Division of Social Sciences

Check List for Social Studies Departments in Preparation for

11th Grade US History End of Course Test

 Am I using the most updated Pacing Guides to plan for instruction?

  • District Pacing Guides support the teaching of the required Next Generation Sunshine State Standards for Social Studies and should be the primary planning tool for Social Studies teachers. Updated Pacing Guides are posted on the Division of Social Sciences website at The Pacing Guides can be found in the center of the webpage in the blue box, titled, Pacing Guides / Lessons. Once you click on the blue box, scroll down under the NGSSS-Social Studies Pacing Guides title to find 11th grade Pacing Guides, listed by each nine week grading period.

In the U. S. History Pacing Guide, you will find the following:

  • Content Benchmarks highlighted in red are tested on the End of Course Exam for U.S. History. There are 18 tested content Benchmarks and one tested skill Benchmark.
  • Associated with each red highlighted Benchmark is a link to a lesson plan (highlighted in yellow) complete with all readings, handouts, a detailed lesson plan, and a pre-post quiz to be used during instruction in order to emphasize the importance of tested Benchmarks.
  • Associated with each red highlighted Benchmark is a link to a relevant stimuli-based history lab activity.
  • Skill Benchmarks that are tested on the End of Course Exam for U.S. History are highlighted in green throughout the Pacing Guide. The skill Benchmark is embedded in each content lesson plan. Separate skill lesson plans are not available for the skill Benchmark.
  • Associated with each tested U.S. History End of Course Exam Benchmark is a link to the U.S. History End of Course Assessment Test Item Specifications which provides clarification and a breakdown of the content included in the Benchmark. These are highlighted in blue.
  • Also Assessed Benchmarks are highlighted in purple throughout the Pacing Guide. These Also Assessed Benchmarks fall under the scope of the 18 tested Benchmarks. Although no lesson plans exist for these, content related to the Also Assessed Benchmarks needs to be covered when teaching the 18 tested Benchmarks.

Am I using the Social Studies Task Cards to support Language Arts/Reading and providing opportunities for my students to understand complex informational text that may be assessed in the EOC test?

  • Task Cards to support informational text and primary source document analysis can be found on the Division of Social Sciences website by scrolling down on the main website page ( and clicking on the blue box, titled, Documents. Once you click on the blue box, scroll down to the right and click on the blue box, titled, Task Cards. Click the Task Cards blue box to access the task cards, with the high school task cards on the bottom of the list. Click Grades 9-12 (Groups 1-3) and Individual Task Cards (Groups 1-3) to open and access the task cards.

Have I reviewed the U.S. History End of Course Exam Blue Print available on the Division of Social Sciences website and am I knowledgeable of the 18 Benchmarks that will be tested?

  • The blue print information can be found on the Division of Social Sciences website by clicking on the blue box, titled, Documents. Once you click the blue box, scroll down and find the blue box, titled, End of Course (EOC) (right bottom side of web page), click and then find the title: U.S. History Senior High School End of Course Exam Information. Click to open file and view.

Have I reviewed the test Item Specifications for the U.S. History End of Course Exam?

  • Test Item Specifications can be found on the Division of Social Sciences website by clicking on the blue box, titled, Documents. Once you click the blue box, scroll down and find the blue box, titled, End of Course (EOC) (right bottom side of web page), click, and then find title: 11th grade EOC Exam Item Specifications. Click to open file and view.

Have I utilized all 18 content tested Benchmark lessons with my students?

  • All 18 lessons are complete with a detailed lesson plan, readings, handouts, and a pre-post quiz to be used during instruction in order to emphasize the importance of tested Benchmarks. The lessons can be found embedded in the Pacing Guide (highlighted in yellow to the link) or on the website in the center of the page on the blue box, titled, Pacing Guides / Lessons. Once you click the blue box, all 18 lesson plans are listed in order from the Pacing Guide and by benchmark on the right top side of the page under the title11th grade U.S. History End of Course Exam Lesson Plans. To access a lesson, click on the title. You will be prompted to enter a password.

The password is miami-dade-us-history. The password is case sensitive, include dashes.

How can I access the Year at a Glance documents for the 11th Grade U.S. History course?

  • Year at a Glance documents can be found on the Division of Social Sciences website by clicking on the blue box, titled, Pacing Guides / Lessons. Once you click the blue box, scroll down under the NGSSS-Social Studies Pacing Guides title to find the 11th grade section. There are three Year at a Glance documents with the following information:
  • The first document is titledYear at a Glance. This document is a reference guide to major topic headings that will be covered throughout each of the four nine week grading periods.
  • The second document is titled11th Grade EOC Tested Benchmarks (at a glance).This documentrefers to the main tested end of course exam benchmarks (18 in total) and provides a quick guide to where each benchmark falls in either the 1, 2, 3, or 4th nine weeks.
  • The third document is titled 11th Gr US Hist TESTED BENCHMARKS. This document, provides a “one stop shop” for 11th grade U.S. History End of Course assessment tested benchmarks in terms of what nine week grading period the main tested benchmark is addressed, the lesson plan links (remember: password to the lesson plans is: miami-dade-us-history), and the links to the item specifications per benchmark.

All Power Points, Pacing Guides, and Weekly Briefings with information regarding the 11TH Grade US History EOC test are posted on the Division of Social Sciences website: