Village of Grand Manan

Regular Council Meeting

Grand Manan Community Centre

March 9, 2015 – 7:30 pm

Calling to Order

Mayor Dennis Greene, called this meeting to order @ 7:30 pm


Mayor Dennis Greene, Councillors Jane Cary, Kirk Cheney, Pete Sesplankis, Mark Ingersoll, Jayne Turner and Phil Ells Jr. CAO Rob MacPherson, Treasurer/Asst. Clerk Alyssa Calder, Clerk/Asst. Treasurer Melanie Frost, Corporal Harold Prime, Pastor Steven Brown, 6 members of the public and 2 GMTV workers


Prayer was offered by Pastor Steven Brown

Opening Remarks

-It’s been a longtime since we have had a Council meeting with two postponements in February due to weather and didn’t have a quorum for the March 2nd meeting.

-Weather and school closures have been the main topic on the Island since the later part of January due to snow

-This has been a very hard winter but the storms do not affect our budget this year but could possibly affect us in 2016

-The Property Tax Bills have arrived, the tax rate remains pretty much the same. If there is an increase with your bill please compare your 2015 assessment with your 2014 assessment Council worked very hard trying to maintain the tax rate and still maintain service at a standard we are comfortable with

-Let us hope for an early Spring without much rain that could cause flooding

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest

No disclosures at this time

Adoption of Minutes

Moved by Councillor Kirk Cheney, seconded by Councillor Pete Sesplankis to adopt the Minutes of January 5, 2015, January 14, 2015, January 30, 2015 and February 12, 2015

Motion Unanimously Carried 15-23

Additions to Agenda

Moved by Councillor Phil Ells Jr, seconded by Councillor Jane Cary to add to the Agenda under New Business, 10.6 Resolution for Application for Financing the Fire Truck Debenture, 10.7 Transfer from General Operating Fund to General Capital Fund, 10.8 Transfer from the Capital Reserve Fund to the General Capital Fund, 10.9 Feral Cats at the Transfer Station. 12.1 Approval to pay Invoices:

General Operating Fund

Troy Life & Fire Safety New Sprinkler $ 1,895.01

Troy Life & Fire Safety Compressor Maintenance $ 3,665.63

Irving Energy Propane Fire Dept. $ 1,725.67

General Capital Fund

Silk Stevens Limited Airport Fencing Tender $ 12,072.95

Universal Truck and Trailer Transfer Station Trailer $109,680.06

Motion Unanimously Carried 15-24


Corporal Harold Prime read the RCMP Report for the month of February

Old Business

Deep Cove Beach Access

Council instructed the CAO to set up a meeting with the Village solicitor, Joel Hansen in April to discuss this issue in order to move forward to a resolution

Dog By-Law Update

Council has agreed to ask our solicitor, Joel Hansen, to review the Dog By-Law concerns in the meeting in April

Ten Minute Open Session

No one spoke at this time

New Business

Approval of the Grand Manan Library Board Nomination

Moved by Councillor Phil Ells Jr, seconded by Councillor Jane Cary to approve the nomination of Elaine Maker to fill the vacant Trustee position

Motion Unanimously Carried 15-25

Recreation Update

Recreation Coordinator, Cody Brown updated Council of the activities he has been involved with since he was employed in November and an outlook for his recreation plans for the summer

Letter of Support for Welshpool Landing, Campobello

Moved by Councillor Phil Ells Jr, seconded by Councillor Kirk Cheney to send a letter of support for the Welshpool Landing in Campobello, indicating the benefits it would have for Grand Manan

Motion Unanimously Carried 15-26

Request for Letter of Support from Howard Small, Crave Technologies Ltd.

This requested to be withdrawn from the Agenda

Provincially-Designated Highway Upgrades in Municipalities

Moved by Councillor Phil Ells Jr, seconded by Councillor Pete Sesplankis that we realign the years for the Grand Manan Five Year Priority List for Improvements to Provincially Designated Highways illustrating that the widening of the Ingalls Head Road is a priority followed by Route 776 to be recommended in phases as per the recommendations of the Provincial Department of Transportation and Infrastructure’s local supervisor

Motion Unanimously Carried 15-27

Resolution for Application for Financing the Fire Truck Debenture

Moved by Councillor Mark Ingersoll, seconded by Councillor Phil Ells Jr that: Be it Resolved that the Clerk and/or Treasurer and/or Mayor be authorized to issue and sell to the New Brunswick Municipal Finance Corporation a Municipality of Grand Manan_ debenture in the principal amount of $__240,000___ on such terms and conditions as are recommended by the New Brunswick Municipal Finance Corporation, and be it resolved that the Municipality of _Grand Manan agree to issue post-dated cheques payable to the New Brunswick Municipal Finance Corporation as and when they are requested in payment of principal and interest charges on the above debenture

Motion Unanimously Carried 15-28

Transfer from the General Operating Fund to the General Capital Fund

Moved by Councillor Mark Ingersoll, seconded by Councillor Kirk Cheney to transfer $177.53 from the General Operating Fund to the General Capital Fund to cover interest costs on the Fire Truck line of credit

Motion Unanimously Carried 15-29

Transfer from the Capital Reserve Fund to the General Capital Fund

Moved by Councillor Mark Ingersoll, seconded by Councillor Jayne Turner to transfer $109.680.06 from the Capital Reserve Fund to the General Capital Fund for the purchase of the new trailer at the Transfer Station

Motion Unanimously Carried 15-30

Feral Cats at the Transfer Station

Moved by Councillor Jayne Turner, seconded by Councillor Jane Cary to purchase three cat traps for use at the Transfer Station and cover the costs of the spay/neutering of the cats caught for the months of March and April

Motion Unanimously Carried 15-31

Committee Reports

Fire Department Report

Councillor Phil Ells Jr reported to Council the activities of the Fire Department for the month of January and February

Moved by Councillor Phil Ells Jr, seconded by Councillor Jane Cary that the EMO Documents be maintained and updated by the Grand Manan Fire Department providing that the EMO be the sole responsibility of the Mayor and Council. The individuals who are tasked to do this are remunerated for their services for time spent as the curators of the documents notwithstanding, remuneration cannot exceed the balance of the EMO budget after the Sentinal System is paid annually. The annual updates and changes are submitted to the Council for approval, the Public Safety Committee doubles as the EMO Committee.

Motion Unanimously Carried 15-32

Approval to Pay the Following Invoices

General Operating Fund

Moved by Councillor Jane Cary, seconded by Councillor Pete Sesplankis to pay the following invoices from the General Operating Fund

Beers Neal LLP 2014 Audit $10,170.00

Aire Serve of Saint John Heat Pump Repairs $ 3,781.00

Alpha Security Services Roof Snow Removal $ 2,757.20

The Estey Group Fire Dept. Clothing $ 1,527.76

Aire Serve of Saint John Heat Pump Repairs $ 1,741.83

Troy Life & Fire Safety New Sprinkler $ 1,895.01

Troy Life & Fire Safety Compressor Maintenance $ 3,665.63

Irving Energy Propane Fire Dept. $ 1,725.67

Motion Unanimously Carried 15-33

General Capital Fund

Moved by Councillor Jane Cay, seconded by Councillor Pete Sesplankis to pay the following invoices from the General Capital Fund

Carl Thibault New Fire Truck Final Pmt $ 24,264.38

Silk Stevens Limited Airport Fencing Tender $ 12,072.95

Universal Truck and Trailer Transfer Station Trailer $109,680.06

Motion Unanimously Carried 15-34

Next Meeting

Regular Council Meeting

Grand Manan Community Centre

April 13, 2015 – 7:30 pm


Moved by Councillor Jane Cary to adjourn

Motion Unanimously Carried 15-35

This meeting was adjourned @ 8:48 pm


