Digestive System

Overview of the digestive system

·  Functions

·  Parts of the GI tract (alimentary canal)

o  Mouth

o  Pharynx

o  Esophagus

o  Stomach

o  Small intestine

o  Cecum

o  Large intestine

o  Rectum

o  Anus

·  Mouth

o  Function

o  Important features

§  Teeth

§  Tongue

§  Salivary glands

·  3 sets of salivary glands

o  Functions of saliva

o  3 phases of secretion of saliva

§  Psychic stage

§  Buccal phase

§  Esophageal phase

o  Once you chew food up, it is called bolus

·  Pharynx

o  Function

·  Esophagus

o  Function

o  Location

o  Features

o  Peristalsis

o  Problems associated with the esophagus

·  Stomach

o  Functions

o  Features

o  Pylorospasm

o  It takes 2-6 hours for the stomach to empty

o  3 main groups of cells in the stomach

§  Chief cells

§  Parietal cells

§  Goblet cells

o  3 phases of digestion

§  Cephalic phase

§  Gastric phase

§  Intestinal phase

o  Speed of digestion

§  Slow

§  Fast

§  In between

o  3 ways to prevent self digestion (eating away of the stomach lining)

o  Ulcer occurrence in the sexes

o  Ulcers and bacteria

o  Heartburn


§  Causes

§  Treatment

·  Small intestine

o  Length

o  Functions

o  Chyme

o  Segmentation

o  Inner surface of the small intestine

o  Brunner’s Gland

o  Enzymes in the intestines

o  5 brushborder enzymes

·  Liver

o  Size/weight

o  4 lobes

o  Functions

o  An exocrine gland

o  Bile

o  Porta hepatica

o  Portal system

·  Pancreas

o  Length

o  Weight

o  “Arms” of the duodenum

o  Functions (2)

o  Pancreatitis

·  Large intestines

o  Length

o  Appendix

o  Cecum

o  Functions

o  Problems with the large intestine

·  Urinary system (excretory system)

o  Kidneys

§  Shape

§  Size

§  Location

§  Functions

§  Problems