NSBE Space Project Management Meeting
Project Plan
Arusha Rover Cabin Structures
1.0 Project Objectives and Scope
1.1 Project Objectives
1.1.1 Complete preliminary sizing of the cabin primary structure
1.1.2 Design flooring and secondary structures to accommodate for workstations, crew stations, and subsystems developed by other Arusha rover project teams
1.1.3 Prepare cost estimates and identify vendor options for a medium fidelity mockup of the rover Cabin Structures
1.1.4 Engage at least five NSBE technical professionals and create STEM exposures for over 7000 youth in the pursuit of project technical objectives
1.2 Scope Statement
1.2.1 Arusha Rover
Swahili for "he makes fly (into the skies)", Project Arusha is a technology project to examine the transitional steps between early exploration and human colonization of the Moon. Arusha is based upon the concept of a central lunar outpost at the South Pole of the Moon that houses a population of 48 astronauts, with additional human-tended facilities scattered across the lunar surface. A long range rover is needed to provide crew transportation between the outpost and these facilities. The Arusha Rover project is a concept design for such a long range lunar rover, capable of circumnavigating the Moon in a 30-day period with a six-person crew. Multiple Arusha project teams will work together to complete this project.
1.2.2 Arusha Rover Cabin Structures Team
The Arusha Rover Cabin Structures Team will create a point of departure design for the primary and secondary structures of the Arusha Long Range Rover. Anticipated technical work is described in this plan and includes structural design for primary pressure vessel, floor, secondary structures, suit port nacelles, hatches, and interfaces. Additionally, the team will ensure the design is compatible with a future medium fidelity cabin mockup. The team will utilize the NSBE JEDI structure to conduct outreach and mentor NSBE students into STEM careers.
1.2.3 Definition of Project Completion
Various Arusha Rover project teams will be created and disbanded over time as needed to perform subsets of the engineering work required to develop this vehicle. Ultimately, the Arusha Rover project will result in a prototype vehicle, in much the same fashion that NASA has developed the prototype Lunar Electric Rover that was field tested in Arizona as part of the NASA Desert RATS exercise. The Arusha Rover Cabin Structures project team is responsible for the structures subsystem of the rover cabin. The Arusha Rover Cabin Structures project is defined as complete when the following work has occurred: The forward section of the rover cabin has been modified based on data received from the Arusha Rover Cockpit project team. Structural designs have been completed for the primary pressure vessel, floor, suit port nacelles, hatches, and interfaces. Design work has been completed for internal and external structural attach points, hatches, blind mating interfaces, marmon flanges, under floor hatches and secondary structures, sleep station floor anchor points, exercise device secondary structures and anchor points, and pressure vessel and floor penetrations and closeouts for subsystems, ducting, and plumbing. A finite element analysis study has been completed for the cabin primary structure. A CAD model has been completed for all components of the Arusha Rover Cabin Structures and integrated with the Arusha Rover CAD model. A medium fidelity mockup CAD model and supporting structural analysis work has been completed for the Arusha Rover Cabin Structures. A Master Equipment List has been completed for all components of the Arusha Rover Cabin Structures and integrated with the Arusha Rover MEL. A Requirements Compliance Review has been conducted by the Chief Technologist (or designee) to ensure that the CAD model and MEL represent a compliant design. Completed technical work has been presented as technical papers at a NSBE Aerospace Systems Conference or other aerospace industry technical conferences. A project close out review has been conducted by the Chief Technologist and Space SIG Director, including a go-no-go decision with regard to incorporation of project team work into a full scale medium fidelity Arusha rover cabin mockup.
The Arusha Rover Cabin Structures project team shall automatically disband upon completion of the project close out review.
1.3 Scope Management Plan
The project team is geographically distributed across the United States. The team, with support from the Space SIG Board of will recruit appropriate African American subject matter experts to join NSBE and participate as members of the team. Work will be paced to align with the technical competencies of the project team. NSBE university chapters will be selected as JEDI Enclaves based on their ability to support key areas of project responsibility. The Project Manager will allocate technical responsibilities to Project Engineers as driven by team expertise and capability. The team will use its regularly scheduled meetings to track performance and resolve issues. Each Project Engineer responsible for an Enclave will also communicate at least weekly with that Enclave’s Padawan to ensure regular Enclave progress. Any changes in scope will be discussed with the Space SIG Director and Space SIG Chief Technologist, with modifications made to this Project Plan to accommodate them.
1.4 Project Requirements
Note: In requirements language, all statements are expressed with either “should” or “shall” statements. A “shall” is a non-negotiable mandate, while a “should” is a recommendation that can be negotiated or even rejected with suitable explanation.
1.4.1 Operational Requirements MEL Requirements The team shall designate a Project Engineer as the Master Equipment List (MEL) Archivist. All components designed or selected by the team (including but not limited to pressure shell, hatches, hatch mechanisms, windows, frames, suit ports, suit port mechanisms, floor, railings, and other structural elements) shall be recorded in the MEL. Each MEL listing shall include: system, subsystem, item name, quantity, shape (rectangle, cylinder, sphere, irregular, etc.), dimensions, volume, mass, peak power, nominal power, fabrication type (raw material, assembled product, or commercial product), CAD name, name commercially sold as, vendor URL, cost. CAD Requirements The cabin shall be modeled in the CREO CAD package. The team shall designate a Project Engineer as the CAD modeling lead. The CAD modeling lead shall determine a naming convention and file storage structure to maintain team CAD models. The CAD modeling lead shall coordinate with the CAD modeling leads of other Arusha project teams to develop a process for exchanging CAD models. Until the establishment of an Arusha integration project team, the Cabin Structures team shall be responsible for integrating CAD models from other teams into the primary rover CAD model. The Cabin Structures team shall maintain a cabin structures CAD model that integrates into the primary rover CAD model. The Cabin Structures team shall maintain a cabin structures mockup CAD model that is based on and uses materials suitable for a medium fidelity mockup of the cabin. The Cabin Structures team shall not be responsible for the primary rover mockup CAD model.
1.4.2 Structural Requirements Materials Requirements The cabin pressure vessel walls shall be made from Aluminum 2195. General Requirements The cabin shall be the pressurized, inhabited section of the Arusha long range rover. The cabin shall withstand operating pressures of 14.7, 10.2, and 8.4 psi. The cabin shall allow for both external and internal attachments The cabin shall allow for reconfiguration of interior components The cabin shall be a cylindrical pressure vessel with a total length of 12.2 meters and a diameter of 3 meters. The cabin barrel section shall be 8.72 meters in length. There shall be a system of internal structural attach points to connect workstations, crew stations, and other secondary structure to the pressure vessel. There shall be a system of external structural attach points to connect other vehicle subsystems and components to the pressure vessel exterior. Aft and Nose Requirements The cabin aft dome shall be a truncated hemisphere with a length of 1.074 meters. The cabin aft dome shall have a flat bulkhead on the aft end with a diameter of 2.32 meters. The cabin aft dome shall include a docking hatch centered in the aft dome with an opening of 60 inches tall by 40 inches wide with identical radius rounded corners to those on the NASA MMSEV Cabin 2a and 2b docking hatches. The cabin nose shall be 2.406 meters in length. The configuration of the cabin nose [RESERVED – pending input from Cockpit team] There shall be windows in the cabin nose for driving visibility. The window configuration [RESERVED – pending input from Cockpit team] Floor Requirements The cabin shall include a floor. The floor shall be eight feet in width. The floor height above the bottom of the pressure vessel shall be defined as the point where an eight foot wide floor meets the cabin walls. The floor shall be mounted on a shelf/railing attached to the cabin structure that supports the entire perimeter of the floor. The floor shall contain access hatches to allow access to deployable equipment and equipment located beneath the floor. The floor shall contain access hatches in the Cockpit for the four table legs of the Deployable Dining and Meeting Table. The floor shall contain access hatches in the Cockpit at Seat Five for access to wet and dry trash. The floor shall contain access hatches in the Cockpit at Seat Six for access to a refrigerator and a freezer. The floor shall accommodate a treadmill between the waste and hygiene compartments. The floor shall contain an access hatch in the Deployable Maintenance Workstation to allow access to an under floor 3D printer. The floor shall contain an access hatch in the Deployable Maintenance Workstation to allow access to an under floor CNC/milling/lathe machine. The floor shall contain an 81-inch long by 30-inch wide access hatch in the Deployable Medical Workstation to allow access to an under floor deployable robotic patient table. The floor shall contain access in the Deployable Medical Workstation to the under floor Sterilization Autoclave Washer. The floor shall contain access in the Deployable Medical Workstation to the Medical Waste Compartment’s under floor Vacuum Machine, Compaction Chamber, and Holding Bay. The floor shall contain structural anchor points for the Deployable Sleep Stations. The floor shall accommodate resistive exercise equipment in front of the docking hatch. The floor shall contain penetrations for ducting, plumbing, and other subsystems connectivity. The floor shall structurally support the mass of up to fourteen (14) persons and all onboard equipment in a 1G environment. Suit Port Requirements The cabin shall include a suit port nacelle in the starboard aft section containing three suit ports. The cabin shall include a suit port nacelle in the port aft section containing three suit ports. The suit port nacelles shall be positioned 12.62 inches forward of the aft end of the barrel section. The suit ports shall be identical in dimension and separation to the NASA Cabin 1b MMSEV Suit Ports. The suit ports shall be centered in the suit port nacelles. The suit port hatches shall be positioned vertically to avoid interference with the Deployable Maintenance Workstation and Deployable Medical Workstation horizontal work surfaces. Overhead Logistics Module Requirements The cabin shall include an Overhead Logistics Module access hatch centered between the waste and hygiene compartments with an opening of 40 inches by 40 with identical radius rounded corners to those on the NASA MMSEV Cabin 2a and 2b docking hatches. Hatch Requirements The suit port hatches shall mirror those used by the NASA MMSEV. The Overhead Logistics Module hatch (inclusive of hatch, hatch mechanisms, and hatch frame) shall mirror the side hatches used by the NASA Cabin 2a and 2b MMSEV. The Overhead Logistics Module hatch and utilities blind mating interface shall be surrounded by a Marmon flange/Active-Active Mating Adapter interface similar to the one employed on the NASA Cabin 1b MMSEV, adjusted for the difference in hatch size and presence of the utilities blind mating interface. The Overhead Logistics Module hatch shall be hinged and shall open inwards. The Overhead Logistics Module hatch hinge shall be on the starboard side. The aft docking hatch (inclusive of hatch, hatch mechanisms, and hatch frame) shall be derived from the Overhead Logistics Module hatch, accounting for the change in dimension. The aft docking hatch and utilities blind mating interface shall be surrounded by a Marmon flange/Active-Active Mating Adapter interface similar to the one employed on the NASA Cabin 1b MMSEV adjusted for the presence of the utilities blind mating interface. The aft docking hatch shall be hinged and open inwards. The aft docking hatch hinge shall be on the starboard side. There shall be an aft docking utilities blind mating interface that is located between the hatch and the Marmon Flange and allows the exchange of potable water, waste water, power, data, internal thermal loop fluid, external thermal loop fluid, nitrogen, oxygen, and purge gases. There shall be an Overhead Logistics Module docking utilities blind mating interface that is located between the hatch and the Marmon Flange and allows the exchange of power, data, internal thermal loop fluid, nitrogen, oxygen, and purge gases.
1.5 Requirements Management Plan
The need for changes to requirements may be identified through team work, progress of other Arusha project teams, or other analysis. Proposed requirements changes must be documented with clear “From/To/Justification” written statements. All Arusha teams shall be given an opportunity to weigh in on the impacts of a proposed requirements change. Requirements changes must be approved by the Space SIG Director.
1.6 Project Milestones and Key Deliverables
1.6.1 Summer 2017 to Winter 2018 (2018 SPMM) Membership