Request for Proposals

for a

Canadian report to UNECE/UNESCO


Indicators of Education for Sustainable Development

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has asked member states to report on their implementation of the strategy for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in formal, non-formal, and informal settings. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has agreed that it will use the same format to collect data from its member states as well. Canada is a member of both organizations.

The Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC), Environment Canada (EC), and the Canadian Commission for UNESCO (CCUNESCO) will collaborate to produce a report for Canada and are seeking interest from researchers/writers to undertake this task, which will entail preparing a draft report, based on the attached questionnaire, which is in the form of an indicator template.This draft report will be circulated to provincial and territorial ministries and departments of education by CMEC, federal government officials by EC, and civil society by CCUNESCO. The researcher/writer will then make any necessary changes and submit the final report to CMEC.

The report will contain an executive summary, a table of contents, and an index. It will be approximately 50 pages long. The remuneration for this work will be $15,000, including GST and a final report is to be submitted by September 7, 2007. The report must be done in MS Word.

Selection of a suitable researcher/writer will be based on knowledge of provincial, territorial and federal systems, relevant NGOs, knowledge of the subject, examples of work, and the suitability of a strategy the prospective researchers/writers will propose to undertake this work, bearing in mind the challenges posed for countries with a federal arrangement, such as Canada.The ability to work in both official languages will be considered an advantage.

Please submit your proposal and résumé to Sheila Molloy () by April 6, 2007.

Tasks for the researcher/writer

Preliminary collection of data

  • CMEC, CCUNESCO,and EC will provide the researcher/writer with all known existing reports, documents, statistics, Web links, etc. that could be useful
  • All three partners will provide the researcher/writer with a list of contacts

Review of information provided and additional research (12 days)

Writing of first draft (5 days)

Incorporating changes from reviewers to produce a final document (2 days)

Draft Time Table for

Canadian report to UNECE/UNESCO


Indicators of Education for Sustainable Development

Week of April 9, 2007

▫The partners circulate RFP to potential researchers/writers

▫Partners inform their constituents that Canada will be reporting, and request any relevant documents, Web sites, policies, etc. related to topics

Week of April 23, 2007

▫Partners review responses, select researcher/writer

▫CMEC prepares contract

▫Partners send relevant information and names of contacts to researcher/writer

June 4, 2007

▫First draft submitted to CMEC, CCUNESCO, and Environment Canada for review

June 11, 2007

▫CMEC, EC, and CCUNESCO revisions made by researcher/writer and document circulated by CCUNESCO to NGO contacts for response by June 22

July3-5, 2007

▫Revisions made to document by researcher/writer

July4–July 27, 2007

▫Document translated and proofread

July 30, 2007

▫Document circulated by CMEC to provincial/territorial contacts, for response by
August 13

August 20, 2007

▫Changes made by researcher/writer and final document submitted to partners

August 27–September 7, 2007

▫Translation of changes

▫Proofreading of final versions

▫Submission to Foreign Affairs for transmittal to UNESCO and UNECE secretariats

Selected Bibliography forCanadian report to UNECE/UNESCO


Indicators of Education for Sustainable Development

Canadian sources

United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005–14) – Canada’s Response to the UNESCO Questionnaire (March 2006); Prepared by the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada,in collaboration withthe Canadian Commission for UNESCO

Education in Canada,

Other Sources

  • Letter from the Director General of UNESCO inviting Member States to report
  • Letter from UNECE inviting Member States to report
  • Text of the UNECE Strategy and Framework
  • Text of the UNESCO Strategy
  • UNESCO Progress Reports
  • UNECE Guidelines for reporting, including the questionnaire