Tool / Strategies / Grouping / Directions
Repeated Reading / Focuses on….
n  Prosody
n  Accuracy
n  Rate/Automaticity
n  Fluent Model
n  Provide Support
n  Practice or Repeated
n  Phrasing / ·  Teacher/Student
·  Student/Student
·  Parent/Student
·  Student alone / If charting one minute reading:
·  Count number of correct words in a one minute “cold” read (1st reading of a short passage).
·  Have student chart their own cold read WRC (words read correctly).
·  Student listens to a model of the same passage.
·  Student practices the passage once more.
·  Count the number of correct words in a one minute “hot” read (last reading of the passage).
·  Have student chart their own hot read WRC (words read correctly).
Tool / Strategies / Grouping / Directions
Teachers Assisted Reading / Focuses on….
n  Prosody
n  Accuracy
n  Rate/Automaticity
n  Fluent Model
n  Provide Support
n  Practice or Repeated
n  Phrasing / ·  Teacher/Student
·  Parent/Student / ·  One reader and the teacher sit side by side.
·  The teacher reads over the passage at a reasonable pace.
The reader follows the text carefully.
·  The reader starts reading alone, but at any pause or stumble, the teacher quickly supplies the word or phrase, and the teacher repeats it and moves on.
Tool / Strategies / Grouping / Directions
Echo Reading / Focuses on….
n  Prosody
n  Accuracy
n  Rate/Automaticity
n  Fluent Model
n  Provide Support
n  Practice or Repeated
n  Phrasing / ·  Teacher led Small group
·  Parent/Student
·  Teacher/Student / ·  Teacher reads a sentence or passage
·  Students read sentence or passage along with the teacher
·  Students read sentence or passage along with the teacher as the teacher fades (whispers).
·  Students read passage without the teacher
Tool / Strategies / Grouping / Directions
Chunking / Focuses on….
n  Prosody
n  Accuracy
n  Rate/Automaticity
n  Fluent Model
n  Provide Support
n  Practice or Repeated
n  Phrasing / ·  Teacher led small group
·  Teacher/Student
·  Parent/Student
·  Stong Student/ Weaker Student / ·  Teacher reads the passage
·  Teacher reads the first chunk (phrase or sentence)
·  one student at a time reads the first chunk (phrase or sentence)
·  Repeat until all chunks have been practices by each student
·  Students read the passage without on their own
Tool / Strategies / Grouping / Directions
Neurological Impress / Focuses on….
n  Prosody
n  Accuracy
n  Rate/Automaticity
n  Fluent Model
n  Provide Support
n  Practice or Repeated
n  Phrasing / ·  Teacher/ Student / ·  Sit slightly behind the student holding the book in front of the child so that you speak toward his dominant ear.
·  Read together as in "one voice" with the teacher moving along the line of print.
·  The passage should be read slightly beyond the student's normal rate so attention is paid to whole words and sentences.
Tool / Strategies / Grouping / Directions
Text designed for multiple readers:
1.  Poems for 2 voices
2.  Readers Theater
3.  Teacher made scripts for 2 readers
4.  Dialogue or monologue, Oratory / Focuses on….
n  Prosody
n  Accuracy
n  Rate/Automaticity
n  Fluent Model
n  Provide Support
n  Practice or Repeated
n  Phrasing / ·  Students working together / ·  The teacher models fluency by reading the scripts or the story, on which the script is based, aloud.
·  The teacher offers a brief mini-lesson that presents explicit explanation of some aspect of fluency.
·  The teacher and students discuss the scripts.
·  Students read all parts independently.
·  Students practice reading their parts.
·  Repertory groups “perform” reading before an audience.
Tool / Strategies / Grouping / Directions
Paired Reading / Focuses on….
n  Prosody
n  Accuracy
n  Rate/Automaticity
n  Fluent Model
n  Provide Support
n  Practice or Repeated
n  Phrasing / ·  Student/Student
·  Teacher/Student
·  Parent/Student / ·  Pair students (strongest of the top performing students with strongest of the bottom performing students, weakest of the top performing students with weakest of the bottom performing students, etc…)
·  Stronger student reads short passage (weakest students IRL).
·  Weaker student reads same passage.
·  Stronger student reads 2nd passage.
·  Weaker student reads same passage
Tool / Strategies / Grouping / Directions
Jelly Bean Reading / Focuses on….
n  Prosody
n  Accuracy
n  Rate/Automaticity
n  Fluent Model
n  Provide Support
n  Practice or Repeated
n  Phrasing / ·  Teacher/Student
·  Parent/Student / •  In a small group you read a passage or story aloud.
•  Each child is given a small portion of jelly beans. (For example if a child is typically making 4-6 miscues per book, they get 4-6 jelly beans.)
•  As the children read aloud, they need to use all of their strategies. If at some point they need to ask for help or misread a word, they "spend" a jelly bean.
Tool / Strategies / Grouping / Directions
Choral Reading / Focuses on….
n  Prosody
n  Accuracy
n  Rate/Automaticity
n  Fluent Model
n  Provide Support
n  Practice or Repeated
n  Phrasing / ·  Teacher led small groups / ·  Teacher reads
·  Students read together
Tool / Strategies / Grouping / Directions
Technology Assisted readings / Focuses on….
n  Prosody
n  Accuracy
n  Rate/Automaticity
n  Fluent Model
n  Provide Support
n  Practice or Repeated
n  Phrasing / ·  Student alone
·  Paired Students / ·  Student listens to recordings
·  Student reads along with recording
·  Students read alone.
Tool / Strategies / Grouping / Directions
Circle 7 / Focuses on….
n  Prosody
n  Accuracy
n  Rate/Automaticity
n  Fluent Model
n  Provide Support
n  Practice or Repeated
n  Phrasing / •  Students reading to other student or adults / •  Choose a short passage.
•  At the end of the passage, draw 7 circles.
•  Model reading the passage.
•  The students are to read the passage to 7 (you choose the number of readings), different people.
•  As students complete their readings, the person to whom the passage was read, will initial inside one of the circles.
Tool / Strategies / Grouping / Directions
Hot and Cold Reads / Focuses on….
n  Prosody
n  Accuracy
n  Rate/Automaticity
n  Fluent Model
n  Provide Support
n  Practice or Repeated
n  Phrasing / ·  Teacher, parent or peer with a student / ·  Student reads for 1 minute, teacher counts the words read correctly
·  Teacher reads to model fluent reading
·  Student reads again
·  Student reads the 3rd time, for 1 minute and the teacher counts the words read correctly
·  Chart the first timed and last timed read WRC scores
Tool / Strategies / Grouping / Directions
Radio Reading / Focuses on….
n  Prosody
n  Accuracy
n  Rate/Automaticity
n  Fluent Model
n  Provide Support
n  Practice or Repeated
n  Phrasing / ·  Small group / ·  Students will be divided into small groups of no more than 4.
·  Students will be given news related material at their instructional or independent reading level.
·  Students will practice their material at least 3 times while the receiving corrective feedback from the other students.
·  Students may rehearse their part at home.
·  Students are given a microphone and may be placed behind a partition to give their broadcast.
Tool / Strategies / Grouping / Directions
Fluency Norms
Grade / Fall
(WCPM / Winter
(WCPM) / Spring
1st / 10-30 / 30-60
2nd / 30-60 / 50-80 / 70-110
3rd / 50-90 / 70-100 / 80-110
4th / 70-110 / 80-120 / 100-140
5th / 80-120 / 100-140 / 110-150
6th / 100-140 / 110-150 / 120-160
7th / 110-150 / 120-160 / 130-170
8th / 120-160 / 130-170 / 140-180


  1. Leveled text fluency work is to be done at a students Independent or Instructional Reading Level.

·  Independent Reading Level-level at which student reads with at least 95% accuracy.

·  Instructional Reading Level-level at which student reads with 90-95% accuracy.

  1. Work in short passages (approximately 1 minute passages.)
  2. Model appropriate prosody and phrasing.