June 18th to July 29th


The summer of 2014 is the fifth year we invite to the group walk from Oslo to Trondheim. This walk starts in Oslo, and will this year go over Krokskogen to Bønsnes, the place where St. Olav is said to have lived as a child. From there we walk to Granavollen, over the agricultural landscape of Toten to Gjøvik. From Gjøvik, with the steamboat Skibladner we get to Hamar. On the east side of Lake Mjøsa we follow the path to Lillehammer and through the valley Gudbrandsdalen to Hundorp and Dale-Gudbrands farm. This is the legendary place where St. Olav destroyed the statue of the Norse god Thor, one of the most significant stories on how Norway came to be Christianised. We keep on through the Gudbrandsdalen, over the mountain of Dovrefjell and down through Orkdalen. From here we follow the forest over to Skaun and in to Trondheim. In Trondheim we will end our journey participating at the Olavsfestdagene – the annual festival celebrating and commemorating St. Olav.

The year of 2014 is in Norway connected to the 200 year anniversary of the Norwegian constitution of 1814. But there is also another anniversary this year, the 1000 year anniversary of the baptism of St. Olav in the French city of Rouen. It is the history of St. Olav, and in particular his violent death in the battle of Stiklestad, which came to signify the Christianisation of Norway and ensured his sainthood, that is the background of the historical pilgrim ways in Norway and our pilgrimage today.

But who is today’s pilgrim? There are no single answers to this question. Some would say everyone who walks on the pilgrim ways. Others say it is people breaking up from their homes heading for a sacred place. No matter your personal goal and reason for this journey, for your pilgrimage, as a participant in the group walk you are a pilgrim amongst pilgrims. Together we will walk parts of the route towards Nidaros. Our hope is that this journey will be a breathing space from your daily life, and that at the same time you will connect to something deeper in yourself. Through this walk we wish to create meetings, meetings with yourself, with your co-walkers and meetings with the spiritual inheritance of the pilgrim way through hymns and prayers. The walk will also mean meetings with nature and culture. Meetings that give us the possibility to share, not only thoughts and views, not experiences alone, but the possibility to share life. You are free to be yourself and to set your own boundaries. We meet in mutual respect for each other and the boundaries we set.

We can also describe the pilgrim walk like this: A pilgrim walk is an outer journey: It is about my body, my feet, my senses, about the nature around me and the community I share with my co-walkers. A pilgrim walk is a historic journey, a journey backwards: We walk in the footsteps of people who in medieval times sought hope and help at the burial site of St. Olav. We seek to be part of the pilgrim history and the traditions of the pilgrimage. A pilgrim walk is lastly an inward journey: A journey in and into my individual history and personal story –what has shaped me into who I am. – To many, some or all of these three aspects have religious connotations.

Life is here, life is now. We welcome you as participant at the group walk 2014!

Roger Jensen - Pilegrimssenter Oslo, Liv Kristin Lyngstad - Pilegrimssenter Granavollen, Tone Stræte – Pilegrimssenter Hamar, Per Gunnar Hagelien – Pilegrimssenter Dale-Gudbrand, Hans-Jacob Dahl - Pilegrimssenter Dovrefjell

Practical information:

Daily program:

The program will vary some from day to day, but as a rule we will try to follow this schedule:

07.00 We get up

08.00 Breakfast

09.00 Morning prayer. The walk starts.

17-19 Supper time – time will vary some.

21.00 Meeting for the pilgrims to discuss pilgrim related topics. Evening prayer.

23.00 Lights out

Daily walks:

We will walk at a fairly slow pace. Most days we will walk for approximately 7 to 9 hours. We are walking at a normal speed of 3,5 kilometres pr hour, we also have breaks for 1 hour altogether every day.


The standard of accommodation will vary. In general, accommodation for the participants will be simple. At some places we’ll stay in hotels, but simpler lodging will be the main rule. We cannot rule out the possibility that one in exceptional cases has to sleep on the floor.

Sleeping bag and a sleeping mat (German: Isomatte) (maybe a self-inflating mat) MUST be brought along.


At every over-night stay or close by we will get supper, breakfast and a pack-lunch. We will also get a refill on our thermos.

Walking guide:

All participants will get a guide made for this walk. This guide will have practical information, route description, songs and prayers.

Pilgrim passports:

The participants will all get their own pilgrim passport. Those who want to can get stamps from the different places you visit.

Transport of luggage:

The pilgrims will not have to carry more that they need for the days walk. It will be possible to have the luggage brought from one accommodation to the next.

Group size:

The group will be maximum 20 participants + walking leader(s).

Start and stop:

To participate you need to walk one or more of the scheduled stages:

Oslo – Granavollen; 6 days.

Granavollen – Hamar; 3 days.

Hamar – Lillehammer; 4 days.

Lillehammer – Otta; 9 days.

Dovre – Oppdal; 6 days.

Oppdal – Trondheim; 9 days.

Walkers who join us are welcome to tell us whether you arrive by bus, train, plane or car.


If any of the participants have allergies or special demands regarding food we need to get information about this and we will make the necessary adjustments.


Everyone who participates should have their own travel insurance in case of any unforeseen matters occur. We do not refund expenses by early departure.


The registration is to be sent to Pilegrimssenter Granavollen.


Telefon: +47 406 00 177

Your registration is valid when the expenses have been paid in.


The expenses for food, accommodation and transport of luggage is included in the price of NOK 600,- pr day. This price is for pilgrims walking the whole pilgrimage from Oslo to Trondheim. For pilgrims walking a part of the pilgrimage, the cost is NOK 750,- per day.

The amount is paid in advance to Pilegrimssenter Dovrefjell, account: 2065.60.28298

We request that the amount is paid 14 days before your journey starts.

If you pay from abroad:

Bank: Dnb Bank ASA, 0021 Oslo, Norge.

IBAN: NO9220656028298.


If we get notification that you cannot join the walk at least 14 days of your start, we will refund your paid expenses. Notification before departure, but less than 14 days before, we will take 750,- fee, the rest of your expenses will be paid back. Notification on the day the walk starts or later – no refund.

Other useful information:

Our most important information source is Here you will also find links to the regional centers. On the regional pages there will be information about different happenings the participants can join during the walk.

On arrival in Trondheim the group walkers will attend the evening walk and midnight mass the 28th of July. The group walk will end on Olsok, the 29th of July with high mass in Nidaros cathedral and after church coffee at Pilegrimsgården.

A lot is happening in Trondheim these days, we recommend the Olav fest days which is held from the 26th of July to the 3rd of August. For more information go to


The regional pilgrim centers arrange the group walk together, and have responsibility for one stage each:

Oslo – Bønsnes: Roger Jensen, Pilegrimssenter Oslo. Tlf. 480 52 949

Bønsnes – Hamar: Liv Kristin Lyngstad, Pilegrimssenter Granavollen Tlf. 406 00 177

Hamar – Lillehammer: Tone Stræte, Pilegrimssenter Hamar. Tlf. 474 78 266

Lillehammer – Otta: Per Gunnar Hagelien, Pilegrimssenter Hundorp. Tlf. 456 04 608

Otta – Trondheim: Hans-Jacob Dahl, Pilegrimssenter Dovrefjell. Tlf. 924 83 147