January 12, 2018
OkCDA Board Meeting
Members Present: Ron Wallace, Belinda Flynn, Marilyn Meyers, Dr. Chapman, Bill Perring, Joy Ware,
Joshua Nannestad, Deborah Clements, Amanda Foyil, and Ramona Cummings.
- The meeting was called to order by President Wallace.
- Motion was made and 2nd to accept the minutes from the Oct. 19th board meeting. Motion
Passed and the minutes were approved.
- Board meetings and festival dates were announced.
- A bank balance of $40,730.17 was reported.
- $1,038.23 was listed as the cost for the Tutti and the OkCDA web-site. The deadline for all
submitted articles will be April 1st.
- Reports were given for the festival choirs and information on the next years clinicians.
- The festival schedule was discussed. Motion made & 2nd to keep the same rehearsal
Schedule for 2019 as we had in 2018. Motion passed
- Reports from Repertoire & Research Chairs were given
- Regional Representatives also gave reports on what was happening in their part of the state.
- Board Member Elections and Appointments were given by Belinda Flynn.
- Ron Wallace discussed the 2018 Summer Convention to be held July 15-17, at the University
- Of Oklahoma. Headliner will be Ryan Beeken. Other sessions will be led by Karsten
- Longhurst, Jim Graves, Carisa Schreiner & Kimberly Thomas. We will also have the R & R
Chairs presenting the reading sessions.
- Bella Voce will be performing Monday night of the summer convention.
The elementary sessions will also be scheduled for Moday.
- Deadline for the Director of Distinction nominations will be March 15th. All nominations need
to be sent to Marilyn Meyers.
- Amanda Foyil presented a hand-out for the 2019 All-State Show Choir. They will use the
Form Stack for entries; Tracks will be made by Kevin Zinn; Maximum 48 singer/dancers;
students will be responsible for their own rooms & meals; rehearsals will be July 15-17 with
the performance being at 11:30 am, Tuesday morning in Sharp Hall.
- Motion was made and 2nd to give the OkCDA Collegiate Choir to OMEA (expenses and
- and anything dealing with the choir)leaving the artistic logistics to be handles by OkCDA.
Next Collegiate Choir will be held in 2019.
- Discussion for a new venue for the 2019 OkCDA All-State Festival brought about a couple of
suggestions: Southern Hills Baptist Church and 1st Southern Baptist Church of Del City.
- Meeting adjourned!