Teacher: Gavin Cree
Email Address:
Prep Periods: 2ndand 4th (boys locker room)
Course Description:
This is a comprehensive learning experience in basketball for students of all skill levels. You will focus on skill development and set goals for improvement. During the semester, you will play on various teams within your class. Each team will develop its own offensive and defensive playbooks and examine strategies of the game. You will learn proper application of the rules of the game, and you will understand strategies and conditioning from a variety of perspectives, including coaches, players, and referees.
General Course Expectations:
1. Maintain school-issued locker in boys or girls locker room.
2. Suit up for class and wear proper footwear – basketball shoes recommended, training shoes OK
3. Arrive on-time
4. Have iPad charged and ready to use every day!
Course Content:
Daily warmup activities – work towards achievement benchmarks
Drill and skill development activities
1 on 1, 3 on 3 and 5 on 5 games
Playbook Development
Coaching and Film Study
Attendance Policy:
It is the position of Mercer Island High School faculty and staff that any absence from a class may be detrimental to optimum progress; and that excessive absences not only impact academic achievement, but also the student’s development of appropriate attitudes and responsibilities. The expectation is that Mercer Island High School students will attend all of their regularly scheduled classes. It is understood that there may be occasions when student will be absent.
It is the position of MIHS that regular student attendance and active participation determines academic success. The MIHS faculty and staff believe that the accumulation of twelve (12) class absences, in a semester, regardless of cause, may jeopardize the ability of the student to be successful in the course. MIHS teachers have identified the importance of regular attendance, active participation, and the relationship between attendance and learning objectives and how absences may affect achievement in a particular course.
For absences to be excused, notes must be submitted to the Attendance Office within two days of your return to school.
In accordance with district policy, marks indicating achievement which meet standards for receiving credit will be: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D.
On a 100 point grading scale, letter grades are earned with the following percentages:
A- 90-92.9 / B 83-86.9 / C 73-76.9 / D 60-65.9
B- 80-82.9 / C- 70-72.9 / F 0-59.9
Approximated Grading Breakdown:
Participation – 60%
Skill Development – 15%
Tests & Quizzes – 15%
Playbook Development – 10%
Suiting Up:
Students must wear athletic shoes and athletic clothing (i.e. – sweatpants, shorts, stretchy clothing). Court shoes must be worn at all times. I highly recommend buying a pair of basketball shoes. You can find some inexpensive options at Big 5 or Sports Authority. Training or running shoes are OK as well, but will not provide great ankle support, and thus could lead to greater risk for injury.
All students will be issued lockers. It is the responsibility of the student to maintain this locker until the end of the semester, when it will be turned in. Students should keep their suit up clothing and jackets in their lockers. Backpacks may be taken into the gym while we are in class.
It is possible to earn up to 4 points each day in participation:
4 Points Earned: Student is on time, suited up, cell phone is out of sight and student participates in daily activities
2 Points Earned: One of the above conditions is not met
0 Points Earned: Two of the above conditions are not met OR student has an unexcused absence
Reminder: Students will receive a ZERO for an unexcused absence, no exceptions. Students will be credited with 4 points for an excused absence.
Skill Development:
Students will be given baseline tests in certain skill areas of the game. Warmup activities will be geared around improving in these areas. Levels of skill will be defined. Once students advance to the next “level” of a certain skill, they have demonstrated development in this area. The goal is for all students to develop in each of the skills being assessed.
Tests and Quizzes:
Students will be tested from time to time on rules, strategies and concepts.
Playbook Development:
In teams, students will use their experiences and knowledge gained in the class to create a small playbook to be used in 5 on 5 action.
Academic Integrity/Cheating/Plagiarism:
Mercer Island High School is committed to providing an atmosphere which values truth, integrity, personal accountability, and respect for the rights of others. To this end, academic dishonesty is strictly prohibited. Academic dishonesty occurs when students obtain or assist others in obtaining credit for work which is not their own.
To help students achieve their maximum academic potential, the Mercer Island High School community will promote an environment which fosters integrity and honorable conduct. Administrators, faculty, students and parents share the responsibility for maintaining an atmosphere in which personal accountability is valued. The constant theme must be honest evaluation of student progress demands honest work by each learner and students must be fully responsible and accountable.
Definition of Academic Dishonesty:
Academic dishonesty occurs when students obtain or assist others in obtaining credit for work which is not their own.
Student Expectations for Academic Honesty:
●Students must conduct themselves according to the highest standards of personal integrity.
●Students will not use dishonest methods to fulfill academic expectations and responsibilities.
●Whenever students have a question about this code, they should ask their teachers.
●Study or homework collaboration is not considered academic dishonesty unless prohibited or limited by procedures/expectations established by the teacher.
Defining Plagiarism:
●Plagiarism can be intentional or unintentional, but is academically dishonest regardless.
●Some obvious forms of intentional plagiarism include submitting a current or former student’s paper as your own, purchasing or finding a paper on-line and submitting it as our own, or cutting and pasting chunks of “research” from another source and inserting it into your paper without proper citation and quotation.
●Perhaps the offense most students seem to think is NOT plagiarism, but in fact constitutes plagiarism, is rephrasing an encyclopedia article without proper citations. Even if rephrased, the student is still passing off the ideas of another person as their own—this IS plagiarism.
●Students also commit plagiarism when they submit assignments that were not assigned as group or collaborative assignments, but were worked on with other students. Again, this can be intentional or unintentional, but still constitutes plagiarism. Unless specified by the teacher, assignments, including homework, papers, projects, and other assessments, are supposed to reflect the student’s own ideas. If two students submit a similar assignment, such as a paper with similar structure, order of evidence, and/or the same choices of quotations, that are highly unlikely to have occurred by accident, they have committed plagiarism. If one student wrote the paper and the other copied it, both students are equally guilty of plagiarism. This is equally true of homework—if one student copies another student’s homework, both are guilty of plagiarism.
●It is every student’s responsibility to safeguard their work. It is every student’s responsibility to make sure their own ideas, not ideas arrived at collaboratively on non-collaborative assignments, are submitted as their work. Students can have peers proofread and edit their work, but must submit their own ideas and only their own ideas.
Mr. Cree’s Syllabus Agreement Form
One parent/guardian and the student are required to sign and date below in order for the student to participate in this class. Students will receive credit for turning in this signed page. Signing this page states that you understand and agree with all of the classroom expectations listed in the above document.
Student Name: ______Date: ______
Student Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Parent Email: ______
*Please double check Skyward that it contains your current email and phone number at which you would like to be contacted by. If there is a discrepancy please see the attendance office*
Parent Phone: ______
Do you have any preferences in how you would like to be contacted? Do you have anything you would like to share with me about your student? Does your student have any comments or questions? Please write them below. Any concerns will of course be kept confidential.