TRIO Training:Glossary


A...... 1

AcademicNeed...... 1

Approved Proposal...... 1

APR...... 1

B...... 1

Budget Period...... 1

C...... 1

CFR...... 1

Cohort (SSS)...... 1

Cost Principles...... 1

E...... 1

ED...... 1

EDGAR...... 1

EligibilityforEducational OpportunityCenters (EOC)...... 1

EligibilityforMcNair...... 2

EligibilityforStudent Support Services (SSS)...... 2

EligibilityforTalent Search (TS)...... 2

EligibilityforUpwardBound (UB)...... 3

Equipment...... 3

F...... 3

FA...... 3

FactorsAffectingthe Allowabilityof Costs...... 3

FamilyTaxableIncome...... 3

Federal Register...... 4

Financial Audit...... 4

First GenerationIndividual...... 4

G...... 4

GAN...... 4

GEPA...... 4

GPRA...... 4

GraduateEducation (McNair)...... 4

Grant Cycle...... 4

Groups Underrepresented (McNair)...... 4

H...... 4

HEA...... 4

I...... 5

Independent Student...... 5

Individual with Disabilities (SSS)...... 5

L...... 5

Low-incomeIndividual...... 5

N...... 5

Need...... 5

Needs Assessment (EOC)...... 5

Needs Assessment (McNair)...... 5

Needs Assessment (TS)...... 5

Need for AcademicSupport or AcademicNeed (SSS)...... 5

Need for AcademicSupport (UB)...... 5

NPRM...... 5

O...... 5

OMB...... 6

OMBCircular A-110...... 6

OMBCircular A-21...... 6

On-siteVisit...... 6

P...... 6

Participant (EOC)...... 6

Participant (SSS)...... 6

Participant (TS)...... 6

Participant (UB)...... 6

Potential First Generation CollegeStudent...... 6

Program Officer...... 6

Program Specialist...... 6

Project Period...... 6

S...... 6

SiteVisit...... 6

Sufficient Financial Assistance (SSS)...... 6

SummerInternship (McNair)...... 6

T...... 7

Target Area(TSEOC)...... 7

Target Area(UB)...... 7

Target Population (McNair)...... 7

Target School...... 7

TRIOLegislation...... 7

TRIO Regulations...... 7

U...... 7

Underrepresented Groups...... 7

V...... 7

Veteran...... 7


AcademicNeed: SeeNeed

ApprovedProposal: Approvedgrantthatyour supportingentity(institution, agency, secondary school, or a combinationthereof) submitted for a TRIO project.

APR: Annual PerformanceReport. TheDepartment ofEducation uses this report to assess a grantee’s (your project’s)progress in meetingits approvedgoals and objectives, as wellas determiningprior experiencepoints.


BudgetPeriod: An interval of time into which aproject period is dividedforbudgetary purposes. Also known as Project Year. Citationreference: EDGAR 77.1


CFR: TheCodeof Federal Regulations

Cohort (SSS): A groupofparticipants who havethe firstyear theyparticipated in the project in common.

CostPrinciples: Provisions, establishedbythe Officeof Management andBudget (OMB), to beusedin determiningthe allowabilityofcostsincurred byrecipients ofgrants. See EDGAR, 34 CFR 74.27or80.22 Allowable costs. These cost principlesarepublishedby OMBas Circulars A-21,A-87, and A-122. Educational institutions followOMBCircular A-

21. States, local governments andIndian Tribesfollow A-87. Non-profit organizations follow A-122.


ED: TheDepartment ofEducation

EDGAR: Educational Department General AdministrativeRegulations. Also known as the generalregulations.

Eligibility forEducationalOpportunityCenters (EOC): 644.3 ofthe EOC regulations states that (a) An individual is eligibleto participate in an Educational OpportunityCenters project if theindividual meets all ofthe following requirements:

(1)(i)Isa citizen or national of theUnited States; (ii)Isa permanent resident of the United States;

(iii)Is in theUnited States forotherthanatemporarypurposeand providesevidencefrom theImmigration and Naturalization Serviceof hisor her intent to becomeapermanent resident;

(iv)Is a permanent resident of Guam, theNorthernMarianaIslands, or theTrust Territoryof the PacificIslands (Palau); or

(v)Is aresident of theFreelyAssociated States—the Federal States of Micronesia orthe

Republicof theMarshallIslands. (2)(i)Isat least 19yearsofage; or

(ii)Is less than 19yearsofage, and theindividual cannot be appropriatelyserved byaTalent Search project under34CFR Part 643, and the individual’s participation would not dilute the Educational OpportunityCenters project’s services to individuals described in paragraph (a)(2)(i)of thesection.

(3)Expresses adesiretoenroll, or is enrolled, in aprogram of postsecondaryeducation, and requestsinformation orassistancein applying foradmission to, or financialaid for, such aprogram.

(b) Aveteran as defined in §644.7(b), regardless of age, is eligibleto participate in an Educational OpportunityCenters project if heor shesatisfies the eligibilityrequirements in paragraph (a) ofthis section otherthan theage requirement in paragraph (a)(2)of this section.

Eligibility forMcNair: §647.3 ofthe McNair Regulations states that an individual is eligibleto participate in aMcNair project if theindividual meets the followingrequirements: (a)(1) is a

citizen or national of theUnites States; (2)is a permanent resident of theUnited States; (3)is in theUnited States forotherthan atemporarypurposeand providesevidence from the Immigration andNaturalization Serviceof his orher intent to becomeapermanent resident; (4)is a permanent resident of Guam, theNorthernMarianaislands, or theTrust Territoryof the PacificIslands; or(5)is a resident of oneof the FreelyAssociated States. (b)Is currently enrolled in a degreeprogram at an institution ofhigher education that participates in the student financial assistanceprograms authorized under TitleIV oftheHEA. (c)Is(1) alow- incomeindividual who is a first-generation collegestudent; (2)amemberofagroupthat is underrepresented in graduate education; or (3)amember ofagroup that is not listed in

§647.7 if thegroupis underrepresented in certain academicdisciplines asdocumented by standard statistical references or othernational surveydata submitted to and accepted bythe Secretaryon acase-by-casebasis. (d)Has not enrolled in doctoral level studyatan institution ofhigher education.

Eligibility for Student SupportServices (SSS):646.3 ofthe SSSregulations states that an individual is eligibleto participatein a Student Support Services project ifthe student meets allof the following requirements: (a)Is a citizenornational of theUnitedStates or meets the residencyrequirements for Federal student financial assistance; (b)is enrolled at thegrantee institution or accepted for enrollment inthe next academicterm at that institution;(c) has a need foracademicsupport, as determined bythegrantee, in order to pursuesuccessfullya postsecondaryeducational program;(d)is 1)alow-incomeindividual; 2)a first generation collegestudent; or 3) an individual with disabilities.

Eligibility forTalentSearch(TS): 643.3 oftheTS regulations states that an individual is eligibleto participate in aTalent Search Project ifthe individual meets the following requirements:

(1)(i)Isa citizen or national of theUnited States or meets the residencyrequirements in


(2)(i)Has completed fieyears ofelementaryeducation oris at least 11years ofagebut not morethan 27years ofage.

(ii) However, an individual who is morethan 27years ofagemayparticipate in aTalent Search project if theindividual cannot be appropriatelyserved byan Educational OpportunityCenterproject under34 CFR Part 644 and if the individual’s participation would not dilutethe Talent Search project’s services toindividuals described in paragraph (a)(2)(i)of this section.

(3)(i)Isenrolled in or has dropped out of anygrand from sixthrough 12, orhasgraduated from secondaryschool, has potential foraprogram of postsecondaryeducation, and needs oneor moreoftheservices provided bytheproject in order to undertakesucha program;or

(ii) Has undertaken, but is not presentlyenrolledin, aprogram of postsecondaryeducation, has the abilityto completesuchaprogram, and needs oneor moreof theservices provided bythe project to reenter such aprogram.

(b)A veteran as defined in §643.6(b), regardless of age, is eligibleto participate in aTalent Search project if heor shesatisfies the eligibilityrequirements in paragraph(a) ofthis section otherthan theagerequirement in paragraph (a)(2).

Eligibility forUpwardBound(UB): 645.3 ofthe UB regulations statesthat in individual is eligibleto participate in aRegular, Veterans, oraMath and ScienceUpward Bound project if the individual meets allofthe following requirements: (a)(1)Is a citizen ornational of the

United States; (2)is a permanent resident of theUnited States; (3)Is in theUnited States for otherthan atemporarypurpose and provides evidencefrom theImmigration and Naturalization Serviceofhis or her intent to become apermanent resident;(4)is a permanent resident of Guam, theNorthern MarianaIslands, or theTrust Territoryof thePacificIslands; (5)is a resident of the FreelyAssociated States—the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republicof MarshallIslands, or theRepublicof Palau. (b)Is(1)A potential first-generation collegestudent; or (2)alow-incomeindividual. (c) Has need for academicsupport, as determined bythegrantee, in order to pursuesuccessfullyaprogram of education beyond high school. (d) At thetime ofinitial selection, has completed the eighthgradebut has not entered the twelfthgradeand is at least 13years old but notolderthan 19, although the Secretarymaywaivetheage requirementif theapplicant demonstrates thatthe limitation would defeat thepurposes of theUpward bound program. However,aveteran as defined in

§645.6, regardless of age, is eligibleto participatein an UpwardBound project if heor she

satisfies the eligibilityrequirements in paragraphs(a), (b), and (c) ofthis section.

Equipment: An articleof nonexpendable, tangible personal propertyhavingauseful lifeof morethan oneyearand an acquisition cost which equals or exceeds thelesser ofthe capitalization level establishedbythe institution for financial statement purposes, or$5,000. Citationreference: EDGAR 74.34(f)(1)(i-ix)


FA: Costs that areincurred for common orjoint objective and thereforecannot be identified readilyand specificallywith a particular sponsored project. Synonymouswithindirect costs.Also known as overheadcosts. Citation: OMBCircularA-21B

FactorsAffectingthe Allowability ofCosts: a) aretheexpenditures reasonable; b) arethey allocable to the fundedgrant; c) aretheygiven consistent treatment;and d)do theyconform to anylimitations or exclusions set forth in A-21 orin thesponsored agreement as to types or amounts of cost items.

FamilyTaxableIncome: 1)With regard to adependent student, thetaxableincomeof the individual’s parents;2) With regard toadependent student who is an orphan or ward ofthe court, no taxable income; 3)With regard to an independent student, thetaxable income ofthe student and his or her spouse.

FederalRegister: EDGAR,AppendixF, 5. Federal Register, states howthePublicof Federal Register is published everyfederal workingday. Notices of Proposed RuleMaking, closing dates for applications, etc. areallpublishedin theFederal Register.

FinancialAudit: Accordingto Government AuditingStandards (GAS), financial audits are primarilyconcerned withprovidingreasonableassuranceabout whether financial statements arepresentedfairlyin allmaterial respects in conformitywith generallyaccepted accounting principles (GAAP), or with a comprehensivebasisof accountingother thanGAAP. Other objectives of financial audits, which provide fordifferent levels of assurances and entail various scopes ofworkmayinclude: 1) providingspecial reports for specified elements, accounts, or items ofa financial statement;2) reviewinginterim financial information;3) issuingletters forunderwriters andcertain otherrequestingparties; 4) reportingon the processingof transactions byserviceorganizations; and 5) auditingcompliancewith regulations relatingto federal awardexpenditures andothergovernmentalfinancial

assistancein conjunctionwith or as a byproduct of a financial statement audit.

FirstGenerationIndividual: (A) An individual both of whoseparents didnot completea baccalaureate degree; or(B) in thecaseof anyindividual who regularlyresided with and received support from onlyoneparent, an individual whoseonlysuchparent did not complete abaccalaureatedegree. Citationreference: HEA402A(f)(1).


GAN: Grant Award Notification

GEPA: General Education Provisions Act. Section 427 ofGEPA affectsapplicants fornew grant awards under this program. This section requires each applicant for funds (other than an individual person)to include inits application adescription of thestepsthe applicant proposes to taketo ensure equitable access to, andparticipation in, its Federally-assisted program forstudents, teachers, and other programbeneficiaries with special needs.

GPRA: TheGovernment Performance and Results Act of 1993. Thisstatue requires all federal agencies to managetheiractivities. Each agencyis to clearlystatewhat it intends to accomplish, identifythe resourcesrequired,and periodicallyreport theirprogress to the Congress. In so doing, itis expected that theGPRA will contributeto improvements in accountabilityfortheexpenditures of public funds, improveCongressional decision-making through moreobjectiveinformation on the effectiveness of federal programs, andpromotea newgovernment focus on results, servicedelivery, and customer satisfaction.

GraduateEducation (McNair):Studies beyond the bachelor’s degreeleadingto a

postbaccalaureate degree. Citationreference: §647.7(b)

GrantCycle: SeeProject Period

Groups Underrepresented(McNair): The followingethnicand racialgroups currently underrepresented in graduate education: Black(non-Hispanic), Hispanic, and American Indian/AlaskanNative. Citationreference: §647.7(b)


HEA: Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended.Also known as the TRIOlegislation.


IndependentStudent:1)Is 24years ofageor olderbyDecember31 of the awardyear; 2)is an orphan or ward ofthecourt or was award of thecourt until theindividual reached the ageof

18; 3) is a veteran of theArmed Forces of theUnited States (as defined in subsection (c)(1));

4)is a graduateor professional student;5) is amarried individual; 6) has legal dependents otherthan aspouse; or7)is a student forwhom afinancial aid administratormakes a documented determination ofindependencebyreason of other unusual circumstances.

IndividualwithDisabilities(SSS): A person who has a diagnosedphysical or mental impairment that substantiallylimits that person’s abilityto participatein theeducational experiences andopportunities offered bythegranteeinstitution.


Low-incomeIndividual: An individual from a familywhosetaxable income forthe preceding year did not exceed 150percent of an amountequal to the povertylevel determined byusing criteria ofpovertyestablishedbytheBureau of theCensus. Citation reference:(HEA 402A (f)(2)).


Need: Oneof the criteriathe project must usetodetermineapotential participant’s eligibility.

Onekeyconcept informingneed is theparticipant’s abilityto benefit/succeed as a resultof project services. In someprogramstheED defines‘Need’ in thedefinitions section ofthe regulations. In otherprograms, theneed is evident elsewherein the regulations. The program specificdefinitionand/or reference vary;pleaseseebelow.

Needs Assessment(EOC): As it relates to an EOC participant: adocumented needforoneor moreof theservices provided bythe project in order to undertakeaprogram of postsecondaryeducation. Citation reference: §644.7

Needs Assessment(McNair): As it relates to a McNair participant: adocumented need forone ormoreof theservices proved bythe project in order to undertakeaprogram of doctorial education. Citationreference: Citation reference:§647.32(b)(2)

Needs Assessment(TS): As it relates to a TSparticipant: adocumented need foroneor more ofthe services provided bythe project in order to undertakeaprogram of secondaryor postsecondaryeducation. Citation reference: §643.3(a)(3)(i-ii).

NeedforAcademicSupportorAcademic Need(SSS): A student whomthe grantee determines needs oneormoreof theservices stated under §646.4 to succeed in a

postsecondaryeducational program. Citation reference: §646.7(b).

NeedforAcademicSupport(UB): Has a needfor academicsupport, as determined bythe grantee, in order to pursuesuccessfullyaprogram of education beyond highschool. Citation reference: §645.3(c).

NPRM: Noticeof Proposed RuleMaking


OMB: Officeof Management and Budget

OMBCircularA-110:TheOfficeof Management and Budget uniformadministrative requirements that relateto TRIO programs.

OMBCircularA-21: TheOfficeof Management and Budgetgeneral cost principles that relate to TRIO programs.

On-siteVisit: SeeSiteVisit


Participant(EOC): Anindividual who: (i)Is determined to be eligibletoparticipate in the project under§644.3; and (ii) Receives projectservices.

Participant(SSS): An individual who: (1)is determined to be eligibletoparticipate in the project under§646.3; and 2) receives project services to besufficient to increasethe individual’s chancesforsuccess in apostsecondaryeducational program.

Participant(TS): An individual who 1)is determined to be eligibleto participatein theproject under §643.3; and 2) receives project services designed for his orher ageor gradelevel. Citationreference: §643.7

Participant(UB): An individual who (1)is determined to be eligibleto participate in the

project under§645.3; (2)resided in thetarget areaor is enrolled in a targetschool at the time of acceptanceinto the project;and (3) has been determined bythe projectdirector to be committed to the project, as evidenced bybeingallowed to continue in theproject forat least (i)ten days in a summercomponent if the individual first enrolled in an UpwardBound project’s summer component;or (ii) sixtydays if theindividual first enrolled in an Upward Bound project’s academicyearcomponent. Citationreference: 645.6

PotentialFirstGenerationCollegeStudent: (A) An individual neither ofwhosenatural or adoptiveparents receivedabaccalaureate degree;or (B) Astudent who, priorto theageof

18, regularlyresided with and received support from onlyonenatural or adoptiveparent and whosesupportingparentdid notreceiveabaccalaureate degree.

ProgramOfficer: SeeProgram Specialist

ProgramSpecialist: Also known asProgram Officer. The representativeof theEducation Department responsible foraspecificgrant;identified in block 3 ofthe Grant Award Notification as the Education Program Contact.

ProjectPeriod: Period establishedin the awarddocument during whichFederal sponsorship begins and ends. Usuallysynonymous with Grant Cycle. Citationreference: EDGAR 74.2


SiteVisit: Also on-site visit. When a representative ofthe Education Department visits a granteeforthe purposeofreviewingoneor moreED grants awarded to that grantee.

SufficientFinancialAssistance(SSS): The amountof financial aid offered aStudent Support services student, inclusiveof Federal, State, local,private, and institutional aid which, together with parent or student contributions, is equal to the cost of attendance as determined byafinancialaid officerat theinstitution.

SummerInternship(McNair): An educationalexperiencein which participants, under the guidance and direction ofexperienced facultyresearchers, areprovidedanopportunityto engagein research or other scholarlyactivities. Citationreference: 647.7(b)


TargetArea (TS& EOC): Geographicareaserved byaTalent Search or an Educational


TargetArea (UB): A discrete local or regionalgeographical areadesignated bythe applicantas the areato be servedbyan UpwardBound project. Citationreference: 645.6

TargetPopulation (McNair): Theuniverse from which McNair participants willbeselected.

Theuniversemaybe expressed in terms ofgeography, typeof institution, academic discipline, typeof disadvantage, typeof underrepresentation, or anyother qualifying descriptor that would enable an applicant to morepreciselyidentifythe kinds of eligible project participants theywish to serve. Citationreference: 647.7(b)

TargetSchool: A school designated bythe applicant as a focus of project services.

TRIOLegislation: AllTRIO programs are authorized in theHigher Education Act of 1965, as amended, Title 4, Part A,Subpart 2, Chapter 1, Section 402A. 402Ais theumbrella for all TRIO programs;402B is thesection authorizingTalent Search;402C is thesection authorizingUpward Bound;402D is thesection authorizingStudent Support Services;402E is thesection authorizing McNair;402Fis thesection authorizingEducational Opportunity Centers.

TRIORegulations: TheCodeof Federal Regulations (CFR). AllDepartment ofEducation Regulations are found inTitle34 ofthe CodeofFederal Regulations (34 CFR). These regulations include 1)Part 74 and 75 (whichare found in EDGAR);2)Part 643 constituting the Talent Search program specific regulations, Part 644 constitutingthe Educational OpportunityCenters program specificregulations;3)OMBCirculars andExpanded Authorities incorporated byreference. When CFRorTRIO Regulations arereferenced, eitheronecan potentiallyinclude allofthe above.


UnderrepresentedGroups: SeeGroups Underrepresented


Veteran: A person who served on activedutyasamember oftheArmedForces of theUnited

States 1) foraperiod ofmorethan 180 days, anypart ofwhich occurred afterJanuary31,

1955, and who was discharged orreleased from activedutyunderconditions otherthan dishonorable; or2) AfterJanuary31, 1955, and who was discharged or released from active dutybecause of aservice-connected disability. Citationreference: HEA402A (f)(3)