4 bottles Elmer’s School glue
Small school box Kleenex- two boxes Backpack
Spiral notebook
Package of 24 #2 pencils (Pre-Sharpened USA GOLD) Package of End Cap Erasers
Folder with bottom pockets 4 boxes of Crayola crayons Blunt scissors
3-ringed binder pouch (To hold pencils)
3-4 Dry erase markers (Expo brand please)
Plastic portfolio folders with fasteners (1 of each-yellow, blue, green, purple, red, and orange)(Please do not put names on these folders)
Clipboard – With a flat clip
Three ringed binder for memory book
1 inch BLACK 3-ringed binder (Will be used daily for calendar books)
Pair of clean tennis shoes to keep in the classroom for P.E.
1st Grade
2 Boxes of Crayola Crayons
4 Glue Sticks, 1 pair scissors
2 Boxes of Kleenex, 2 large pink erasers
2 packages of pencils (24 count each box)
4 folders (plastic with three hole prongs) – 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 blue
1 SMALL ART BOX (large ones do not fit in our desks) Girls – Gallon Ziploc bags/Boys-Quart Ziploc bags 1 Large clipboard
1 package of EXPO dry erase markers
2 Large containers of Clorox Disinfectant Wipes
1 Single Subject wide ruled spiral notebook
2 snack items (for approx.. 20 students)
2nd Grade
1- Zipper Pouch for school supplies (crayons, markers, pencils, scissors, etc.)
1- 24 pack of #2 Pencils (no mechanical pencils) 1- box 24 count crayons (no larger)
2- large pink rectangular erasers
1- package end cap pencil erasers
1 pair children’s scissors
3- packages glue sticks
3- one subject spiral notebooks (wide ruled)
3- folders with pockets
1- clipboard
1- package of 4 Dry Erase Markers
2- large boxes of facial tissue
1- clean old white sock
3rd Grade
4 packs of #2 pencils non-mechanical
1 box of crayons
2 glue sticks
1 large eraser
1 pair of scissors
1 Pencil bag (NO Pencil boxes)
2 regular pocket folders
2 large boxes of tissues
1 package of loose leaf paper (wide ruled)
1 composition book
1 highlighter
4 black dry-erase markers
1 box of Ziploc plastic bags (quart or gallon)
1 Bottle of Clorox Wipes
1 pair of P.E. Shoes
Our desks will be full with these supplies and our textbooks and workbooks. There is no room for 3 ring binders, trapper keepers or other large objects.
Remember school supplies need to be replenished throughout the year.
4th Grade
1 box of Ziploc baggies, gallon size
3 packages of #2 pencils (without plastic coating)
1-- 3 subject notebook/perforated edges
2 packages of loose leaf paper
1 small box for supplies (LARGE BOXES WILL BE SENT HOME)
scissors glue
2 erasers
1 colored pencils or one 16-24 package of crayons 2 boxes of Kleenex
1 pkg. highlighters
1 pack of dry erase markers
2 packages of 3x5 index cards
2 composition notebook
1-inch binder with pocket
1 folder with 3 prongs/fasteners
2 packs Post-it notes
1 pkg. red pencils
1 poster board
1 pr. PE shoes
Recorder money for music class minimum amount will be $12.00, please pay at Open House to Mr. Cason