Project financed through SEE funds 2009-2014,

As part of the ONG Fund in România

Whose fault is it for the high number of “writers” in prisons? The Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) blames the Government. Here’s the long list of people behind bars who suddenly found inspiration and became “writers”

At the referral of the National Anticorruption Directive (DNA), the Superior Council of Magistracy tried to find ways to stop big name criminals who use book writing as an example of good behaviour to get out of prison. Many of their “writings” are either plagiarized, or done by someone else in exchange for money, most of them lacking any academic value. For every scientific work written, a prisoner’s sentence is shortened by one month. It’s not surprising that the number of ‘writers’ is on the rise. All their “academic work” needs is a university teacher’s approval and the support of an accredited publisher.

The list can be accessed here:

The National Alliance of Romanian Student Organizations (ANOSR): Students want clean and well-funded universities

For the university year 2015-2016, students from Romania want to study in clean universities – universities where acts of corruption, plagiarism and bribery have no place. They also wish their universities were funded according to their needs and performance, so that they would be able to offer quality education. They wish for universities where there are enough scholarships to cover living costs, enough accommodation provided for the students in need, enough transportation discounts available for all students for the entire academic year, and that laboratories, study rooms and libraries will be equipped with relevant and up-to-date materials.

The National Alliance of Romanian Student Organizations (ANOSR) is highlighting the most important problems Romanian higher education is facing right now: corruption and underfunding:

VICTORY: Linden trees are coming back to Iasi! Over 140 linden trees will be planted in Stephen the Great Boulevard

After two and a half years of various activities organized by civil society, linden trees will be planted in the Stephen the Great Boulevard in Iasi, after they have been cut the years before. The announcement was made by Iasi’s interim Mayor, Mihai Chirica, after public consultations that took more than a month came to an end. According to the Mayor’s results, out of a total 14.250 votes, over 13.300 supported bringing back the trees. Authorities will begin planting the trees on November 1st 2015.

Article here:

Another important legal victory for Roșia Montană: the environmental permit for the industrial zone was suspended

The Court of Bacău has accepted last week’s petitions from the associations Alburnus Maior, Save Bucharest, and the Independent Centre for the Development of Environmental Resources on suspending the legal implications of Roşia Montană’s Zonal Urban Plan (PUZ). The announcement was made by Eugen David, president of the Alburnus Maior Asociation, in a bulletin called „RMGC is starting to lose everything at Roșia Montană:the environment permit for the planned industrial area featured in the town’s zonal urban plan was suspended”.

Details here:

Harald Koht, the voice of civil society in Norway. How the relationship between authorities and citizens became complementary

With a history of neighbourhoods that organize themselves that spans more than 100 years, Norway could serve as a very strong example of civil society’s proactive participation in good governance for Romania. The case of Norway could be very useful especially for less experienced Romanian organizations. This, and many other of Harald Koht’s conclusions can be read in the interview below. Koht is a university professor in political science and public administration at the Oslo and Akershus University College; he was also President of the Norwegian Federation of Neighbourhood Organizations.

The interview: