2011 Roll for the Dough Guidelines

Pennsylvania District will continue the“Roll for the Dough “program.The purpose is to encourage our Chapters to visit each other and attend both our Convention and others within our Region.

The District will pay the 2012 Chartering fees for each Chapter that has achieved 20 points during the period from November 1, 2010, through October 31, 2011. The Chapter that has the most points in excess of the 20 required points would also receive a $100 check from the District.

Chapters can earn points by attending another Pennsylvania District Chapter’s scheduled event such as a Ride, Poker (Dice Run), and Chapter Gathering. Chapter visits will only earn 1(one) point. Also included in the approved chapters are any chapters from our neighboring border states such as New York, Ohio, New Jersey, and Maryland. Any Chapter-to-Chapter visit will only earn 1(one) point.

2 points will be awarded for attending All Chapters East and 2 points for All Chapters West.

If your Chapter attends a Convention within the North East Region they will earn 2 points. The Conventions for 2011 are The New England Convention, the New Jersey/New York Convention, Maryland’s Winter Thing, and of course the Pennsylvania District Convention.Any other District event in the Region other than the Convention will only count as one point.

The Guidelines:

1. Five card-carrying members from your chapter must attend the event.

2. Pictures must be sent to the Chapter Visitation Coordinators, Clair and Ruth Matter, Phone # (570)-998-9722 E-mail:

3. The Chapter Visitation Coordinators must receive either a printed or digital group photo of your members at the event with a description and date, within 10 days of the event.

4. You can only get credit for one visit to any chapter one time per year regardless of the type of event you are attending.

The Pennsylvania District Director, Region or National Staff from Pennsylvania are not eligible to be counted in your five card-carrying members. Assistant District Directors are eligible to participate with their “home chapter” when visiting, with the exception of when they are within their own quadrant of responsibility. All other PA District Staff are eligible to be counted and it is our hope that they along with the Chapter Directors will take an active role in the visitations.

In the event of a tie in the number of visits over 20, the winner of the $100 will be decided by the cumulative count of members that participated during the visits for the year.