ENGR 1211 – Engineering Graphics and Design I
Course Syllabus
Clarkston Campus
Final Exam:
Instructor: / Taylor M. ShaperoDepartment: / Clarkston Math, Computer Science, and Engineering (MCSE)
Office: / CH - 3261
Phone: / (678) 891-3319
Email: /
Website: /
Advising and Tutoring Hours:
Prerequisite: /
- Exit or exempt from all Learning Support or ESL requirements except ENSL 0091.
- MATH 1111 with a grade of 'C' or better.
Course Description:
An introduction to engineering graphics and design, this is the first of a two-course sequence, offering instruction in the use of an industry-leading computer-aided design software system to produce two-dimensional drawings. Topics include the fundamentals of engineering graphics and design, geometric construction, the engineering design process, and drawing composition with emphasis on industry practice.
Required Textbook (Fall 2014):
1. Engineering Graphics and Design I and II, Custom book compiled by GPC Engineering Faculty Y. D. Kim, A. Honkan, and V. Bennett (McGraw-Hill). ISBN: 978-1-30809-137-2.
-This textbook is also used in ENGR 1212 (so if you take that class, hold onto it!)
2. Tutorial Guide to AutoCAD 2014, Shawna Lockhart, SDC publications. ISBN: 978-1-30809-137-2
*Both books are available in print and electronically. You can buy either version. See here for a list of pros and cons comparing digital and print textbooks.
Course Objectives:
After taking this course, you should be able to understand and utilize basic computer aided drafting and design techniques with the assistance of Autodesk’s AutoCAD software.
Specific Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
- Explain the advantages of computer-aided design/drafting (CAD).
- Use the menu structure and data input conventions to create, view, edit, and plot engineering drawings.
- Use the basic two-dimensional entity draw commands.
- Use the basic two-dimensional edit and inquiry commands.
- Use the basic display controls needed for viewing two-dimensional drawings.
- Use layers and other supplied drawing aids.
- Use the basic dimensioning commands.
- Print, plot, and present engineering designs using CAD software.
- Read and create working mechanical, architectural, schematic, and manufacturing drawings.
- Use and understand the concepts of orthographic projection.
- Understand the engineering design process and identify basic industry practice.
Attendance, Participation, and Other Tips:
While not directly impacting your grade, poor attendance will result in missed assignments and poor participation will result in poor understanding of the course materials thus likely resulting in a lower grade than you may otherwise be able to attain. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to make up what was discussed, including but not limited to reviews of exams and any changes made for important dates, such as due dates of homework assignments.
Tests and quizzes MAY NOT be taken or made up anytime outside of the scheduled class period.
Participation is essential to your understanding. I expect you to work with your classmates and ask questions when needed. If you have a question, you can always ask. I am happy to answer questions including “How do I approach this problem?” or “Can you clarify how much students can help each other with this assignment?”
When taking notes, the pen is mightier than the laptop. Studies have shown that you will process what you are learning more efficiently if you write it out longhand on paper rather than typing. If you choose to work primarily on a computer during class, studies have also shown how trying to multi-task in the classroom (e.g. check email, websites, etc.) will hurt your comprehension and memory of lecture materials.
GPC Philosophy and Statement on Attendance:
Student’s academic success is the major priority of the College. Because regular participation enhances the learning process, students are expected to adhere to the attendance policy set forth by the College and individual faculty members. Differences in content and teaching styles exist among courses, which can impact students’ learning. Therefore, students are strongly encouraged to attend all classes to better prepare them for assignments, tests, and other course-related activities. Students are accountable for assignments and material covered during an absence.
Course Schedule:
Available here:
Course Schedule
Note that the schedule is subject change depending on how the class progresses through the material.
Grading Procedures:
Grades will be based on:
- Homework/Labs (15%)
- Tests & Quizzes (30%)
- Midterm Project (15%)
- Final Project (15%)
- Final Exam (25%)
Final grades will be determined based on the grading scale shown above. Discussion about grades is only possible at a face-to-face meeting.
Graded homework assignments are due (and will be collected) at the start of the class (within the first 5 minutes). Turning in an assignment late will result in a 10% loss of total possible credit if turned in within 24 hours of being due, 20% loss if 24-48 hours late, and will not be accepted more than 48 hours late.
Specific requirements for assignments will be given when it is assigned. Follow the requirements carefully. Zero credit will be given if your submission does not meet the requirements.
1 / A total of two tests (except the final) will be given on the dates specified in the course outline unless otherwise noted during the semester.2 / Tests/exams will be given in two parts: one part will be in iCollege and the other will be distributed during the test/exam period.
3 / None of the test grades will be dropped. Every test will count toward your final grade.
4 / One test with the lowest grade will be replaced by the final exam grade if the final exam grade is higher than the exam with the lowest grade.
5 / If you miss a test, no make-up will be given under any circumstances. A missed test will count as a ZERO in the gradebook. But remember your one lowest test grade will be replaced by your final exam grade (if the final exam grade is higher).
6 / The final exam schedule is determined by GPC and no change on this schedule is permitted. You MUST take the final during the scheduled time on the scheduled date.
Information on Performance Alert for Student Success (PASS):
Academic success is a top priority at GPC. Activities have been designed to alert both instructor and student in a timely manner if sufficient progress on certain core concepts is not being made. A performance alert for student success (PASS) will be sent to academically struggling students throughout the semester to inform them of their status in the course and to provide additional resources for assistance. The notification enables students to address any academic weakness that could affect their successful completion of the course. If a student receives a PASS, the student should meet with the instructor to discuss their performance in the course and to design an improvement plan. PASS messages with be sent via email and by SMS text messaging.
Withdrawal Deadlines
Academic Integrity
Students are expected to follow the following guidelines and ask if there are any questions:
Any work submitted by a student in this course for academic credit will be the student's own work. For this course, collaboration is allowed in homework assignments.
You are encouraged to study together and to discuss information and concepts covered in lecture and the sections with other students. You can give "consulting" help to or receive "consulting" help from such students. However, this permissible cooperation should never involve one student having possession of a copy of all or part of work done by someone else, in the form of an e-mail, an e-mail attachment file, a diskette, or a hard copy.
Should copying occur on any assignment, both the student who copied work from another student and the student who gave material to be copied will both automatically receive a zero for the assignment. Penalty for violation of this Code can also be extended to include failure of the course and College disciplinary action.
During examinations, you must do your own work. Talking or discussion is not permitted during the examinations, nor may you compare papers, copy from others, or collaborate in any way. Any collaborative behavior during the examinations or any attempt to defraud, deceive, or mislead constitutes cheating and will result in a grade of zero for the work in question, and may lead to failure of the course and college disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the college.
GPC Policy:
Georgia Perimeter College requires that students not attempt to defraud, deceive, or mislead an instructor in arriving at an honest grade assessment.
Accommodations for students with disabilities:
If you are a student who is disabled as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act and requires assistance or support services, please seek assistance through the Center for Disability Services. A CDS Counselor will coordinate those services.
Tobacco and Smoke-Free Campus Policy:
Effective October 1, 2014: Georgia Perimeter prohibits the use of tobacco products on any property owned, leased, or controlled by GPC. All faculty, staff, students, visitors, vendors, contractors, and all others are prohibited from using any tobacco products while on GPC property. “Tobacco Products” is defined as cigarettes, pipes, cigars, all forms of smokeless tobacco, clove cigarettes and other smoking devices that use tobacco such as hookahs or simulate the use of tobacco such as electronic cigarettes.Violations of the smoking policy will be handled under the GPC Student Code of Conduct.
Visit Tobacco Free GPC for more information and help.
Unscheduled Campus Closings
In the event that this course is not able to meet face-to-face due to an unscheduled closing of any GPC campus, students should log into iCollege for further directions regarding the course. During this time, students will be responsible for the material and assignments given by the instructor on iCollege.
General Policies
1) Please silence all cell phones and other electronics during class.
2) All electronics must be turned off during exams.
3) This syllabus and other documents will be placed on iCollege. No printed copy will be distributed in class.
** Note that any part of this syllabus and other handouts provided for this class are subject to change as needed. It is your responsibility to always keep up-to-date copies of these documents.