School Matters: Every Child Matters

0001 10:00:10:12 10:00:13:11

(radio) The carers of

a north London girl have been jailed

0002 10:00:13:11 10:00:16:13

for life for her killing. Tom

Bateman has more on this case.

0003 10:00:16:13 10:00:20:09

It's one of Britain's

worst ever cases of child abuse.

0004 10:00:20:09 10:00:24:04

Victoria repeatedly slipped through

the net of Social Services and NHS.

0005 10:00:24:04 10:00:25:23

People failed to spot her plight.

0006 10:00:25:23 10:00:31:06

A postmortem revealed

128 separate injuries on her body.

0007 10:00:31:06 10:00:33:23

Haringey Council's

Child Protection Agency

0008 10:00:33:23 10:00:36:14

admitted it was partly to blame.

0009 10:00:38:03 10:00:41:16

(narrator) In response to the

Victoria Climbie inquiry of 2003,

0010 10:00:41:16 10:00:44:17

the government set out

its new green paper.

0011 10:00:44:17 10:00:46:20

"Every Child Matters"

has implications

0012 10:00:46:20 10:00:50:17

for all childcare agencies,

but most of all for schools.

0013 10:00:50:17 10:00:53:20

Though the legislation was in

reaction to child protection,

0014 10:00:53:20 10:00:56:20

"Every Child Matters"

is all-encompassing.

0015 10:00:56:20 10:00:58:14

Under the new common framework,

0016 10:00:58:14 10:01:01:24

schools will be driven to work

in multi-agency teams,

0017 10:01:01:24 10:01:05:13

be fully inclusive,

and open extended hours.

0018 10:01:06:13 10:01:10:06

Their responsibility now

goes beyond the school gates,

0019 10:01:10:06 10:01:13:14

as they care for

every child in every way.

0020 10:01:13:14 10:01:16:16

What ECM means for me

is a shift in the culture

0021 10:01:16:16 10:01:20:08

and a real commitment to focusing

on the individual child,

0022 10:01:20:08 10:01:21:15

and their needs,

0023 10:01:21:15 10:01:25:03

and what it takes for them

to be able to succeed in school.

0024 10:01:25:03 10:01:27:08

I don't believe

there's any child anywhere

0025 10:01:27:08 10:01:29:23

who doesn't want to do better

in school, or in life.

0026 10:01:29:23 10:01:32:23

I think what happens is

sometimes children come to believe

0027 10:01:32:23 10:01:35:22

that they can't,

and so say they don't.

0028 10:01:35:22 10:01:38:11

(woman) Schools are

very inflexible places,

0029 10:01:38:11 10:01:43:01

and you have to have flexibility

in order to allow a child to fit in.

0030 10:01:43:01 10:01:44:24

Traditionally, I think, schools,

0031 10:01:44:24 10:01:48:03

if a child doesn't fit,

it's the child's problem.

0032 10:01:48:03 10:01:50:07

We try to see it another way,

and try to say,

0033 10:01:50:07 10:01:54:04

"What do we have to do to make sure

that child and family can fit?"

0034 10:01:55:00 10:01:58:15

(woman #2) The vision of "Every

Child Matters" is widely welcomed.

0035 10:01:58:15 10:02:01:05

We have five outcomes

that work together,

0036 10:02:01:05 10:02:04:15

that children and young people

told us were most important to them.

0037 10:02:04:15 10:02:09:05

That they wanted to be healthy,

stay safe, enjoy and achieve,

0038 10:02:09:05 10:02:11:13

make a positive contribution

to society,

0039 10:02:11:13 10:02:13:20

and achieve economic well-being.

0040 10:02:13:20 10:02:16:16

In a way, it's not a vision

that you can argue with.

0041 10:02:16:16 10:02:19:00

The issue is around

the practicalities.

0042 10:02:19:00 10:02:22:20

(narrator) In this film, we look at

how two inner-city secondary schools

0043 10:02:22:20 10:02:26:07

have taken on board

their new duty of care.

0044 10:02:27:21 10:02:30:16

MayfieldSchool and College,

in north-east London,

0045 10:02:30:16 10:02:34:14

is just beginning to implement its

version of "Every Child Matters".

0046 10:02:34:14 10:02:36:00

A school, like most,

0047 10:02:36:00 10:02:38:20

that has a number

of additional support departments.

0048 10:02:38:20 10:02:43:04


Any messages for me today?

0049 10:02:43:04 10:02:48:02

(narrator) Sue Jones co-ordinates

the learning support team.

0050 10:02:48:02 10:02:49:22

Good morning, SCN.

0051 10:02:49:22 10:02:50:22

Thank you.

0052 10:02:52:01 10:02:54:03

Good morning, can I help you?

0053 10:02:54:03 10:02:58:04

(narrator) MayfieldSchool is a

typical inner-city secondary school,

0054 10:02:58:04 10:03:01:13

with a sophisticated

internal pastoral care network.

0055 10:03:01:13 10:03:05:21

He's a teenager and they hate

their mums, so don't worry.

0056 10:03:05:21 10:03:11:05

(Rehling) We've got three learning

mentors, a large number of LSAs.

0057 10:03:11:05 10:03:14:23

We have a large SEN department,

we have a large EAL department.

0058 10:03:14:23 10:03:17:13

When it comes down to it,

the real resource is time.

0059 10:03:17:13 10:03:21:21

It's time and people. And time

and people costs a lot of money.

0060 10:03:21:21 10:03:23:13

I've found out that...

0061 10:03:23:13 10:03:25:22

One support assistant

won't be in today,

0062 10:03:25:22 10:03:28:15

so I now need to cover

the child that she works with,

0063 10:03:28:15 10:03:31:17

cos the child is a child

with 25 hours support,

0064 10:03:31:17 10:03:33:09

which is full-time support.

0065 10:03:34:11 10:03:38:12

(narrator) Like most schools, they

only work with childcare agencies

0066 10:03:38:12 10:03:42:02

off-site, or as a bolt-on

to their normal school.

0067 10:03:42:02 10:03:44:17

So when a child

protection issue arises,

0068 10:03:44:17 10:03:49:02

they refer the case externally

to the Social Services.

0069 10:03:49:02 10:03:51:02

(woman) If there's

a protection issue,

0070 10:03:51:02 10:03:52:15

we will make the referral,

0071 10:03:52:15 10:03:55:08

because we feel

that there is a concern.

0072 10:03:55:08 10:03:59:21

As far as I view it,

it is then up to Social Services,

0073 10:03:59:21 10:04:02:19

or whichever other body

is involved,

0074 10:04:02:19 10:04:05:21

to prioritise that referral.

0075 10:04:05:21 10:04:10:10

And it may be that they don't see it

as something that's very important.

0076 10:04:10:10 10:04:13:20

It may be that they see it as

something that doesn't need action.

0077 10:04:13:20 10:04:16:13

Right. Boys, excuse me. Out.

0078 10:04:16:13 10:04:19:02

You know that you're not in here.

Let's go.

0079 10:04:19:02 10:04:21:19

(Rehling) The multi-agency

working is fundamental

0080 10:04:21:19 10:04:23:23

to the success

of "Every Child Matters".

0081 10:04:23:23 10:04:27:14

If we're really serious about

not getting into a situation

0082 10:04:27:14 10:04:30:22

like that of Victoria Climbie again,

0083 10:04:30:22 10:04:33:07

then we really do need a situation

0084 10:04:33:07 10:04:36:00

where people aren't

falling through the gaps.

0085 10:04:37:23 10:04:40:18

(man) Sinitta, I wanted

to have a quick chat about...

0086 10:04:40:18 10:04:42:01


0087 10:04:42:01 10:04:45:05

(narrator) Pupils' needs

range from physical and emotional

0088 10:04:45:05 10:04:47:08

to social and financial,

0089 10:04:47:08 10:04:50:16

many of which are out of

the school's direct control.

0090 10:04:50:16 10:04:54:04

It's when these cases

are referred to external agencies,

0091 10:04:54:04 10:04:57:16

and schools have to work with

other childcare professionals,

0092 10:04:57:16 10:04:59:20

that the system

most often breaks down.

0093 10:04:59:20 10:05:02:12

We're trying to work out

exactly what's happening

0094 10:05:02:12 10:05:04:10

with one of our students,


0095 10:05:04:10 10:05:06:23

Problem is, we haven't

heard back anything...

0096 10:05:06:23 10:05:11:03

The actual reality

of working together

0097 10:05:11:03 10:05:16:04

often produces, in the teaching

profession, a certain defensiveness,

0098 10:05:16:04 10:05:21:02

where teachers will return to what

they regard as their core task,

0099 10:05:21:02 10:05:23:19

"I am trying to educate

this young person",

0100 10:05:23:19 10:05:29:09

and use that as defence

against the different rates,

0101 10:05:29:09 10:05:32:07

the different rhythm,

the different expectation,

0102 10:05:32:07 10:05:35:16

of the intervention by Social

Services, or Mental Health.

0103 10:05:35:16 10:05:39:12

I've spoken to Social Services

this morning. It's been a nightmare.

0104 10:05:39:12 10:05:43:01

Different professionals have to find

ways of working with each other,

0105 10:05:43:01 10:05:46:12

have got to find ways

of speaking a common language,

0106 10:05:46:12 10:05:50:15

have got to find ways of being in

the same building with each other.

0107 10:05:50:15 10:05:54:01

That's a challenge, because

one of the things we're finding,

0108 10:05:54:01 10:05:58:04

even in initial discussions,

is that it can be quite hard

0109 10:05:58:04 10:06:00:14

to find a common vocabulary.

0110 10:06:04:14 10:06:08:04

(narrator) On the other side

of London is George Green's School,

0111 10:06:08:04 10:06:13:04

a school which pre-empted the "Every

Child Matters" agenda by 11 years.

0112 10:06:13:04 10:06:17:11

You've missed registration.

Straight in and get a late slip.

0113 10:06:17:11 10:06:19:18

A lot of

"Every Child Matters"

0114 10:06:19:18 10:06:23:13

are things that we've been doing

as a matter of course for years,

0115 10:06:23:13 10:06:26:05

so it's the staff

who make the difference in this.

0116 10:06:26:05 10:06:29:06

And it's about the processes

you go through to involve them.

0117 10:06:29:06 10:06:32:21

They feel part of it, and they

understand what we're trying to do,

0118 10:06:32:21 10:06:35:04

and they know what

their part is in that.

0119 10:06:35:04 10:06:38:12

(man) Trying to get them in on time.

0120 10:06:38:12 10:06:41:22

Just trying to hurry them in,

they're missing their registration.

0121 10:06:41:22 10:06:45:08

They're late already. They get

ten minutes for registration,

0122 10:06:45:08 10:06:47:01

quarter to nine to five to.

0123 10:06:47:01 10:06:51:11

So we try to lock the gates

dead on five to, but it's just gone.

0124 10:06:51:11 10:06:54:10

We've developed

people like Jabir.

0125 10:06:54:10 10:06:57:06

He came in as part of

the sports leaders' team.

0126 10:06:57:06 10:07:00:19

He trained as a teaching assistant,

trained in conflict resolution.

0127 10:07:00:19 10:07:04:04

Now, I think there'll be lots more

things for Jabir that he can do.

0128 10:07:05:00 10:07:08:03

(narrator) George Green's

has developed a relationship

0129 10:07:08:03 10:07:09:23

with external agencies,

0130 10:07:09:23 10:07:12:07

and has a team

of childcare professionals

0131 10:07:12:07 10:07:14:11

all based on the school site.

0132 10:07:14:11 10:07:17:24

Duncan Evans was previously

the local police officer,

0133 10:07:17:24 10:07:23:01

but has now joined the school's

team, and works on-site full-time.

0134 10:07:23:01 10:07:26:04

Basically, my role

is to protect victims,

0135 10:07:26:04 10:07:29:14

and also suspects, and build

relations within the school,

0136 10:07:29:14 10:07:33:08

so people know the police aren't

seen as the bad side of things.

0137 10:07:33:08 10:07:37:22

Also, reporting crime and picking up

on any child protection issues,

0138 10:07:37:22 10:07:42:04

working with Social Services, Youth

Offending teams, and Jabir as well,

0139 10:07:42:04 10:07:45:10

to try and get in

at the root cause of the problem.

0140 10:07:45:10 10:07:49:12

I was born and bred in Tower

Hamlets, I've never left the area,

0141 10:07:49:12 10:07:51:05

so when I was growing up...

0142 10:07:51:05 10:07:55:13

I mean, I never exactly had

a good relationship with the police.

0143 10:07:55:13 10:07:56:22

It's quite an eye-opener.

0144 10:07:56:22 10:07:59:18

When Duncan first started

working in the school,

0145 10:07:59:18 10:08:03:17

one of the ideas we suggested was

sort of mix-and-match his uniform.

0146 10:08:03:17 10:08:06:21

One day come in his normal clothes,

then uniform.

0147 10:08:06:21 10:08:11:01

So Duncan's quite a trendy person.

I have to tell him that.

0148 10:08:11:01 10:08:14:04

They saw the other side of Duncan,

the barrier wasn't there.

0149 10:08:14:04 10:08:17:02

"Look at Duncan's trainers,

look at Duncan's top."

0150 10:08:17:02 10:08:20:17

So it's seeing Duncan

being a human being,

0151 10:08:20:17 10:08:23:14

that's what helps towards

building up the relationship

0152 10:08:23:14 10:08:26:13

with the pupils with Duncan.

0153 10:08:26:13 10:08:30:07

(narrator) On a regular basis,

the team of health, Social Services,

0154 10:08:30:07 10:08:34:03

learning mentors, academic support,

and other professionals

0155 10:08:34:03 10:08:36:13

meet to discuss each case in turn.

0156 10:08:36:13 10:08:39:20

Jon Kelly, as head of teaching

and learning support,

0157 10:08:39:20 10:08:41:23

is in charge

of this multi-agency team.

0158 10:08:41:23 10:08:45:01

The reason we're here is

so that we can have a discussion

0159 10:08:45:01 10:08:47:04

about the multi-agency

review meeting

0160 10:08:47:04 10:08:49:16

I had on Robert last Thursday.

0161 10:08:49:16 10:08:53:16

These are the minutes, and I want to

make sure we know what's happening.

0162 10:08:53:16 10:08:57:07

The team began

out of a need within the school.

0163 10:08:57:07 10:08:59:20

There were lots of

initiatives going on,

0164 10:08:59:20 10:09:01:24

such as a behaviour support team,

0165 10:09:01:24 10:09:05:16

you have a complex needs team,

there are literacy support teams.

0166 10:09:05:16 10:09:07:04

Various other initiatives,

0167 10:09:07:04 10:09:10:11

so you might have two or three

professionals working with someone.

0168 10:09:10:11 10:09:12:22

And there wasn't

joined-up thinking going on.

0169 10:09:12:22 10:09:15:16

In terms of health, Mary,

tell us what's happening

0170 10:09:15:16 10:09:19:02

re Robert's medication,

and the health concerns we've had.

0171 10:09:19:02 10:09:22:07

He's got new medication that

the parents are administering.

0172 10:09:22:07 10:09:25:24

They'd like us to administer it,

but his attendance is too erratic.

0173 10:09:25:24 10:09:28:20

(Kelly) Are we concerned

it isn't being administered?

0174 10:09:28:20 10:09:32:23

Our administering medicine policy

says that we are allowed

0175 10:09:32:23 10:09:35:04

to give out this kind of tablet.

0176 10:09:35:04 10:09:38:12

I think we should work towards that

quickly, cos it's much safer.

0177 10:09:38:12 10:09:40:17

In terms of Social Services


0178 10:09:40:17 10:09:43:19

- is there any news on that at all?

- No.

0179 10:09:43:19 10:09:46:24

We're still waiting for

their appraisal? OK, fair enough.

0180 10:09:46:24 10:09:50:17

(Kelly) The network of professionals

works with education leading,

0181 10:09:50:17 10:09:53:09

and when it works successfully,

the school is the hub

0182 10:09:53:09 10:09:55:14

of the network

for an individual child.

0183 10:09:55:14 10:09:59:02

The reason that that works the best

is the school is usually the place

0184 10:09:59:02 10:10:01:02

that has the contact

with the family,

0185 10:10:01:02 10:10:04:18

so in an ideal situation, a child

will attend the school every day.

0186 10:10:04:18 10:10:06:21

This means as a community hub,

0187 10:10:06:21 10:10:09:10

it's a better place

to draw in professionals,

0188 10:10:09:10 10:10:13:24

rather than an occasional visit

to the hospital or the psychiatrist.

0189 10:10:13:24 10:10:17:07

How about Rennett? Obviously,

a lot of the time he's in school,

0190 10:10:17:07 10:10:20:09

Robert's been working with you.

How's that going?

0191 10:10:20:09 10:10:23:05

I think his whole attitude

has changed, you know?

0192 10:10:23:05 10:10:24:22

He's really positive now,

0193 10:10:24:22 10:10:28:08

and I think we can start integrating

him back into classes soon.

0194 10:10:28:08 10:10:30:14

Sorry, but my concern

with that is,

0195 10:10:30:14 10:10:32:16

every time

we've extended the provision

0196 10:10:32:16 10:10:35:18

or reintegrated him back

into class it's gone pear-shaped.

0197 10:10:35:18 10:10:38:07

But I think if we stay

in the class with him,

0198 10:10:38:07 10:10:40:09

I think he will learn and do OK.

0199 10:10:40:09 10:10:43:23

What's your sense of this? Cos

you know him as well as any of us.

0200 10:10:43:23 10:10:47:15

I think, judging from the way

I've seen him conduct himself,

0201 10:10:47:15 10:10:48:21

within the school,

0202 10:10:48:21 10:10:53:00

he seems a lot more subdued and

a lot quieter, a lot more focused.

0203 10:10:53:00 10:10:56:01

Perhaps carry on

for a bit as we are now,

0204 10:10:56:01 10:11:00:16

see how that goes, and then perhaps

even if it's just one lesson a week,

0205 10:11:00:16 10:11:02:22

you know,

out of that period that he's in,

0206 10:11:02:22 10:11:05:05

that he does that

and see how it goes.

0207 10:11:05:05 10:11:08:19

- That'd be excellent.

- It's going to be small steps...

0208 10:11:08:19 10:11:11:24

There's a good example

of how the service within school

0209 10:11:11:24 10:11:14:09

has actually helped us

to resolve crises

0210 10:11:14:09 10:11:17:08

in children's lives very quickly.

0211 10:11:18:04 10:11:21:06

Recently, two members

of my team did a home visit,

0212 10:11:21:06 10:11:24:17

because a lad was schoolphobic

and refusing to come to school.

0213 10:11:24:17 10:11:27:17

When they got there,

the house was filthy,

0214 10:11:27:17 10:11:29:21

the electricity

had been cut off,

0215 10:11:29:21 10:11:31:24

there was a dog

sleeping in a child's cot,

0216 10:11:31:24 10:11:34:06

and there was dog mess

all over the carpet.

0217 10:11:34:06 10:11:37:21

They returned to school and

spoke to the school social worker.

0218 10:11:37:21 10:11:41:05

He was able to make a visit the

next day with the school policeman,

0219 10:11:41:05 10:11:46:09

gain access, and the child has been

placed in the care of other people.

0220 10:11:46:09 10:11:48:02

He's now back in school,

0221 10:11:48:02 10:11:51:04

and he's being included

for a couple of hours a morning.

0222 10:11:51:04 10:11:55:04

Had this happened before the social

worker and policeman were on-site,

0223 10:11:55:04 10:11:58:07

we'd have had to go through

a very long referral process,

0224 10:11:58:07 10:12:01:11

whereby whatever went on

in that house would have continued

0225 10:12:01:11 10:12:03:11

for weeks and possibly months.

0226 10:12:03:11 10:12:06:20

Social Services would have

made a judgement from our referral

0227 10:12:06:20 10:12:11:04

against all the other referrals

as to whether they acted on it.

0228 10:12:12:21 10:12:16:06

(narrator) Inclusion is a large part

of "Every Child Matters".

0229 10:12:16:06 10:12:21:20

It's driving schools to try

and accommodate every child's needs.

0230 10:12:21:20 10:12:25:14

Mayfield School has

a hugely mobile population.

0231 10:12:25:14 10:12:30:17

In any one week, they could have

up to 20 pupils arrive or leave.

0232 10:12:30:17 10:12:34:02

One of the biggest issues that

we have is the sheer scale of it,

0233 10:12:34:02 10:12:36:15

where you have...

An individual teacher here

0234 10:12:36:15 10:12:40:18

may see upwards of 100

different students a day.

0235 10:12:40:18 10:12:43:17

For them to be able

to identify every single need

0236 10:12:43:17 10:12:48:02

and to be able to intervene

with every student is a tall order.

0237 10:12:48:02 10:12:50:19

So we have a large

number of professionals

0238 10:12:50:19 10:12:52:21

who work with students.

0239 10:12:52:21 10:12:55:11

So what two words do you think

are gonna go there?

0240 10:12:55:11 10:12:58:01

(narrator) One of the key

initiatives is providing

0241 10:12:58:01 10:13:00:23

additional English lessons

to refugee children

0242 10:13:00:23 10:13:04:00

who have very basic English skills.

0243 10:13:04:00 10:13:06:13

- (boy) Football.

- Football. OK.

0244 10:13:06:13 10:13:08:24

One of the big issues

at the moment

0245 10:13:08:24 10:13:13:04

is that around 12% of our

student population are refugees.

0246 10:13:13:04 10:13:15:24

And if you imagine

the difficulty of being a refugee,

0247 10:13:15:24 10:13:20:00

having come from goodness knows what

in your home country,

0248 10:13:20:00 10:13:23:15

suddenly finding yourself in

a school in Dagenham, in London,

0249 10:13:23:15 10:13:27:06

it could be a pretty

frightening prospect for anybody.

0250 10:13:27:06 10:13:30:03

So we put a lot of work

into developing

0251 10:13:30:03 10:13:34:02

integration and induction

programmes for these students,

0252 10:13:34:02 10:13:37:19

so that they can at least have some

sort of access to the curriculum

0253 10:13:37:19 10:13:39:05

as quickly as possible.

0254 10:13:39:05 10:13:43:06

What question are you gonna ask me?

What's the first question?

0255 10:13:43:06 10:13:45:20

Do you like play football?

0256 10:13:45:20 10:13:47:24

OK. Yes, I do.

0257 10:13:47:24 10:13:51:01

Some of the children

didn't speak English at all,

0258 10:13:51:01 10:13:54:18

and so we had to start with

"yes" and "no", really,

0259 10:13:54:18 10:13:56:23

and also starting with writing.

0260 10:13:56:23 10:14:01:00

Some didn't write, they'd never had

education in their own countries.

0261 10:14:01:00 10:14:04:15

The lesson's finished, but what

you're gonna do for homework,

0262 10:14:04:15 10:14:05:19

very easy...

0263 10:14:05:19 10:14:08:18

(Rehling) One issue facing

schools is having the courage

0264 10:14:08:18 10:14:13:04

to go for a fully inclusive

"Every Child Matters" agenda,

0265 10:14:13:04 10:14:16:10

because there is a risk when

you start alternative courses

0266 10:14:16:10 10:14:19:16

that if you haven't got students

on a straight diet of GCSEs,

0267 10:14:19:16 10:14:22:01

if you haven't got

a pure A-level sixth form,

0268 10:14:22:01 10:14:24:05

then points scores might suffer.

0269 10:14:24:05 10:14:28:07

I think we have the children that we

have, their needs are what they are,

0270 10:14:28:07 10:14:33:17

their aspirations are what they are,

and our job is to create aspiration

0271 10:14:33:17 10:14:36:03

within those children

for whom it's difficult,

0272 10:14:36:03 10:14:39:20

to give them self-confidence and

to give them avenues for success,

0273 10:14:39:20 10:14:41:16

whatever those avenues are.

0274 10:14:41:16 10:14:46:09

Because whatever we can do is going

to engage those children more fully,

0275 10:14:46:09 10:14:48:19

which is going to reduce

problems elsewhere,

0276 10:14:48:19 10:14:53:17

is going to make them people

who are confident learners,

0277 10:14:53:17 10:14:56:23

and confident to go out

in society and make a difference.

0278 10:14:56:23 10:15:00:01

What's the problem?

Is it the amount you have to do?

0279 10:15:00:01 10:15:03:17

Is it, for example, you're

finding it hard to spell, or...

0280 10:15:03:17 10:15:07:04

(narrator) George Green's School

reviews pupils' progress

0281 10:15:07:04 10:15:09:09

to make sure

they fulfil their potential.

0282 10:15:09:09 10:15:12:05

- Won't give us a lot of time.

- (Grove) Not enough time.

0283 10:15:12:05 10:15:15:23

There is a connection

between inclusion and attainment.

0284 10:15:15:23 10:15:20:09

If you're trying to include

youngsters of every ability,

0285 10:15:20:09 10:15:24:05

which we have in this school,

we're a true comprehensive school.

0286 10:15:24:05 10:15:27:13

So our job is to meet the needs

of the more able and talented,

0287 10:15:27:13 10:15:29:18

of the sort of

average ones in the middle,

0288 10:15:29:18 10:15:33:13

those with the SEN difficulties,

and those with additional needs.

0289 10:15:33:13 10:15:38:09

We've got all sorts here. Now,

every child there matters to us,

0290 10:15:38:09 10:15:42:07

and as long as we can show progress

for each individual child,

0291 10:15:42:07 10:15:44:09

that's what makes a difference.

0292 10:15:48:19 10:15:51:20

(narrator) The fear for schools

is that the effort needed

0293 10:15:51:20 10:15:56:16

to treat pupils as individuals won't

be reflected in the league tables.

0294 10:15:56:16 10:15:58:14

But the DfES are proposing

0295 10:15:58:14 10:16:01:17

a new way for schools

to highlight the work they do.

0296 10:16:01:17 10:16:05:19

The new school profiles

give schools the opportunity

0297 10:16:05:19 10:16:08:14

to explain

in a more individualised way

0298 10:16:08:14 10:16:11:06

how they go about

helping support children.

0299 10:16:13:00 10:16:17:02

And interestingly, one of the clear

responses we got back from parents

0300 10:16:17:02 10:16:19:15

was that they were

interested in understanding

0301 10:16:19:15 10:16:22:10

not just what

the school did to support

0302 10:16:22:10 10:16:25:01

the educational

achievement of pupils,

0303 10:16:25:01 10:16:27:09

but also the other ways

0304 10:16:27:09 10:16:30:24

in which schools helped

their children to be happy -

0305 10:16:30:24 10:16:34:09

not to be bullied,

to eat well at school -

0306 10:16:34:09 10:16:37:09

and all of those things

are what parents want to see

0307 10:16:37:09 10:16:39:09

in school profiles.

0308 10:16:42:03 10:16:46:21

(narrator) At George Green's School,

their team's ability to act quickly

0309 10:16:46:21 10:16:51:14

improves their capacity to include

pupils at risk of being excluded,

0310 10:16:51:14 10:16:56:02

and more who would otherwise have

been placed in special schools.

0311 10:16:56:02 10:16:58:02

We have a sixth-form

entry provision

0312 10:16:58:02 10:17:00:14

for young people with

learning disabilities,

0313 10:17:00:14 10:17:03:15

and often combined with

physical disabilities as well.

0314 10:17:03:15 10:17:07:19

There's a few kids, for example,

with Down's syndrome in there.

0315 10:17:07:19 10:17:12:20

That's a very good example

of the need to integrate services.

0316 10:17:12:20 10:17:17:03

The vast majority of them

have their own social worker,

0317 10:17:17:03 10:17:21:05

the vast majority of them have

quite complex medical needs as well,

0318 10:17:21:05 10:17:23:10

so when you review

the kids it's essential

0319 10:17:23:10 10:17:25:24

there are professionals

from Social Services

0320 10:17:25:24 10:17:28:16

and from the health

professions as well,

0321 10:17:28:16 10:17:31:17

so that we can follow

a joined-up approach with them.

0322 10:17:31:17 10:17:34:24

(Straw) What kind of things do you

think we'll be doing in Devon?

0323 10:17:34:24 10:17:38:05

- It's my first time...

- You've not been before.