Species Information
Know the significance of AND be able to explain each of the following:
1. Endangered/Threatened Species
Examples (know why)
Giant Panda, Florida Manatee, Presidio Manzanita, Black-footed ferret, Kangaroo Rat, Florida Panther, Sand Verbena, Bladder Pod, Torreya, Monk Seal, Northern Spotted Owl, Red Wolf, Wyoming Toad, Gopher Tortoise, Black Rhino, California Condor, Boulder Darter Scrub Mint, American Burying Beetle, Piping Plover, Florida Key Deer, Grizzly Bear, Chinook Salmon, Arizona Agave, Oahu Tree Snail, Greenback Cutthroat Trout, Hawksbill Sea Turtle, Wood Stork, Ocelot, American Crocodile, Green Pitcher Plant
2. Characteristics of Extinction-Prone Species
Low reproduction rate, Specialized feeding habits, Feeds at high trophic levels, Large size, Limited or specialized nesting or breeding areas, Found in only one place or region, Fixed migratory patterns, Preys on livestock or people, Behavior patterns
3. Keystone Species
Examples (know why)
Alligator, Wolf, Prairie Dog, Fig Trees, Plankton, Kelp/Sea Otters, Mycorrhizae
4. Indicator Species
Examples (know why)
Most Songbirds (e.g. Warblers), Amphibians (Frogs, Salamanders)
5. Introduced/Non-Native Species
Examples (know why)
Kudzu, Water Hyacinth, Purple Loosestrife, Rabbits in Australia, Argentine Fire Ants, European wild Boar. Dutch Elm Disease (Fungus), Zebra Mussel, Quagga Mussel
6. Pests
Examples (know why)
Gypsy Moth, European Red Mite, Boll Weevil, tobacco Horn worm, Grasshopper (Locust), Pink Bullworm, Brown Planthoppers, Aphids
7. Introduced/Reintroduced to help control Pest Species
Examples (know why)
Wasps, Beetles (Lady Beetles, Lady Bugs), Vedalia Beetle Larva
8. Interactions
Interspecific Competition, Predation, Parasitism, Mutualism, Commensalism, Interference Competition, Exploitation Competition, Competitive Exclusion, Resource Partitioning, Realized Niche, Fundamental Niche, Predator-Prey Relationship
9. r - strategist
Many small offspring, little or no parental care or protection of offspring, early reproductive age, most offspring die, small adults, adapted to unstable climate, high population growth rate, population size fluctuates wildly above and below , generalist niche, low ability to compete, early successional species
10. K - strategist
Fewer, larger offspring, high parental care, later reproductive age, most offspring survive, larger adults, adapted to stable climate, lower population growth rate, population fairly stable, specialist niche, high ability to compete, late successional species