St John’s Church of England Primary School

Policy for Pupils with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities

Headteacher: Sally Magill (BA Hons, PGCE)

SENCo/Assistant Head: Amanda Robinson (NASENCo/PGCE/BSc.Science)

SEN Governor: Dorothy McGlynn

Tel: 01204 333101/ Fax: 01204 333103

Date written / October 2014
Date Approved by Governors / December 2014
Signed by Chair of Governing Body / CR Aktinson
Date of Next Review / October 2016 or pending new legislation
Responsible Committee / CCC

This SEN/D policy is written to comply with the 2014 Children and Families Act and the Code of Practice: 0-25 years.

Policy Statement

“The purpose of education for all children is the same. The goals are the same, but the help that individual children need in progressing towards them will be different” (Warnock Report).

At St John’s C.E.P School, we believe that every child is entitled to an education that enables them to achieve their full potential. This is in line with our Mission Statement:

All staff is committed to meeting the Special Educational Needs of pupils and ensuring that they all make progress. We aim to meet the needs of children with SEN/D in a positive and proactive way, whatever their age, gender, race, attitude or background.

Defining SEN

The 2014 Code of Practice: 0-25 says that:

A person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. At compulsory school age this means he or she has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others the same age, or, has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools. (Introduction: xiii and xiv)

Headlines from the 2014 Code of Practice: 0-25 years.

  • No more statements will be issued by the Local Authority. Statements have been replaced by Education, Health and Care plans which can be used to support children from birth-25 years.
  • School Action and School Action Plus have been replaced by one school based category of Need known as ‘Special Education Needs Support’ (SENS).
  • There are four categories of SEN:
  • communication and interaction
  • cognition and learning
  • social, emotional and mental health
  • physical and sensory


At St John’s C.E.P School Primary school we aim to:

  • Ensure all pupils receive a broad, balanced and relevant education through access to the National Curriculum.
  • Make all pupils feel valued for the individual contribution they make to our school, and to ensure they reach their full potential as summed up in our Mission Statement:
  • Raise the expectations of and expectations for all pupils with SEN/D.

At St John’s we all work together to live by our inclusive Christian values. Everyone in our school family is encouraged to reach their full potential.

2. Objectives

2:1 To ensure early identification of children with SEN/D and inform parents/carers;

  • Teachers are responsible for identifying those children in their own class who are experiencing difficulties with any aspect of the curriculum
  • All teachers have the opportunity to meet with the SENCO
  • Parents are consulted at an early stage if their child is experiencing learning difficulties and informed regularly through IEPs of children’s progress
  • Foundation Profiles are monitored closely by teachers and the SENCO to highlight any issues children may have later on in school

2:2 To ensure children’s difficulties are met through differentiated planning and targeted groups/individual interventions.

Teachers identify which level pupils are working within and write appropriate IEPs (Individual Education Plans) with support from the SENCO if required.

  • The SENCO is informed when additional outside agencies support is needed, guidance from outside agencies are incorporated into IEPs, and interventions where appropriate.


2:3To provide all pupils with access to the NationalCurriculum;delivered in the most integrated way possible;

  • Pupils with physical disabilities will be provided with appropriatespecialist equipment and support
  • Staff will adapt their classroom organisation and range of teaching skills to meet individual needs
  • Staff will plan the National Curriculum at appropriate level for individuals

2:4 To ensure progress is regularly reviewed, assessed, recorded and provision revised each term;

  • Staff will complete regular IEP reviews each term. These will be monitored by the SENCO and shared with parents
  • IEPs are working documents with relevantSMART targets
  • IEPs and targets are shared with the pupils involved

2:5 To actively involve parents/carers in planning support and the reviewing progress;

  • Parents are invited into school to help with reviewing IEPs and setting new targets for their child

2:6 To facilitate opportunities for pupils with SEND to negotiate and reflect upon their own learning and progress;

  • Staff will involve the child and seek their views on progress, learning styles and new targets

2:7 To involve outside agencies where appropriate and enhance cooperation between professionals, parents/carers and the pupil;

  • SENCO to ensure liaison between all parties and willarrange meetings when appropriatewith outside agency

2:8 To develop an appropriate Resource Base appropriate for SEND pupils;

  • SENCO to assess resources available and resourcesrequired through liaison with staff, governing body and Headteacher, who will allocate sufficient funds to meet SEN/D requirements.

2:9 Staff to identify needs with SENCO;

  • Class Teachers will meet with SENCO every term to discuss the progress of vulnerable groups within each class and any further concerns.
  • SENCO will meet with class teachers in Summer Term to discuss the transfer of children to new classes, their needs and how these can be catered for in a new class.

2:10 To review and revise the SEN/DPolicy at regular intervals as an integral part of the school’s development plan with the involvement of staff and governors;

  • SENCO to assess Policy and through the School Improvement Plan to provide an overview.

2:11Toarrange an annual review for all Statemented pupils;

  • SENCO to arrange annual reviews following code of practice guidelines and liaise with all involved.

2:12 To arrange Pupil Centred Review meetings when children move up to the next Key Stage

3. School Admissions and Inclusion.

3.1 St John’s C.E.P School welcomes all pupils and endeavours to provide the appropriate provision for all children. Pupils with SEND will be treated as all applicants for admission to the school and pupils with statements are at the top of our admission criteria.

3:2 St John’s C.E.P School Primary school, as an inclusive school, will endeavour to give all children equal opportunities to access the National Curriculum.The school has strong links with Ladywood Outreach Servicewho provide support for teachers and pupils.

3:3 St John’s C.E.P School Primary school is a two storey building. Considerations will be given to any future building work ensuring they meet requirements for disabled access (see accessibility plan).

3:4 St John’s C.E.P School Primary School liaises with transition schools inviting SENCOs and TAs to review meetings. All current and past IEPs are passed to the relevant school when a child transfers. The SENCO will also contact the SENCO of the transfer school to inform them of the child’s needs.

3:5 St John’s C.E.P School Primary school liaises with a number of outside agencies including the School Nurse, Speech and Language Services, Children’s Services, CAHMs, Educational Psychologist and Looked After Children Psychologist. Links to these services are made through the SENCO who will then liaise with the class teacher involved and the child’s parents.

3.6 The school also employs ten full time Teaching Assistants. The staff work with a wide range of children including SEN/Dchildren - workingon their targets from their IEPs.

3.7 The school has employed a specialist Behaviour and Engagement Learning Mentor, who will work with children identified as having social, emotional and mental health issues.

The school has links with many external agencies that provide support for all pupils in school. We aim to ensure that all external staff feel part of our school community and work closely with pupils/parents/carers and staff.

4. Roles and Responsibilities

4:1 School

St John’s C.E.P School Primary as a whole school is responsible for the provision for children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities and any other additional needs not covered by differentiation in lesson time. The school plays a vital role in developing positive and constructive relationships with pupils, parents, carers and outside agencies.

4:2 The Governing Body

The Governing Body as a whole, alongside the Headteacher has responsibility for overseeing the provision of SEN/D provision at St John’s C.E.P School. The Governors have appointed Mrs Dorothy McGlynnas SEN/D Governor who has specific overview of the school’s provision for SEND. She will report to all Governors on the provision in school.

4:3 The Headteacher

The Headteacher will also provide non-contact time for the SENCO to allow for the fulfilment of duties, be available to advise the SENCO and keep the governing body fully informed of all SEN/D issues.Through the Governors annual report to parents, the Headteacher will inform parents about the provision made for SEN/Dchildren within school and any updates to theSEN/D policy. The School Prospectus contains details of SEN/D provision within St John’s C.E.P School.

4:4 The SENCO/Inclusion Co-ordinator

The SENCO/Inclusion Co-ordinator will be responsible for:

  • Co-ordinatingSEN/D provision within the school through differentiated planning and targeted groups/individual interventions.
  • Support staff in producing and reviewing IEPs, IBPs and Statements.
  • Liaise with TAs about their responsibilities and progression of children they are working with.
  • Observing STAs on a regular basis to monitor and inform their CPD
  • Be available to advise staff on SEN/D issues
  • Be available for parents/carers to discuss their children’s SEN/D and subsequent provision.
  • Liaise with outside agencies where appropriate and enhance co-operation between professionals, parents/carers and pupils.
  • Meet termly with Headteacher to review SEN/D issues within school.
  • Will plan input with the Educational Psychologist in line with pupils’ individual needs.
  • Monitor the impact of the SEN/D Policy annually alongside the SEN/D Governor and Headteacher.
  • Report to Governing Body about SEN/D issues as requested by the Headteacher.
  • Oversee all SEN/D records, including IEPs.
  • Be responsible for organising and conducting all annual Statement Reviews.
  • Liaise with secondary and special schools when pupils are preparing for transition.
  • Deliver SEN/D inset to school staff as requested by the Headteacher
  • Keep abreast of new and current SEN/D issues and pass on to relevant people.
  • Ensure progress is regularly assessed and recorded in the SENCO file.

4:5 The Class Teacher

The Class Teacher will be responsible for:

  • SEN/D identification and informing parents/carers
  • Writing child friendlyIEP/IBP using the B Squared document and with the advice fromSENCO or outside Agencies, and put into place resources to achieve these targets
  • Record in daily/weekly plans the periods of time when specific support is given to a pupil and when a pupil is working on IEP/IBP targets. This is identified with a # in planning and children’s books
  • Involve parents/carers in targets setting process
  • Involve the pupil in setting of targets and in subsequent reviews of their progress
  • Review (½-termly) the provision for children with SEND
  • Differentiate the curriculum for pupils with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities
  • Ensure all children’s needs are met through differentiated planning and targeted groups/individual intervention.
  • Direct and manage the daily support of SEND pupils by support teachers and TAs
  • Liaise with SENCO during IEP reviews, as well as transition meeting at the end of the year,to update class SEN/D register

4:6 Special Needs Assistants and Teaching Assistant

SNAs and TAs will be responsible for:

  • Work alongside the classteacher supporting children in their learning
  • Help children access Numeracy/Literacy and the wider curriculum
  • Establish and maintain relationships with individual/groups of children
  • Promote children’s social and emotional development
  • Plan and evaluate learning activities under the guidance of the class teacher (planning and observation sheets to be kept on clipboards/TA files)
  • Contribute to maintaining records of the children
  • Observe, assess and report on the children’s performance
  • Assist in preparing and maintaining the learning environment
  • Contribute to the management of children’s behaviour

5. Allocation of Resources

5:1 At St John’s C.E.P School Primary School the SEND Budget is managed by the Headteacher and Governing body. It is allocated to fund the provision of SEND children, and interventions.

6. SEND Complaints Procedure

6:1If any parents/carers have any concerns about the education of their child with special educational needs and/or disabilities they should contact school immediately. Any concerns regarding a child’s progress should initially be discussed with the class teacher and/or SENCO. If the concern cannot be satisfactorily dealt with at this stage it should be brought to the attention of the Headteacher in line with the school’s Complaints Policy. If the Headteacher is unable to resolve the difficulty, the concerns of the parents/carers should be put in writing to the SEND Governor. Where necessary the Chair of Governors should be involved to help resolve the issue.

6:2 If the LA’s decision is not to implement aEducation Health and Care Plan for a pupil after the Statutory Assessment the parents/carers must be informed by the LA of the reasons for such a decision and of their right to appeal to the SEND Tribunal. This right also applies if there is a complaint about the provision detailed in a Statement or Education Health and Care Plan.

7. Assessment Arrangements

7.1Classroom teachers are continually assessing the children on a daily/weekly basis and any concerns about individual children are brought to the attention of the SENCO.Assessments will be completed as required depending on the individual child.

7.2Reading ages for all SEND children are assessed and recorded twice a year using the Salford Sentence Reading Test. We test pupils’ spelling ages annually. Assessment results are recorded three times per yearwith progress and attainment of SEND children being monitored, and compared to national data, by the SENCO. Where it is needed, theSENCO will discuss with class teachers any concerns they have.

In some cases the SENCO will refer children to the Educational Psychologist. Assessments from the EP will be held in the children’s individual file.

8. Working with Parents

8.1 At St John’s C.E.P School Primary School we communicate with parents and value their views and input about their child’s education through:

  • Informing parents of any concerns about their child
  • Developing an Individual Education plan, alongside parents, with specific targets for each child identified as having a special need
  • Empathise with parents’ concerns, difficulties and feelings
  • Ensure that parents are helped to understand their child’s needs and are invited to regular meetings with the SENCO or the class teacher to review their child’s progress
  • Parents can make an appointment to speak to the SENCO or class teacher about any concerns

9. SEND Training

St John’s C.E.P School Primary school provides training to all staff through staff meetings and training days. This training is provided by the SENCO, Head Teacher and outside Specialists.

All Newly Qualified Teachers will meet with the SENCO during their first half term.

The SchoolDevelopment Plan and Performance Management will indicate SEND training needs. Through the school’s Development Plan and staff’s Professional and Performance Management, training for SEND is prioritised and allocated to appropriate Staff.

All Teaching Assistants and Special Needs Assistants are given induction and training from the SENCO and Head teacher.

10. Bolton’s Local Offer

The purpose of the local offer is to enable parents and young people to see clearly what services are available in their area and how to access them. It includes provision from birth to 25, across education, health and social care. Bolton’s Local Offer is available from the website.

11. School offer

The purpose of the School Offer is to inform parents of the types ofsupport available for their child at St John’s Primary School. It will help parents to understand who can help and how this support can be accessed. It is freely available from the school office, or can be located on the schools website.