The You-Knight project
You-KNIGHT against Money issued as DEBT
You-KNIGHT and unlock our potential
We may dare to dream, but do we dare to make those dreams a reality?
Or perhaps better worded, do we dare to try?
We, collectively, and individually are waking up. We have become and or are becoming conscious of the fact that things are not right with how we currently interact within what we commonly term 'the system', and we have, for the most part, come to such a conclusion because we have eyes and we can see and we can read.
We can see the effects that our 'system' (of interaction) is having upon people right across the planet and we are beginning to feel the 'shit end of the stick' ourselves as life becomes ever increasingly difficult, financially tough and stressful, upon families and individuals.
The 'system' is literally us, interacting. Therefore it is by definition subject to the will of the people and is therefore subject to change.
There are many who are still confused by the issues which face us, and there are just as many who haven't even realized that a problem exists, so distracted are they by their own daily struggles.
There are many who find it hard to identify the source of the problems and of course, the main source of the problem is DEBT.
Yes there are other problems 'greed' 'corruption' and such like, but it's money, the pursuit of money, and the need for money, which keeps the vast majority distracted and stressed out.
Remove the stress, and we help facilitate the release of creative potential
We, as loving and caring people, owe a moral duty to warn and educate those who have yet to see the massive fraud being perpetrated beneath their noses, and I trust you all agree, and I know that most, if not all, of you do your utmost to wake people up every day, just as I do.
So, what is the You-KNIGHT project all about? What does it seek to actually achieve?
Well, the greatest solutions are the simplest ones, and in order to benefit ourselves, and everyone else, the You-KNIGHT project is aiming to speed up and simplify the awakening process; and where better to start than with the root problem; DEBT.
- What if we could place the issue of FAKE DEBT in front of every man and woman, across the British Isles, in a way which is simple, and easy to understand? In short, we are going to 'sell' and or 'market' the information to the masses in a way and or ways which they can process mentally and emotionally
And we are going to try and do it, within four 4 months, or at the very least, lay the foundation for launch within four months! The ultimate aim being to achieve a remedy for the people - ie wipe off all FAKE DEBT.
- To create a groundswell of support and awareness which can provide the momentum we need to address the second major problem - that being 'money issued as DEBT', full stop. We should create our own currency, for the people, backed, managed and controlled by the people, which doesn't have to be paid back as a debt.
The resulting prosperity would increase real wealth for everyone.
Please watch this, which strangely enough, I happened upon the day after the first You-KNIGHT meet up (29th June 2013) - this kind of gets the point across that it CAN be done.
To make this a reality, we need to consider every avenue for getting the message across; whether it be viral videos, viral emails, texts, handouts, seminars, rally's, networking, lobbying, websites, TV, radio, list not exhaustive....
We need to prepare the citations and proofs, arguments and alternatives, mathematically proven to share the benefits, not ring fence them in the hands of bankers and banking elite.
We also need to prepare for the eventuality that we face 'opposition' and or 'obstruction' by those seeking to protect the current 'status quo' (Fraud), and therefore, we need to consider and prepare for potential action against those supposedly acting on our behalf, and of course those perpetrating the crimes.
We need to administer this process properly, notifying all relevant parties and we must explore ways of playing their game to achieve the same ends and or place them in a position which makes it very difficult to uphold the 'status quo'.
In other words, this process will naturally require the creation of a Grand Jury (which we need and want anyway), a Peoples Court mechanism, whether common law, or simple tribunal, or both, and a review of the possible creation of a political party. It's all up for consideration.
And if we, as willing, energetic, enthusiastic, motivated people in teams, were to address and or review the viability of the above (list not exhaustive), then it makes sense that we should consider all and any other 'wish list' items, eg websites, mentoring programs, educational material, networking hub, cooperation and communication with other like minded alternative movements, groups, parties, subject to numbers of volunteers and their skill sets:
Check this great idea:
Already up and running abroad x
Perhaps the You-KNIGHT process gives us an opportunity to consider the bigger picture too, for we all exist on this one planet, spiraling and spinning through space time, in the vast universe, and given that we each have a relatively short time here, surely we would rather interface and interact in ways which are more beneficial to all of us?
By natural process, we therefore need to consider what kind of world we would like to live in, not specifically at first, but moreover generically, because I'll wager that unless one of us is seriously disturbed (eg BANKS), then we would all desire a planet in which peace reigns supreme, disagreements are resolved swiftly, people have a place to call home, they have food to eat, clean water to drink, a good standard of existence, and exist in a population which is supportive, nurturing, and accepting of all, as a basic accepted and agreed foundation.
Whilst we may not all believe it achievable tomorrow, I feel sure it's something we would all like to see, as a standard, and as what should perhaps be thought of a 'the minimum expectation'
In summary
You-KNIGHT seeks to bring people together to work and operate as think tank/conscious brain, in order to find solutions to our problems, and as a network, take positive peaceful action to redress the balance, and or identify projects already in existence and make them known to us and us known to them.
This truly is for each of you, as individuals and as a collective; a platform and a venue within which you, and others can exchange ideas, no matter how seemingly whacky or 'off the wall' they appear to be, and to explore the potential outcomes and benefits, and where appropriate create dedicated teams to create and promote the remedies.
The results of the first meeting will be emailed out shortly to those who attended and volunteered assistance. If you want to help, email .
We need researchers, law heads, solicitors, barristers, film makers, creative people, fund raisers (experience in entering competitions is a bonus), lobbyists, admin support, Computer bods, web designers, marketing people, sales people, those who can volunteer any time at all.
Let me know your skills and or what you want to do and or can do. I'll connect you with the relevant team.
Your ideas and input are welcome, but don't bring ideas unless you are prepared to put in effort to make them a reality.
It is now down to the respective team members to organize themselves and take ownership for work required to achieve their objectives; whether the tasks are split individually, or whether two or more people need to work on certain aspects.
The next meeting will be scheduled for four weeks time, or thereabouts and we can all feedback and discuss where we are at.
Progress thus far:
As synchronicity would have it, not only did I find that video above 'NO', but I was also sent a link to an article explaining that the new government of Iceland are undertaking a similar project as we speak (or read ;O)) and so perhaps, we, should have a liaison with the Icelanders, and other countries too? Universal consciousness in action.
If a solution exists somewhere, we don't need to reinvent it, we just need to find it and make it available.
Even if we fail to hit our goal of waking everyone up (60 million people less kids and freemen), what if we wake up a million? Or two? Or ten? Would you commit to taking action if you could wake up 1 million people in four months?
The sooner we wake them up, the quicker we get a solution. Will you dare to try?
Big Love
Spaniard x
A list of projects and project teams will be emailed out shortly x
Ezekiel 25:17; The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyrannies of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children.
Jedi: In the early days of the Jedi order, beings sensitive to 'the-force' would train informally with Jedi masters. A Jedi would become knighted after facing a significant challenge in the field....
A Jedi knight would become a Jedi master once [s]he had mentored a Jedi to knighthood
Chivalry: involving, gallantry, and individual training and service to others. knightly virtues of honour, courtly love, courtesy. The Knight's Code of Chivalry; was a moral system that stated all knights should protect others who can not protect themselves, such as widows, children, and elders and were expected to use their power to protect the weak and defenseless.
Knights vowed to be loyal, generous, and "of noble bearing". Knights were required to tell the truth at all times and always respect the honour of women. Knights not only vowed to protect the weak but also vowed to guard the honor of all fellow knights. They persevered to the end in any enterprise begun.. Never lie or go back on one's word. Be generous to everyone. Always and everywhere be right and good against evil and injustice