Skim through and read over articles of interest in your Current Health 2 Magazine. Please know that reading for understanding will be essential for successfully completing this project. You will need to read the articles you choose to work with in their entirety to complete the following rubric assessment. Copying will result in a failing grade. Read for understanding and comprehension.

Create a vocabulary list of 10 words you do not know from your magazine. Use context clues to define. (You may recognize the word but do not know what it means)

10 pts______

Design a book cover for an article that you read. The cover should represent the main

issue(s) in the article, the author’s view and why the article (health issue) is important

to you. You will need to use creativity. (Use white paper)

20 pts______

Summarize an article that involves any health- related teen problem that is of interest to you. Your summary should include the main idea, how it affects you or your age group and why or why not it is a serious concern. (This should be at least 3 paragraphs; no less)

15 pts______

Read an article that is of interest to you. Find a quote within the article and write it in the middle of your paper. Construct a “one pager” by creating drawings that will represent the quote and the content of the article. Make sure to completely fill in the page.

10 pts______

Write an “acrostic poem” using one of the key words in one of your articles. Make sure the acrostic has facts from the article. (DO NOT COPY...BE CREATIVE)

10 pts______

Share your opinion on the author’s ideas, in one of the articles you read, by writing a letter to the editor about the article and your own opinions, solutions, etc.

15 pts______

Create a bumper sticker with information about one of the articles that would be of public concern. Make sure the bumper sticker is a “public service announcement” for your topic. A public service announcement is information that is useful to the general public.

15 pts______(Ex: Anti-Smoking ads we have been studying)

Pick an article you have read and describe how it affected you and what changes you could make as a result of the article. Describe in detail with complete sentences.

10 pts______