Report Publication Request
Please complete the form below, providing a concise description of the report you have developed and wish to publish. The completed form must be attached to the report’s associated TestDirector request.
Once your request has been received and approved, we will provide an estimated initial publication date for your report (usually within 5 business days). Of course, we cannot foresee emergencies that may delay routine publication, and we reserve the right to adjust the date as necessary.
Please note that publication on myUFL is accomplished in two stages. The initial stage of publication places the report in a private folder so you can test its content and performance in production. Once testing has been completed and documented in TestDirector, we will complete the final stage of publication, which involves moving the report to the requested Special Newsbox folder.
All routine communications regarding this request will be accomplished via TestDirector.
TestDirector Number:Current Date:
Target Initial Publication Date:
(must allow 5 business days)
Publication Requestor:
Requestor’s Phone Number(s):
Requestor’s Email Address:
Report Developer’s Name:
Developer’s Phone Number(s):
Developer’s Email Address:
Report Title:
Report Description:
Who is this report for?
UF Business Case for this report. Why is the report needed, and how does it serve the needs of the University?
Type of output produced (PDF, XLS, HTML, etc.):
Report Frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.):
List the input prompts for the report:
How is the report grouped?
How is the report totaled and/or summarized?
How is the data sorted?
Who will approve the testing following initial publication to production?(include name and contact info for the Approver)
Where do you expect to see the report (path) for the final publication?
Be sure to attach a copy of the completed report from your Beta testing to the TestDirector.
Please contact or if you have any questions or concerns about using this form.