Grant Acquittal Report - 2016
As per the Conditions for the Grant, you are required to complete an Acquittal Report. Failure to provide the reports outlined below may jeopardise your organisation’s eligibility in future rounds of the DVWG and/or other RSL (Queensland Branch) funding programs.
The Report must be certified by the President of the Sub Branch or District Branch and returned within one month of the project completed to the approving District Branch Office.
The Acquittal Report should be completed depending on the Project. Some sections will not be relevant to some Projects. If in doubt, discuss with your District Secretary.
- Project Report
- A full description of the project and activities undertaken including details of any variation of dates, budgets, etc.
- A realistic assessment of the project including benefits to your organisation; benefits for the community involved, impact on the community (cultural, social, economic)
- An evaluation of the success and shortcomings of the project. Were there any unanticipated outcomes? Did you encounter any difficulties; how would you approach this next time?
- The way in which your project may have addresses issues such as cultural, social and economic development within your community; development of networks; skills or professional development; education and training opportunities; encouragement of and support for welfare activities; facilitate co-operative relationships.
- What long-term partnerships have developed during this project? Please name the “partners”, describe the nature of the partnership and how they will continue to be involved, now the project is completed.
- Marketing and promotions of the project. Please submit copies of any promotional material (posters, flyers, press releases, programs, invitations etc)
- How the project was received. Please submit any letters, reviews, press clippings and any relevant documentation.
2. Financial Report
Please provide a statement of income and expenditure for your project as per the form below. Do not include GST in these amounts. Copies of receipts are required to be submitted (please retain originals for your own records).
Project Income (do not include in kind support – cash contributions only)
Income Source / Please specify details (name of funding source / AmountDVWG
Federal Government
State Government
Local Government
Other Income (include own contribution
Earned Income / Eg ticket/food sales, fees, membership
Total Project Income
Project Expenses (please list all relevant expenditure)
Expenditure (please list all relevant expenditure) / Please specify details (eg transaction / beneficiary) / AmountTotal Project Expenses
In Kind Support
In-Kind Sources / Please specify details (refer to Work Sheet 3 in your application) / AmountVolunteers / No of Volunteers ____
Total Volunteer Hours ____ x $25 / $
Local Government / $
Local Business / $
Other Community Groups / $
Total In Kind Support
3. Statistical Report (please fill out where applicable)
How many volunteers on this project? ____ Paid (Cash or In Kind) ____ Unpaid
How many volunteers received out of pocket expenses using Veteran Welfare Program (including partial funding)?
Target Group
Please tick the appropriate sector (s) of the community who benefited from the outcomes of the project? (more than one box can be ticked)
Ex-Service/Service PersonnelWomenMen
Culturally diversePeople with Disabilities
Of the group listed above, what group was the main beneficiary of the project:
Estimated number of attendees ______
Describe the nature of their attendance (eg audience, participants, volunteers etc)
Where did the attendees come from? (Estimate as percentage of total attendees)
______% Local (including surrounding towns)
______% Elsewhere(please specify)
Groups / Partners’ involved in the Project
Type of Group / Name of Group / Long or short term partnerFederal Government
State Government
Local Government
Private Sector (eg businesses)
Community (eg service club)
Social services (eg health, youth)
I certify that the project described above was used for the approved purpose. To the best of my knowledge, the project, financial and statistical reports are true and fair.
Name: ______Signature ______
______(Sub Branch / District Branch)
RSL South Eastern District Ltd – District Veteran Welfare Grant (DVWG) 2016 – Grant Acquittal Page 1