness of these sessions in informing our knowledge and our capacity to effectively monitor procedures and outcomes.
23 lessons observed. 17% Outstanding, 65% Good and 17% RI.
AP judges the T&L to be Good overall at present.
A governor asked how teachers are challenged and supported to develop as outstanding practitioners.
AP talked about the school’s commitment to shared observations and dialogue. AP has added a new section to the lesson observation feedback pro-forma – ‘opportunities for sharing good practice’. This will start to build up a bank of knowledge in the school and make teachers more aware of who has specific subject and pedagogy skills.
The next round of lesson observations will be directly linked to a key priority in the current SIP.
HP teachers are observed 3 times in the school year at present.
They receive both written and verbal feedback.
A governor asked whether the observations are always carried out by pairs of teachers.AP explained that this was how the school preferred to do it as it provided very good professional development.
A governor highlighted the need for the school to register details of all governors on Edubase (the DfE register of educational establishments) from September 2016. / AP to make any necessary additions/amendments to all policies prior to putting on sch website.