F1 Posts (x2) in Gastroenterology

This post will be based on Ward 1, a 30-bedded Gastroenterology Unit with 2 Consultant Physicians Dr Faheem Butt and Dr Jo Topping (at times cover will be provided by Prof Rees and Dr Panter).

30 beds on this unit are nominated for gastroenterology/general medicine cases with an emphasis on hepatology. The ward accepts direct elective admissions from the community (and tertiary referrals for capsule endoscopy and double balloon enteroscopy) and emergency admissions via the AMAU/HDU/ITU with an average turnover of 4 – 7 admissions/24hours.

The medical staffing of the gastroenterology team comprises:

·  2 F1 trainees – these posts

·  1 F2 trainee

·  1 Core Medical trainee

·  2 ST3+ trainees

·  2 Consultant Physicians/Gastroenterologists

The more senior members of the gastroenterology team will provide day to day support in the management of the patients on the Ward.

The F1 trainees will gain experience in the management of patients with all forms of gastroenterological disease including alcoholic liver disease, inflammatory bowel disease, GI haemorrhage, oesophageal varices, iron deficiency anaemia, weight loss of uncertain aetiology, nutrition and GI cancers. The trainee will develop close links and communication with the clinical nurse specialists (IBD, nutrition, upper and lower GI cancer), dietician, Hospital Alcohol Team, GI cancer MDT, the endoscopy unit, HDU/ITU through shared patient care and radiology.

The F1 trainees will be expected to review all new patients admitted to the ward within the previous 24 hours or over the weekend and be able to provide a summary of the diagnosis and initial management to their senior colleagues. They will provide prospective cover for other colleagues who may be absent from the ward. They will share responsibility for arranging investigations and documenting management plans with the other members of the ward medical staff.

Generic Skills

·  Clinical method (history taking, examination and differential diagnosis) and diagnostic testing

·  Assessment of unselected acutely ill patients arriving on the ward, including acute management of all potential medical problems, patient counselling, therapeutics and appropriate liaison with allied health professionals including specialist nurses

·  Co-ordinating treatment and investigative schedules

·  Arranging appropriate tests for the patients and checking results

·  Multidisciplinary working with professions allied to medicine and social work

·  Team working including handovers and presentations.

·  Communication skills.

·  Liaison with the wider hospital teams such as laboratories, radiology, endoscopy, critical care, pain team, infection control, palliative care and oncology

·  Liaison with primary care teams via telephone and written communication

·  Playing a central role in co-ordinating discharge planning for the patient

·  Dictation skills

·  Note keeping

·  Medico-legal issues

·  Understanding clinical governance and the role of audit

·  Death confirmation, certification and the role of the coroner

·  Ethical issues surrounding treatment of the disabled and elderly, for example DNR orders, nutrition and end of life issues

Specific skills

·  Management of acute GI haemorrhage (variceal and non-variceal)

·  Management of oesophageal varices including the use of Linton tubes

·  Management of decompensated liver disease (encephalopathy, ascites, jaundice)

·  Management of chronic liver disease

·  Management of alcohol withdrawal

·  Management of inflammatory bowel disease including the use of disease modifying agents

·  Management and investigation of patients with anaemia and/or unexplained weight loss

·  Role of GI imaging and capsule endoscopy

·  Role of endoscopy and Endoscopic Ultrasound in the management of GI disease

·  Role of the GI Cancer Multi-Disciplinary Team

·  Team-working with the surgical team

·  Management of chronic diseases and longitudinal care of in-patients

Clinical Supervisor: Dr Jo Topping (1 x F1) and Dr Faheem Butt (1 x F1)

Dr Jo Topping/Dr Faheem Butt alternate (F2 x 1)

F1 This post is accompanied by on calls as part of the day time medical teams and night time hospital at night team (Rota 4, which is a 1:17)

F1 in Gastroenterology/GIM Work Schedule (Ward 1)

9-12noon / Consultant Ward Round
Ward Work / Consultant Ward Round
Ward Work / ST3+
Ward Round
Ward Work / Gastro Grand Ward Round
Ward Work / Consultant Ward Round
Ward Work
12-2pm / Lunch
(30 minute break) / Lunch
(30 minute break) / Lunch
(30 minute break) / Lunch
(30 minute break) / Lunch
(30 minute break)
12-2pm / Protected F1 Teaching
12.30 – 2pm (Education Centre) / Trust Grand Round
1– 2pm
(Education Centre) / X ray meeting 1.30-2.30pm
Seminar Room)
2-5pm / Administration
& Ward Work / CPD/Audit*
& Ward Work / Administration
& Ward Work / Administration
& Ward Work / Administration
& Ward Work

·  Please note that CPD/Audit time is not protected on a weekly basis and is dependent upon clinical activity

During their stay with the Gastroenterology unit we will provide the following as a minimum:

- 2 sessions with IBD nurse

-2 sessions with dietician to observe patient education

-2 sessions shadowing ward pharmacist to consolidate prescribing skills


Job Description F1 Post in Gastroenterology 2017