Electronic version available at / Page 1 of 1Operation Name: / Date:
A. Help us understand your organic operation. Describe or attach a description of your organic business or plans, and indicate whether you are a contract or independent grower, etc. Include details about the growing, harvest, sales and marketing of your crop/s. When is ownership or custody of the crop/s transferred? Describe your record keeping systems. Description attached
B. Please review each activity to identify the sections of the CCOF Organic System Plan (OSP) that apply to your operation. Complete all OSP section(s) listed for each activity that matches your current organic activities or plans. You do not need to complete sections that are not applicable to your operation. If your activities change in the future you may need to either complete additional OSP forms or retire OSP forms, as applicable to your updated activities.
Organic Activities / Required OSP Section(s):1) / I am applying for CCOF organic wild crop certification. / CCOF Certification Application
W1.0: Activities Checklist for Wild Crops (this form)
2) / I am I am enrolling in the CCOF Global Market Access Program and may export organic products. / Global Market Access Program Application
3) / I/We collect wild crops / Parcel Application (for each non-adjacent field)
W2.0: Wild Crops
G4.2: Natural Resources
G6.0: Production
G7.0: Labeling
G8.0: Record Keeping
4) / I actively manage growing crops. / Required:
G1.0: Activities Checklist for Growers
G4.0: Soil Management
G5.0: Pest Management / As applicable:
Grower Materials Application (OSP Materials List)
G3.0: Seeds and Planting Stock
G3.1: Seedlings, Transplants & Greenhouses
G4.1: Compost and Manure
G6.1: Harvest & Transport
5) / I store crops. / G6.2: Storage
6) / I use synthetic herbicides, insecticides or rodenticides where organic crops are stored. / G6.3: Synthetic Pesticides in Storage
7) / I/We I perform simple post-harvest handling of only our own organic crops at our own facility/location. / G6.4: Simple On-Farm Post Harvest Handling
8) / I sell non-organic and/or other operations’ products directly to consumers (CSA, farm stand, farmers’ market, u-pick, website sales, etc.) / G6.5: Direct Marketing
9) / I/We I store crops in unsealed or permeable packaging at one or more uncertified facilities that do not open, re-label, or process them. / Uncertified Handler Affidavit (for each uncertified storage facility)
10) / I/We I process products or perform post-harvest handling at one or more non-certified facilities. / H1.0: Activities Checklist for Handlers
Complete applicable forms as directed
11) / I/We I buy or resell products and/or act as a broker or trader. / H2.0: Organic Products Form
12) / I/We I am applying for certification of livestock. / L 1.0: Activities Checklist for Livestock Producers
Complete applicable forms as directed
NOPB52, V1, R5, 09/1/2017 Page 1 of 1