The Bourne Academy, Bournemouth

Parent Voice Meeting

Minutes of meeting Thursday 4 September 2014

Present: Linda Bennett (LB), Lisse Burbidge (LBu), Caroline Gobell (CG), Jason Johnstone (JJ), Linda Krywald (LK), Mary Landers (ML), Paul Moran (PM), Tom Peacock (TP), Helen Stirling-Lane (HSL)


Simone Taghizadeh.

Minutes of previous meeting:

Bag2School – October (see below.)

Lost Property – CG actioned its collection. If not collected, it will be added to Bag2School collection.

Cashless Catering – awaiting feedback from ML. TP mentioned Priestlands have a good system – CG to investigate.

Transition evenings – LB attended all 3. Some positive feedback but only a handful of slips returned.

Website - now up-to-date.

Helen Stirling-Lane has agreed to become Secretary of the PVT.

ACTION: Every agenda to have a clear section for parents to communicate their thoughts, etc as this was felt lacking.

Financial update:

TP to liaise with CT for Mufty income totals and Music Café income and let ST know.

Received £87.50 for uniform sale - TP to pass to CT for banking.


Call Parents Text, asking for donations for a second uniform sale. CA to action, early October.

Boot Fair:

Horizon Home Care (JJ and PM) proposed a car boot sale and fun day. The aim to raise interest in caring as a career (it was suggested that Paul Moran speaks with Vicky Woodings).

Discussions held around the possibilities including costings, logistics, security, toilets, electricity, raffle.

Possible 80 spaces for selling.

£8 per car. £13 per van.

50p for buyers to enter.

Leaflets - 130,000 leaflets, website, etc.

PM to email CG a business projection.

Paul Moran details to LB list of parent contacts – CG to action

Parent Login:

CG demonstrated how the system would work. Parents present agreed this was good and are happy for this to go live.


Due to Ebola and Russian/Ukraine situation, only paying 40p per kilo. Next collection booked for Thursday 16 October 2014. Bags will be delivered to school on 22 September.

Advertise on website. Email all parents. Text parents with reminder. CG to arrange with DD.


Dorset Community Trust - £1500 donated for gardening project when we used PVT heading on forms.

Christmas Event:

DD – to sell stalls £25 each? And produce tickets.

Carol concert in hall with celebrities? Helen Stirling-Lane to ask husband Andy (author of Young Sherlock Holmes), TP to ask Harry Redknap and Mia Ritchie (England Netball player).

Staff and PVT choir

students to play music

CG to arrange programme

Date – 10 December – CG to check and confirm

Approximate timetable:

6.00pm drink, mince pie and browse craft stalls in Hub

7.00pm concert in Hall

8.00pm 8.30pm ‘winding down’

8.45pm close

Any other business:

There was no other business.

Next meeting date:

AGM, Thursday 6 November 2014

Meeting closed at 8.10pm