SSC Directors Meeting
19th May 2016 | 9:30am – 12:30pm
Board Room, The Redruth Centre, 2nd Floor
Meeting Notes & Actions
12th Feb 2016 / Trustees Meeting
17th Mar 2016 / Trustees Meeting
19th May 2016 / Trustees Meeting
18th July 2016 / Trustees Meeting
Sept TBC
AG / (Chair) / (Chair) / (Chair)
AM / / Apologies / Apologies
CJ / / /
IS / / Apologies /
JML / / Apologies / Apologies
LK / / /
TL / Apologies / /
HW / / /
KO / / /
Members / None / None / None
Item / Who
3. / Welcomeand Apologies
No members attended. Apologies as above.
Conflicts of Interest
For future meetings: Items that present conflicts of interest will be declared at the beginning of meetings and where necessary during the course of the meeting. Any conflicts registered will be minuted. Where pecuniary interests arise, the handling of any conflict will be agreed by trustees at the time.
The following conflicts were registered:
AG – Item 9; ESF / Big Lottery
LK – Victim Care; ESF
CJ – None
Actions/Decisions from previous meeting
One correction noted: “Troubled Families” should read “Together For Families”. Actions taken forward as noted. Minutes otherwise accepted as a true and accurate record.
4. / Confidentiality/Distribution of Minutes
- Minutes will be made available for download from the SSC website in the spirit of openness and transparency.
- Minutes will be signed and approved by the Chair (AG) prior to upload.
- Closed Sections of meetings will be minuted in a separate confidential section.
5. / Budget
An updated, detailed budget (to date) and summary budget for next six months were presented. The latter represented the worst case scenario if no further funding sources transpire in that period. However, it was noted that discussions with OPCC were progressing in a positive way, which was positively received by trustees.
6. / Project Updates
Victim Care Contract
- LK declared an interest
- All Actions from previous notes had been carried forward as agreed.
- An update of figures was presented, both referrals and finances.
- Delivery meetings and subgroups were working well.
- SSC, CASS PLUS and Partners would be required to report more formally over the course of the coming 6-12 months.
- SSC is seeing an increase in intensity and risk in cases.
- OPCC have demonstrated support for SSC’s model, responded well to WestPoint’s report. There may be a future opportunity to support offenders through a similar pathway.
- AG declared an interest
- Both Learning Partnership (YPF, PtE) and Pluss’ (PtE) Big Lottery BBO bids have been successful at the first stage – SSC is included within both
- CSW was unsuccessful in getting to the next stage
- An ESF PA1 £3.9m open call has been released (20% match-funding) which includes a specific action on working with offenders
- This coincides with SSC’s project design to work with offenders (based on victim care model), with consultant Mark Ellery
- It is proposed that the consultancy resources are allocated for an SSC Future Peninsula bid; the content of this can be adopted for other grant opportunities.
- SSC has been approached by other organisations (non-partners) to take part in this bid
- TL, IS, LK and AG declared interests
- An open call from the SFA for VCSE skills support is expected to come out shortly
- We expect to hear re DWP in early June, including SSC’s formal role
- Following conversations with the commissioner, it was anticipated that SSC would partner with LP for this opportunity, to include a wider p’ship with Skoodhya, CRWT and Twelves Co.
- The release of the tender has been delayed; there is the potential that current provision will be extended whilst the possibility of consolidation with D&A commissioning is considered
- Referrals have been slow and few but this is anticipated to change with the release of c. 100 referrals through the VCU pathway
- Restorative Solutions have been given the mandate to continue the coordination in interim, until ITT is released by Cornwall Council (based on OPCC funding)
- All Partners have been invited to quote; SSC will make a bid
- Konnect Cornwall are making a separate bid in partnership with RS. The impact on relationships within SSC has been noted.
7. / Members
A letter of agreement for new SSC Members (for organisations transitioning from an initial term as a Partner, usually 6 months or more, at SSC’s discretion) was presented and agreed.
A summary of the Partnership levels will be shared with Partners, including the process for partners transitioning to become Members. / HW
8. / Potential Trustee
Tom Dingwall was put forward as a potential new trustee, which was unanimously accepted. The trustees feel he will be a valuable addition to the current board.
It was agreed that future Directors meetings will be changed from a Thursday to accommodate all Directors’ availabilities. / HW
9. / Strategic Developments
AG left the meeting for this section.
Following the conclusions of the due diligence process, SSC central team consulted informally with partners and commissioner, by way of meetings, to distil feedback on merging with LP. The results (key themes) of this process were shared with the board (not including AG).
The recommendations presented re SSC’s preferred outcome were ratified by the board, and agreed that this should form the basis of SSC’s position for the upcoming merger meeting between LP and SSC.
TL left the meeting at this point.
The merger meeting would be scheduled to take place with JML, KO and IS (representing SSC) and PW and AK (representing LP). AG would not join this meeting due to conflicts of interest. KO to arrange.
It was suggested that legal advice should be sought around the potential implications of a charitable organisation merging with a non-charitable business, and other possible areas for consideration. IS agreed to pursue this. / KO
10. / Potential Partners Update
United Response had submitted a Due Diligence application which was positively received by the board.
Partners who hadn’t completed the Due Diligence update process and who were withdrawn from the SSC membership: Volunteer Cornwall, Addaction, PCDT
12. / AOB
Complaints Policy
A copy of SSC’s new Complaints Policy was presented.
AG provided 3 comments which will be amended.
Trustees were invited to feedback any further comments to the central team by the end of w/c 23rd May, before this is issued and adopted.
CJ updated the board on developments with SWMA, who recently facilitated a workshop with alliance members to distil vision and purpose. SWMA will exist to support professional mentoring organisations in SW, focusing primarily on best practice, but also seeking opportunities for resources and influencing policy change.
SWMA hopes to adopt SSC’s DD model for new alliance members and act as a conduit for future contracts.
The arrangement is viewed as strategically positive for SSC.
Date of Next Meetings
Partnership: 8th June, 20th July
Directors: To be rescheduled / HW
13. / Closed Section – Minutes noted separately