June 2012
June 26 - 28, 2012
Estrel Hotel & Convention Center
Berlin, Germany
These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.
TUESDAY, June 26 to THURSDAY, June 28
Call to Order / Quorum Check
The Welding Task Group (WLD) was called to order at 9:00 a.m., 26-Jun-12 by Ralph Kropp.
It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.
The Code of Ethics and the Antitrust policy were reviewed.
The Task Group was notified that the vice-Chair would not be attending this meeting and the Chair would not be available for some part of this meeting. Ralph Kropp requested Holger Krueger to be the acting Chair when he is not available during this meeting. The Voting members of the Task Group were notified of this prior to the meeting.
The previous secretary, Craig Militello, has left Goodrich Aerospace, and will no longer be the Secretary to the WLD Task Group. Ralph Kropp asked members of the Task Group to consider this position and recommended that an alternate be also put in place. Dag Lindland volunteered to be the Secretary for this meeting.
A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:
Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAME* / Carlos / Alfaro / Eaton Aerospace
Marek / Bujak / MTU Aero Engines
* / Bob / Fletcher / BAE Systems Military Air & Information (MAI)
Jean-Francois / Fromentin / SAFRAN GROUP
Josef / Geitner / Rolls-Royce
* / Michael / Irvin / The Boeing Company
* / Jerry / Isoaho / Volvo Aero Corporation
* / Günther / Jakobi / Rolls-Royce
* / Keith / Kastner / Cessna Aircraft Company
Claus / Kuckens / Goodrich Corporation
* / Ralph / Kropp / MTU Aero Engines / Chairman
* / Holger / Krueger / Airbus
* / Dag / Lindland / Pratt & Whitney / Secretary
* / Scott / Maitland / Goodrich Aerostructures
Frank / Mariot / Triumph Group, Inc.
Diana / Mendoza / Honeywell Aerospace
Jacob / Milo / Israel Aerospace Industries
Marco Luigi / Poletto / Alenia Aermacchi SpA
* / Earl / Pruett / Lockheed Martin
Dirk / Ruschenbaum / Rolls Royce Deutschland
John / Sanders / Hamilton Sundstrand
Udo / Schuelke / Honeywell Aerospace
* / Kenneth / Sposato / Triumph Aerostructures - Vought Division
Mariusz / Stanczyk / Lockheed Martin
* / David / Struckman / Eaton Aerospace
Larrouy / Thibaut / SAFRAN GROUP
Tony / Warren / Airbus
* / Gary L. / Winters / Northrop Grumman Corporation
Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAMEMarco / Dove / LB:s Mekaniska Verkstad AB
Richard / Freeman / TWI Ltd
Hitohiko / Hattori / Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
Martin / Kietzmann / HEGGEMANN AG
Vincent / Musa / Technetics Group Columbia
Aleksandra / Najdoch / Unison EC Poland
Fredrik / Olofsson / LB:s Mekaniska Verkstad AB
Tomasz / Piechowski / Unison EC Poland
Arno / Schaepers / Zeppelon Systems
* / Mike / Schleckman / Voss Industries, Inc.
Stefan / Schnell / Witzeumann GmbH
Junji / Tsuji / IHI Corporation
PRI Staff Present
Ian / Simpson1.1 Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Motion made by Mike Schleckman and seconded by Michael Irvin to accept the February 2012 minutes as written. Motion passed
Twenty-eight actions items from the February 2012 minutes were reviewed. One item with a due date of October 2012 remains open. All other action items from prior meetings were closed or were agenda items at this meeting. New action items identified in the June 2012 meeting will be added to the Task Group RAIL, which will be updated on a monthly basis. (See item 23.0 for details).
The Code of Ethics and the Antitrust policy were reviewed.
The Task Group was notified that the vice-Chair would not be attending this meeting and the Chair would not be available for some part of this meeting. Ralph Kropp requested Holger Krueger to be the acting Chair when he is not available during this meeting. The Voting members of the Task Group were notified of this prior to the meeting.
The previous secretary, Craig Militello, has left Goodrich Aerospace, and will no longer be the Secretary to the WLD Task Group. Ralph Kropp asked members of the Task Group to consider this position and recommended that an alternate be also put in place. Dag Lindland volunteered to be the Secretary for this meeting.
1.2 Review of Agenda
The agenda was reviewed. No new business items were identified for inclusion.
1.3 Staff Engineer Communique
The Staff Engineer presented a Nadcap Communiqué to the Task Group.
1.3.1 The next meeting, October 2012, will be held in Pittsburgh, USA.
1.3.2 NIP7-07 has been revised. This is the Nadcap Procedure that controls restricted material. The procedure and eAuditNet functionality has been changed to automate notifications when restricted data posted by a Supplier is removed.
1.3.3 NTGOP-001 has been revised. The revision was made to align voting requirements with the higher level procedure NOP-001.
1.3.4 Tony Warren is performing the Nadcap Management Council (NMC) Oversight audit of the WLD Task Group.
2.0 Auditor Conference – CLOSED
Ian Simpson presented a draft agenda for the October Auditor Conference. This includes a Saturday afternoon session on general items including: ethics, conflict of interest, auditing skills and NCR writing. These are to be presented by Ian Simpson. All Subscribers are welcome to attend this session.
The Sunday conference is Task Group specific and includes time for 4 Subscribers to present specific items on their requirements, a focused audit problem discussion and a Question and Answer forum. All Subscribers are encouraged to attend this session. The agenda was agreed by the Task Group.
ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to submit Auditor Conference agenda to Auditor Conference team and Subscribers who are scheduled to present. (Due Date: 31-Aug-12)
ACTION ITEM: Subscribers that will be presenting at the October Auditor Conference to provide presentations to Ian Simpson. Due Date: (15-Sep-12)
3.0 Auditor Effectiveness – CLOSED
3.1 Review of Charts to Establish Effectiveness
The Staff Engineer presented information on Auditor effectiveness requested by the Task Group. Several charts were reviewed which showed quantity of findings versus audit question by Auditor and average difference between each Auditor’s findings and the number of findings that the subsequent Auditor found.
There was a discussion about one Auditor who is an outlier in terms of the larger number of NCR’s that are being written for both initial and reaccreditation audits. The Task Group decided that they need to understand why this is occurring and placed an action on the Staff Engineer to speak to this Auditor.
ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to speak to Auditor with highest number of NCR’s to understand discrepancy with number of findings. Due Date: (31-Jul-12)
Once the reasons for this is established, a sub-Team of Scott Maitland, Michael Irvin, David Struckman and Ian Simpson are to review this Auditor with the two Auditors with low NCRs and present any conclusions at the October 2012 Task Group meeting. Note, this will be used to understand discrepancies, and is not intended to raise the number of findings. Once the reasons for this discrepancy are analyzed the Task Group will make the necessary changes to improve Auditor consistency.
ACTION ITEM: Sub-team of Scott Maitland, Michael Irvin, David Struckman and Ian Simpson to review two Auditors with very low number of findings, and compare against the Auditor with highest number of findings and present conclusions at the October meeting. (Due Date: 22-Oct-12)
The Staff Engineer informed the Task Group that Auditor effectiveness charts are under review by Nadcap Management Council (NMC) and it is expected that a standard set of charts will be made available at the October meeting to further aid the Task Group in improving Auditor consistency.
3.2 Review of Auditor Observations
Four observation audits were reviewed. Three of these had no issues; however one had an issue as described below.
An observation audit was made on one Auditor that a Task Group member had concerns over on a previous Resistance Welding Audit. The results of this observation audit indicated that there are still concerns over how this process is being audited. A motion was proposed by Earl Pruett not to allow the identified Auditor to conduct any more audits. Subsequent discussion ensued at which point a further motion was proposed as described below.
Motion made by Michael Irvin and seconded by Scott Maitland to counsel the identified Auditor, and then conduct a further observation audit. After results of observation audit are reviewed by Ian Simpson, he will then make a decision, and communicate to Task Group. This motion carried, therefore first motion was null. Motion passed
ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to counsel identified Auditor with respect to items identified on Observation audit. (Due Date: 31-Jul-12)
ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to arrange for Observation audit on identified Auditor. (Due Date: 31-Jul-12)
ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to review feedback on Observation audit and provide details to the Task Group. (Due Date: 22-Oct-12)
Some Task Group members stated that they had had some Observation audits declined and the Task Group believed this to be due to a perception within Suppliers that Observed audits have more Non-Conformances (NCRs). From the sample of Observation audits conducted since the last meeting the converse is true; hence the Task Group decided that they would like to establish what the situation is over a longer period of time
ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to ascertain the number of NCR’s that are found on a non- observed audits versus the number that were found on observed audits, to determine if the Observation audits are influenced by having an Observer present. (Due Date: 22-Oct-12)
As part of the Auditor Consistency program being developed by the NMC, each Task Group will likely be allowed a technical appendix to be added to the standard Observation check sheet. Further discussion on this will continue at subsequent meetings, once NMC finalize and complete the Auditor Consistency Program.
3.3 Review of Training Evaluations and New Auditor Candidates
The Staff Engineer presented an update of the current Auditor status. A number of Auditors are being reviewed to have their restrictions lifted.
Auditor candidate (ref: TK1104111038A) has completed Training audits. The Task Group reviewed the training audit reports and decided to hire this candidate with the restrictions that were imposed in the interview
ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to forward completed Auditor evaluation forms for candidate (ref: TK1104111038A) to Auditor Staffing department and instruct to contract the candidate. (Due Date: 31-Jul-12)
The Task Group was informed that Auditor, (ref: JS0304041230P) has resigned.
A new candidate, (ref: DN1204290443P) has been interviewed by the Task Group and completed the necessary Initial Auditor Training modules. The Staff Engineer is looking for suitable training auditors for this candidate.
Ralph Kropp inquired if it would be possible for photographs of Auditors to be posted either on eAuditNet or the PRI website, in order for the Task Group to more easily recognize the Auditors.
ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to establish if it will be possible to take Auditors photographs at the October Auditor Conference. (Due Date: 31-Aug-12)
4.0 Supplier Advisories – CLOSED
4.1 Review of Advisories since February 2012 Meeting
Three Supplier Advisories have been issued since the February 2012 meeting: 2079, 2106 and 2130. The Task Group identified no further actions.
Eight advisories, issued by other commodities, were also reviewed as they may have an effect on the WLD accreditations. These were 2086, 2087, 2088, 2090, 2111, 2116, 2117 and 2118. The Task Group decided that no further actions were required as a result of these advisories.
In the subsequent discussion it was asked how an Auditor would know if Advisories had been issued by other commodities when the WLD Auditor conducts their audit. The Staff Engineer showed the Task Group how this could be performed, however the Task Group felt that a demonstration of this to the Auditors at the October 2012 Auditor Conference would be beneficial
ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to establish if Auditors are automatically notified if they are auditing a Supplier with a recently issued Supplier Advisory from another commodity. (Due Date: 31-Jul-12)
ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to add item to the Auditor Conference agenda for October 2012 to demonstrate to Auditors how they can establish if other commodities have issued Supplier Advisories. (Due Date: 31-Jul-12)
4.2 Review of Subscriber Advisories
There were no Advisories required from Subscribers.
4.3 Supplier Advisory 2130 was issued as a result of audit 140142 being failed. The Supplier requested an appeal to the Task Group via appeal 2012-010 on t-frm-03. The Task Group reviewed all items in the appeal and upheld the failure. The form was completed and returned to the Supplier.
5.0 STaff Engineer Delegation – CLOSED
The WLD Task Group reviewed the Staff Delegation Tracking Form information for Mike Gutridge. He has met requirements of NOP-003 for delegation to be maintained, hence the WLD Task Group voted to maintain his delegation.
Motion made by Michael Irvin and seconded by Scott Maitland to maintain Mike Gutridge’s delegation. Motion passed.
The WLD Task Group reviewed the Staff Delegation Tracking Form information for Consultant Reviewer, Wayne Canary. He has met requirements of NOP-003 for delegation to be maintained, hence the WLD Task Group voted to maintain his delegation.
Motion made by Michael Irvin and seconded by Scott Maitland to maintain Wayne Canary’s delegation. Motion passed.
The WLD Task Group reviewed the Staff Delegation Tracking Form information for Ian Simpson. He has met requirements of NOP-003 for delegation to be maintained, hence the WLD Task Group voted to maintain his delegation.
Motion made by Michael Irvin and seconded by Scott Maitland to maintain Ian Simpson’s delegation. Motion passed.