In Memory of Donna H. Cadwell

A. Student Data

Student’s Name M/F

Address Phone


Latin Teacher

College to be Attended by Student

I have read, understood, and agreed to the criteria as stated in sections B and C below.

Student’s Signature

B. Essay

Each student applying for the CAWNY scholarship must write an essay of no less than 200 and no more than 500 words. The essay must be based on a quotation from Latin Literature. The original text along with the author and text reference must be cited. The essay should fully explain the significance of the quotation and its value to the essay writer or to the cultural history of Western Civilization. The student must type this essay on a separate sheet of paper and staple it to this application form. All essays will become the property of CAWNY for publication and electronic media print distribution. Students’ name and information will not be released without permission.

C. Scholarship Criteria

To be eligible for the CAWNY Scholarship, the student must:

  1. have completed at least the Third Level of Latin Studies by June 30th of their senior year.
  2. have attained on one of the following two exams:
  3. 85% or higher on the CAWNY Comprehensive Regents Sequence Exam or…
  4. an award on the National Latin Examination on a Level III or higher exam.
  5. have been taught Latin by a member in good standing with CAWNY.
  6. have sent a completed application and a copy of his or her high school transcript by May 31stto the address below:

Up to two $150.00 scholarships will be awarded to the winning applicants (one boy and one girl). They will be notified by Ms. Kuebler before September 1st. If more than one copy of the scholarship application form is needed, teachers may photocopy this form.