Suppl. Table 5. Estimated prevalence of GCDH deficiency diagnosed by MS/MS-based neonatal screening

Metabolic center
(City, Country) / Author / Neonates screened (n) / Patient diagnosed (n) / Prevalence
Pittsburg, Pennsylvania + neighbouring states, USA / Naylor and Chace (1999); Chace (2002) / 1,020,000 / 13 / 1:78,500
Boston, New England, USA / Zytkovicz et al (2001); T. Zytkovicz (pers. commmun. 2004) / 164,000 / 0
Heidelberg, Baden Württemberg, Germany / Schulze et al (2003); Lindner et al (2004); M. Lindner (pers. commun. 2004) / 605,000 / 6 / 1:100,800
Munich, Bavaria, Germany / Roscher el al (2001); W. Röschinger (pers. commun. 2004) / 540,000 / 6 / 1:90,000
Sydney, NSW, Australia / Wiley et al (1999); Wilcken et al (2003); B. Wilcken (pers. commun. 2004) / 550,000 / 4 / 1:137,500
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia / J. Pitt (pers. commun. 2004) / 160,000 / 3 / 1:53,000
Copenhagen, Denmark / H. Simonsen (pers. commun. 2004) / 120,000 / 0
Overall prevalence / 3,159,000 / 32 / 1:100,000*

*95% Confidence interval: 1:70,000-1:167,000


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