Geometry A Syllabus

Fall 2013

Coach McGehee Class

Class Overview: This class is the first half of a two-part course on Geometry. This course is designed not only to give you a better sense of numbers and their meanings, but also to help you to grasp a better sense of problem solving and critical thinking. The goal of this course is to set a strong foundation for the continuation of your mathematical studies.

Book: (2012) Geometry: Foundations Series Pearson.

Chapters Covered: We will cover a variety of sections from the textbook. We will go from chapter 1 to chapter 6 Supplemental materials will also be added to the course.

Class Rules: For the most part, my rules are just common sense. I expect you to behave in a manner fitting to your age. We will follow all of the rules and procedures as described in your student handbook. You are expected to know and abide by the rules of your student handbook. In our class, there are a few specific rules that I would like to go over:

·  Be on time.

·  Be prepared for class. Refer to materials list for the materials you will need for class.

·  Be attentive in class.

·  Bring a good attitude to class everyday. Bringing a poor mood to class will not result in anything good.

·  Respect yourself and all others. Disrespect towards another student will not be tolerated. The golden rule applies always. Think before you act.

Should the need for discipline arise, then the discipline will be handled in a fair and private manner. It is my hope to not to have to worry about discipline as everyone should be here to learn, graduate, and move on to greater things.

Materials Needed: Everyday you need the following materials: paper, pencil, a 1-inch notebook, and textbook. For this class, you will need a scientific calculator. I have enough calculators for every student in the class; however, if you want to bring your own calculator to class, you are more than welcome to, so long as it is a scientific calculator.

Grading: The grading scale is as follows: Tests 60% and Class work/Homework 40%.

Materials Needed: Everyday you need the following materials: paper, pencil, and a calculator. You cannot expect to be successful unless you have these materials.

Class work: Students are expected to participate in class by taking notes, asking questions, and being active in the lesson. By your participation in class, you should be able to achieve your desired grade.

Homework: The purpose of homework is not to burden you or give you busy work, but to instead reinforce the lessons given that day. Homework will be assigned almost every night. On most nights, the homework amount will not exceed 10 to 20 problems. Homework is mostly graded on completion, not on correctness. This is meant to help your grade, not hurt it. Don’t let it be a burden.

Tests: We will have a test every Friday. There may also be quizzes given during the chapter. If you are participating in class, actively listening, and practicing the lessons by doing homework, then the tests will not be difficult. The style of tests will vary from multiple choices, short answer, and other types. The mid-term and final will be multiple choices.

Absences: Refer to your student handbook for details on absences. You are responsible for keeping track of your absences and for the missed work that will occur. You are responsible for obtaining makeup work, completing it, and turning it in.

Website: My website is located at the school’s webpage. On this site, I have a variety of resources including homework lists, project details, and links to helpful websites. Be sure to check it out and let me know of any way I can improve it to make more useful to you.

How to Contact Me: The best way to contact me is through email. My email address is . You can also call Jemison High School, (205) 280-4860 in order to setup a conference.


By signing this, I acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the syllabus. I am aware that I am responsible for the information contained with it and that if I have any questions, I can contact Coach McGehee at any time.


Student’s Name (Print) Date


Student’s Name (Signature)


Parent’s Name Parent’s Email

Any additional questions or comments: ______