Numeracy Action Plan GLENROY COLLEGE

School Numeracy Vision
The purpose of the Numeracy plan is to:
·  Create a strong link between the student, the teacher and the content
·  Commit to agreed protocols and practices for the teaching and learning of Mathematics at GC
·  Develop a common understanding on content and high level strategies for teaching and learning of Mathematics at GC
·  Hold self and others accountable for protocols, practices and content
·  Develop and sustain a consistent approach in the teaching and learning of Mathematics
·  A clear understanding of the link between Mathematics and Numeracy
Element / Sub-elements / Focus / Target Practice / Actions
Whole School
Numeracy / Improving numeracy is a school initiative / The priority of the numeracy
co coordinator is to ensure students’ success in school and ultimately enhance their future quality of life by supporting teachers to develop a sustained and consistent approach to numeracy at GC / ·  Numeracy strategies are promoted, designed and implemented across the curriculum
·  Students’ numeracy skills improve
·  Students’ communication and real-world problem-solving skills improve
·  There is a relationship between the maths teaching and improving numeracy skills
·  Numeracy is evident whenever Mathematical skills and understanding are being used to analyse and solve real problems
·  A culture exists where all teachers are responsible for their students’ numeracy skills. Teachers have knowledge of the numeracy demands and opportunities in their subject and respond to an individual’s learning needs, particularly for those students at risk / ·  Numeracy booklets with basic numeracy skills to be done at a specified time.(e.g. 5 min at the beginning of period 1 or whatever)-End of term 4
·  Staff to identify areas with in their domains and particular topics where numeracy can fit in-Term 2 2010
·  Work with individual domains to incorporate and support teaching plans
Numeracy and the teaching
of Mathematics
in the
Math Domain / Documentation/
Planner and the teaching of Mathematics to meet the needs of all students / Documentation and Practice:
That all math teachers will be effective numeracy teachers and teach within the shared understanding of an effective maths lesson at GC (refer to Math lesson at the class level of this documentation)
That all staff are responsible to share, plan and contribute to the planning documentation. / ·  VELS aligned
·  Sequential approach to the teaching of each unit
·  Continuum activities
·  Differentiating activities
·  Activities to include-ICT,RIME.Maths 300,worded problems, relevant vocab for that unit, open ended tasks Thinking Tools
·  HRLTP to be incorporated in all Math classes
·  Pre and post tests to be consistent at each year level(Year 7 to 9)
·  Consistent in approach of teaching and extending at students proximity levels.
Numeracy and the teaching of Mathematics
at each year level / Consistent practice of how Mathematics is taught at the college / That all math teachers will be effective numeracy teachers and teach within the shared understanding of an effective maths lesson at GC
That all staff are responsible to share, plan and contribute to the planning documentation. / ·  The Year level planning session (Year 7 to 9) will provide the opportunity to:
·  Discuss classroom practice and student learning issues.
·  Share, reflect and plan with administrative matters dealt with via email or other means of communication
·  Discuss and moderate student work, teaching strategies, activities used and issues for discussion at each meeting.
·  Focus on the lessons for the coming week
·  Differentiate activities
·  Design pre and post tests that cater to all VELS levels taught across the year level .Teachers to utilize appropriate sections.
·  Document activities in the differentiating planner
·  Evaluate Multiplicative thinking at Year 7
·  Evaluate CAMS and STAMS at Year 8
·  Design assignments and rubrics at each year level .One per semester
·  All meetings will have an agenda and minutes for each planning session
All meetings need to reflect the protocols for meetings at the College
Students at risk / Intervention will be provided for students operating 2 or more years below the expected levels
Numeracy and the teaching of Mathematics
at the class level
Expectations of each teacher of Mathematics / Consistent practice / That all math teachers will be effective numeracy teachers and teach within the shared understanding of an effective maths lesson at GC in all Maths classes / Maths teaching at GC will include:
o  The teacher develops shared expectations for learning and interacting.
o  They stimulate interest and curiosity, promote questioning and connect learning to real world experiences.
o  Through the activities the teacher elicits students’ prior knowledge and supports them to make connections to past learning experiences.
o  The teacher presents a purpose for learning, determines challenging learning goals and makes assessment and performance requirements clear.
o  They assist students to consider and identify processes that will support the achievement of the learning goals
o  The teacher presents challenging activities to support students to generate and investigate questions, gather relevant information and develop ideas.
o  Tools and strategies are provided by the teacher for students to organize information and ideas.
o  The teacher identifies students’ conceptions and challenges misconceptions.
o  They assist students to expand their perspectives and reflect on their learning.
o  Attentive to the nature of the activities and student responses, the teacher intervenes accordingly.
o  The teacher provides opportunities for students to explain their current understanding.
o  They explicitly teach relevant knowledge, concepts and skills. This content is represented in multiple ways.
o  The teacher provides strategies to enable students to connect and organize new and existing knowledge.
o  To assist students in representing their ideas, the teacher uses language and images to engage them in reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing.
o  The teacher explicitly teaches the language of the discipline.
o  They structure opportunities for students to practice and progressively assess students’ understanding.
o  The teacher engages students in dialogue to continually extend and refine their understanding
o  They support students to identify and define relationships between concepts and to generate principles or rules.
o  The teacher selects contexts from familiar to unfamiliar, which progressively build the students’ ability to transfer and generalize their learning.
o  In applying their understanding, students are supported to create and test hypotheses and to make and justify decisions.
o  The teacher monitors student understanding, provides explicit feedback, and adjusts instruction accordingly.
o  The teacher supports students to refine and improve their performance using assessment criteria in preparation for a culminating performance of understanding.
o  Integrating evidence from each phase the teacher formally records students’ progress against learning goals.
o  The teacher provides feedback and assists students to evaluate their progress and achievements and reflect on their learning processes.
o  They support students to identify future learning goals.
·  high but realistic expectations of all students
·  effort promoted and valued
·  a variety of groupings used to meet students’ needs
·  alternative instruction/assessment activities provided
·  students challenged at an appropriate level, in light of their readiness, interests and learning profiles
·  Evidence in planning meeting on strategies used to extend students who are working at an extended level as well as supporting students who are at below the expected level.
·  (Support can include visual aides, concrete material as well as activities to develop skills at an appropriate level.
Materials, tools
and representations:
·  a range of materials/representations/contexts are used for the same concept
·  concrete/visual material to be taken to all classes
·  visual and concrete materials used to support specific units of work
Consistent approach to homework as agreed at the particular year level. This will be to set homework at specified date and the follow up.
·  key mathematical ideas discussed during and /or towards the end of a lesson
Assessment methods:
·  data-Qualitative and quantitative
·  a variety of assessment strategies used
·  planning modified as a result of data and assessment
·  Pre and post testing consistent and VELS aligned
·  Moderation of student work
·  Having high expectations of all students
·  Contributing to planning documents
·  Consistent use of VELS and Math’s continuum in the planning process
·  Familiarity with progression points across VELS levels
·  Awareness of students performance levels and students working in zone of proximal development
·  Keep assessment records to share with team and measure performance
·  Use a range of teaching strategies to meet the different learning styles of all students
·  Attending meetings to share ,reflect and plan
·  Engagement in professional reading for Mathematics and the teaching of this subject
·  Commitment to agreed practices in all classrooms
·  Curriculum planning will reflect the varying needs of cohorts of students
Meeting Protocols / ·  Respect each other as professionals
·  Agree to meet on time and finish on time
·  All mobile phones will be switched off
·  We will work together as a team to improve practice.
·  We will use data to provide evidence of successful practice.