Social Skills Checklist for children in Primary School
1.Basic Social BehavioursA. Body Language / Acquired / Date acquired / Comment
- Turns head/body and faces speaker
- directs gaze towards speaker
- maintains eye contact with speaker
- sits and stands appropriately by holding head up and back straight
- responds to physical prompts if required
- walks with correct body posture
- identifies personal space – demonstrates verbally, visually and tactually
- works in close proximity to others without disrupting them
- interacts with others at appropriate distances and according to the situation
- uses / responds to a variety of facial expressions and emotions: eg happy, sad, angry
- names common gestures and facial expressions and the emotion / feeling related to them
- uses / responds to common gestures: visually / tactually
- is aware of mannerisms
- uses appropriate alternative activities to mannerisms – tactually
- substitutes an appropriate alternative mannerism
- knows appropriate body parts
- demonstrates respect for privacy of self and others eg closes toilet door, arranges clothes properly
B. Communication Skills / Acquired / Date acquired / Comment
- joins in activities / conversations with an individual or small group
- initiates a conversation – uses ‘ice breakers’, greetings, introductions, farewells
- makes appointments to meet friends at specific locations
- uses “excuse me” or other acceptable ways of interrupting
- uses auditory / visual clues to identify opportunities for interrupting
- takes turns to answer questions
- takes turns in conversations with a partner / small group
- raises hand without talking
- listens to a conversation giving eye contact / facing speaker
- uses verbal and non-verbal reinforcers: eg, nods head, uses “mm..’
- uses ‘reflective listening’
- talks about feelings
- listens to others in a caring way: shows empathy and sympathy
- comforts others verbally and non-verbally
- extends conversations over a short / long period
- stays on the topic by sharing the common theme / ideas
- uses open-ended questions to keep conversation flow
- uses positive comments as feedback
- responds positively to others
- identifies ‘put-downs’ and knows how to encourage others
- uses ‘thank you’ or other acceptable responses to praise
- responds appropriately when disagreeing with someone
- engages in age-appropriate conversations with peers: eg about current music, clothes, toys, games
- identifies slang words and phrases in current usage
- identifies appropriate / offensive language
- identifies harassment
- converses in ‘harassment-free’ language
- speaks audibly and clearly – uses appropriate quality of voice (tone, pitch, volume)
- uses socially acceptable language – discriminates different types of language / conversation in different settings
- self-corrects to clarify meaning
- is prepared to rephrase or explain another way to convey the sense
Basic Social Behaviours
C. Cooperative Skills / Acquired / Date acquired / Comment
- respects different roles in a group
- follows group / class rules / school rules
- takes responsibility for a specific group task eg handing out equipment
- takes on group roles: eg recorder, observer
- demonstrates effective leadership skills
- uses entry skills to join informal groups eg “Excuse me, can I play?”
- recognises exclusive groups / cliques versus open accepting groups
Sustains group involvement by:
- problem solving
- encouraging others
- eliminating ‘put-downs’
- negotiating / mediating
- respects others by seeing other points of view
- values the contributions of others
- manages difference (eg between self and others)
Demonstrates an age appropriate awareness of job related concepts by:
- talking about family roles and responsibilities eg making bed, washing up
- helping with classroom tasks
- talking about community jobs and roles eg police, nurse
- showing commitment and responsibility by completing assigned tasks
- following a class timetable
- adhering to homework diary
- using a personal telephone book to ring friends/adults on PB Network
- using appropriate telephone skills (directory assistance, emergency numbers)
2. Interpersonal Relationships
A. Interactions / Acquired / Date acquired / Comment
- Knows a range of games / activities appropriate for different age groups / blind / severe vision impairment
- Demonstrates the ability to engage in a variety of play / social activities with age appropriate groups by:
- using recess and lunch time constructively
- using after school and weekend leisure time constructively
- identifying opportunities for participation in groups, clubs etc
Interacts appropriately in a range of situations with:
- family
- school adults
- school peers
- friends
- acquaintances
- strangers
- uses Protective Behaviours
Can negotiate by:
- recognising the problem
- using strategies to deal with conflict
- using problem-solving techniques
- resolving conflict with ‘win-win’ solutions whenever possible
- making compromises when necessary
Interpersonal Relationships
B. Sustaining Relationships / Acquired / Date acquired / Comment
- knows different ways to act and talk in a range of relationships / situations: family to strangers
- uses ‘Protective Behaviours’ strategies
- compliments / encourages others by positive feedback eg clapping
- empathises / sympathises in 1-1, group situations
- responds appropriately to positive / negative feedback
- develops and sustains friendships over time
- defines the characteristics of a good friend
- demonstrates appropriate behaviours at social events eg McDonalds: follows rules and accepts consequences
- shows understanding of the needs of others
- demonstrates age appropriate awareness of human sexuality
- understands public and private behaviours
3. Cognitive Social Behaviours
A. Self-Identity / Acquired / Date acquired / Comment
- describes or answers questions about own and others’ vision impairment
- takes care of own routine activities involving vision impairment : eg cleaning glasses, care of Low Vision Devices
- communicates the specific limitations and/or adaptations necessary to perform school tasks or to play games etc
- takes risks with new activities: shows confidence in a range of activities
- awareness of personal strengths and limitations
- indicates to others appropriately, in a range of settings, personal needs: eg “I cannot see that picture” , “Could you get me a tactile one please”, “Help me find the toilet please.”
- advocates for self by expressing needs in a range of settings including school, home and community
- demonstrates appropriate behaviour when meeting needs: negotiating rather than aggressive behaviour
Cognitive Social Behaviours
B. Interpreting Social Situations / Acquired / Date acquired / Comment
- knows what and where activities are available in the playground eg chooses an activity at recess and lunch
- observes and identifies opportunities for social interactions
- responds to emotional voice tones / volume, and responds to louder voice / danger, by appropriate behaviour or response eg “Fire alarm, let’s go together to the oval”.
- Interprets social cues and evaluates social interactions
- Role plays different scenarios demonstrating the ability to interpret a situation
- anticipates consequences of own actions and takes responsibility for own behaviour
- knows when he/she is being harassed and takes appropriate action
- knows grievance procedure for harassment
- recognises conversations / situations in which harassment occurs
- knows and demonstrates problem-solving skills eg identifies problems and thinks of different solutions
- knows and demonstrates Protective Behaviours strategies eg “Stop it, I don’t like it.”
- finds safe places to play
Cognitive Social Behaviours
C. Performance of Social Skills / Acquired / Date acquired / Comment
- knows and keeps class routines and rules
- knows consequences of behaviour, positive and negative
- demonstrates appropriate behaviour in a range of settings: school, home, community
- initiates and performs appropriate behaviours
- generalises social skills to a variety of situations
- sustains social competence over time
Cognitive Social Behaviours
D. Self-evaluation / Acquired / Date acquired / Comment
- identifies and acknowledges own appropriate or inappropriate behaviour after an activity.
- Identifies helpful or not helpful behaviour in an activity, and can record in written or pictorial form
- adjusts own behaviour by appropriate negotiation or consequences, without adult intervention eg free activity, playground activity
- participates appropriately in a group without adult intervention
- demonstrates the ability to evaluate and monitor own social performance realistically
- demonstrates the ability to adjust own behaviour accordingly
Social Skills Checklist Junior Secondary – SACE
Basic Social BehavioursA. Body Language / Acquired / Date acquired / Comment
1. Maintains appropriate eye contact when listening and speaking
2. Demonstrates appropriate body posture
3. Maintains appropriate personal body space
4. Responds to gestures and facial expressions
5. Utilises gestures and facial expressions
6. Refrains from engaging in socially unacceptable mannerisms
Basic Social Behaviours
B. Communication Skills / Acquired / Date acquired / Comment
1. Positively initiates interactions with others
2. Expands conversations using skills of both questioning and volunteering information
3. Uses appropriate greetings and partings in conversations
4. Listens well
5. Takes turns and shares
6. Compliments
7. Interrupts appropriately
8. Demonstrates sympathy and empathy
9. Speaks with an appropriate tone and volume
10. Responds appropriately to both positive and negative feedback from peers and adults
Basic Social Behaviours
C. Cooperative skills / Acquired / Date acquired / Comment
1. Negotiates class rules and consequences
2. Demonstrates awareness of group dynamics
3. Works cooperatively with others
4. Sustains group involvement
5. Shares in group activity
6. Initiates joining a group
7. Leads group activity
8. Accepts supervisor’s authority in classroom
9. Accepts supervisor’s authority on the job
Interpersonal Relationships
A. Interactions / Acquired / Date acquired / Comment
1. Interacts appropriately with others:
- Adult
- Family
- Friend
- Peer
- Acquaintances
- strangers
2. Can negotiate / compromise
3. Shows awareness of age appropriate activities and interests
4. Participates in age appropriate activities and interests
5. Encourages the efforts of others
6. Demonstrates gratitude towards others
7. Behaves politely (eg please, thanks, excuse me)
8. Helps others when appropriate
9. Is accepted by others
Interpersonal Relationships
B. Sustaining Relationships / Acquired / Date acquired / Comment
1. Demonstrates an understanding of differences between family, friends, acquaintances and strangers
2. Develops friendships
3. Demonstrates appropriate behaviours for social events
4. Interacts with peers outside of school
5. Understands the needs of others – help, support, listening, encouragement etc
6. Demonstrates an age appropriate awareness of human sexuality including:
- Concepts of public versus private
- Societal values and attitudes
Cognitive Social Behaviours
/ Acquired / Date acquiredA. Self Identity
1. Demonstrates understanding of vision impairment
2. Demonstrates awareness of personal competencies and limitations
3. Demonstrates awareness of possible adaptations
4. Advocates for self in school, home and community environments
5. Demonstrates assertiveness in an appropriate manner